what is the most meme tier programing language there is?
What is the most meme tier programing language there is?
meme means boobs in my language
All the lisps out there.
It's true, though.
fake and gay
Look at this shit, independent womyn goes to job interview, they ask to do a fizzbuzz in javascript, she doesn't know how to do it, gets mad and writes a blog post.
This is the kind of person that will end up installing 9999 frameworks to do something simple as fizzbuzz because she doesn't have any idea, that's the kind of person that is bloating the web.
jesus christ
sounds like fizzbuzz did its job
From now on,VBA will Become important.Half serious.
Holy fuck
The comments are all agreeing like "fizzbuzz is SO MATHEMATICAL I can't believe they'd ask you to do something so tuff"
I'm speechless...
Holy C
is calling C a meme language a meme?
CIA nigger
>Look at this shit, independent womyn goes to job interview, they ask to do a fizzbuzz in javascript
You can drop the womyn bit from it, that could be any webdev and you know it.
I agree with that fizzbuzz did its job.
I've met and worked with a few people who could have written that blog, all males.
>The comments are all agreeing like "fizzbuzz is SO MATHEMATICAL I can't believe they'd ask you to do something so tuff"
It's a webdev blog read by webdevs.
But actually, the 2nd-5th comments are all saying that the problem is easy and she should have been able to solve it.
>what is the most meme tier programing language there is?
99999 frameworks exist and 99 more are made every day and people are always pushing their special snowflake frameworks on blogs and youtube. It's total bullshit. You can literally write node in node installed on node and served by node. It's nearly impossible to do anything only in node unless you're working with the memest technologies that someone wrote a framework for.
e.g. you can use mongo but not postgresql.
She goes to an interview, knowing that she doesn't qualify for half of the requirements, let alone understand them. She still gets invited (presumably because of muh diversity) and proceeds to get pissed when people tell her she obviously doesn't qualify. How low do you need the bar to be?
This and Delphi
Oh boy.
I can't agree with the C comments. C is still one of the top 10 in-demand languages according to most or all of the sites that keep track of such things, and if you do anything systems-related or security-related you have to know C. Linux, Git, Vim, Nginx, the PHP interpreter, and countless other programs are all written in C.
Haskell is the real meme language.
All of them
>It's a webdev blog read by webdevs.
If you claim to be able to write Javascript (or ANY programming language for that matter) and made it through middle school you should be able to write a fizzbuzz in your sleep, "webdev" or otherwise.
Algebra is the same for everybody regardless who you are
If you can't even grasp the basic idea of one number being divisible by another, then you're not qualified for ANY programming job. Period.
C# I guess?
Microsoft is phasing VBA out for Javascript in Excel and Access. VBA is basically, finally, dead.
But the word "design" was in there! What do you mean you need to know how to divide by 2 just to get a job as a developer? Like, OMG MATH!
Sad jokes aside, modern CS grads cannot be counted on to do FizzBuzz, or even ultra simple loops. The standard question I use in interviews is "count down from 700 to 200 in decrements of 13", and most applicants fail.
Maybe we should start with "Can you tie your shoelaces without help from mommy?" Maybe "OMG MATH" folk can pass that test.
Yeah sorta but did they want designer or programmer?
In my experience if you want both it's two hires. To me fizz buzz had nothing to do with this and more about personality. ( Person went in thinking they were a snow flake... So arrogant they assumed it was this one thing that cost them the job....)
To me this sounds like someone who didn't learn jack shit from the job interview and still thinks they are a special rockstar snow flake and no one wants to work with people like that
Most languages are pretty crap in one way or another. When you say 'meme tier' do you mean esoteric like brainfuck or a terrible language being marketed as OK?
I actually can't believe this.
There is no way this is true.
Find me a product that's a bloated piece of shit and it will be written in Java.
I'm a CS major and anyone should have been able to do that after our first semester introduction to C.
I've been preparing for interviews by studying linked lists, but can't even get an internship :( I had to join the Air Force to get a chance. Cyber Warfare Ops for the win I guess.
Found the woman. Roastie get out!
Every accountant ever is going to be using VBA for the next 20 years.
Server side Javascript.
There's JavaScript and there's JavaScript.
There's a shittonne of "JavaScript developers" who work exclusively with telling jQuery to animate a menu and have never seen a loop.
They are fine at their job because we hire them to make boring pages look pretty and I don't let them code any logic.
We had a guy come with 5 years of "experience". He and his resume both said 5 years in front-end web dev, but he failed the following:
-Write a program to show the 12x12 times table.
-Write a program that starts at 700 and goes down to 200, in decrements of 13
-AFTER we explained why his first attempt at the above was wrong, he tried again... and failed. Pic related.
I have asked "programmers" to write a program to count from 1-100, and show which numbers are odd and which are even. Yeah, they failed that too.
so this is all I have to do to get hired somewhere?
or are these the "get the fuck out of here" questions right before you end the interview?
Read up on how FizzBuzz came to be. 99.5% of all programming job applicants do not know any programming at all. If you can program, then you are in the top 0.5%. Not top 50%, not top 5%, not top 1%, but top 0.5%.
>-Write a program that starts at 700 and goes down to 200, in decrements of 13
It took a while but I've put this together.
-define(SERVER, ?MODULE).
-export([init/1, handle_call/3, handle_cast/2, handle_info/2,
terminate/2, code_change/3]).
start_link(Start) ->
gen_server:start_link({local, ?SERVER}, ?MODULE, [Start], []).
init(Args) ->
[Start] = Args,
self() ! iterate,
{ok, Start}.
handle_call(_Request, _From, State) ->
{reply, ok, State}.
handle_cast(_Msg, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
handle_info(iterate, State) when State > 200 ->
io:format("~p~n", [State]),
self() ! iterate,
{noreply, State - 13};
handle_info(iterate, State) ->
{stop, "Clean Exit Reached", State};
handle_info(_Info, State) ->
{noreply, State}.
terminate(_Reason, _State) ->
well sir that's just gotta be the prajeet language of choice. .net
The miltiary is a pretty good choice for a technical person. You don't have to do it forever but you can have a shit ton of fun, learn heaps, and do some cool shit.
Also having a degree doesn't mean shit anymore, it basically makes you average.
>studying linked lists
But you're doing C programming.
You practically never use linked lists where you use C. Same with C++ or any pseudo performance oriented language like java.
I feel a lot better about myself now. I was asked to implement a stack once. This was an online programming test that was part of the interview process. I fumbled around for a bit, not really sure what to do. I knew what a stack was just not how to implement one. Until I remembered how ArrayList was implemented, its backed by an array. I thought ArrayList magically expanded and contracted when I was first introduced to it but after looking into it I was surprised to find its just an array with some clever methods. I'm not a CS grad and had not studied data structures and algorithms.
So I made a Stack class with an array and gave it pop push and peek methods. Boom, stack implemented. All because I remembered how ArrayList actually works under the hood.
>Write a program to show the 12x12 times table
int main (void) {
int i, j;
for (i = 1; i
the 700 to 200 in steps of 13, what do you look for? people who stop on 206 or 193?
We only did C for the first semester, then we switched mostly to Java.
Yes, it shows table.
What is your language dear user ?
Still the idea of studying datastructures for a programming career seems a bit odd. Get familiarity with the language through practice if it's a career you wish to pursue.
I doubt whoever is doing the interview are gonna have strong opinions on your performance in the questions they ask to get rid of the worst programmers.
>Am I applied?
I am not sure if this is what I was asking for, but yes, you are applied.
>99999 frameworks exist and 99 more are made every day and people are always pushing their special snowflake frameworks on blogs and youtube.
The web is fucked. Return to Gopher when?
>goes down to 200 in decrements of 13
But you can't right?
It 13 doesn't divide 200 evenly.
You break the rule of doing it in increments of 13 if you ever reach 200.
Are you supposed to take a partial last step?
So basically you break at x
I always fail at fizzbuzz because I always start at 0 instead of 1.
>divide 200
Meant 500 obviously.
That's some weird prolog.
That's now swipl, is it?
With some nonstandard extensions?
It's erlang.
>But you can't right?
You won't count 200, but you can count down from 700 in decrements of 13, and stop once you go below 200.
But mah dude, you could have done:
public class Stackeroni {
private ArrayList backingArr = new ArrayList();
public void push(E item) {
public E pop() {
return backingArr.remove(backingArr.size() - 1);
public E peek() {
return backingArr.get(backingArr.size() - 1);
private void emptyCheck() {
if(backingArr.isEmpty()) {
throw new RuntimeException("I'm too lazy to throw a checked exception, and your stack is empty");
Something like that at least.
It does the same thing yours did, and it got implemented faster. Yours might be a tad faster though.
Probably people who don't ask.
Or don't even get that far.
Here is a dirty solution (should work)
Is there is a more elegant way to do it in Javascript?
Ben Racicot
Permalink to comment# MAY 11, 2015
This post is near and dear to me and all to similar to many “interviews” I’ve been on. The whole fixbuzz thing is a huge joke. I have never used the or heard of PHP’s modulous operator before or since I failed the fizzbuzz test.
I’m also learning that if you have mastered all the skills listed in the description then why would you be interested in their company? You’d be at Google or something.
After consulting for a while (many interviews) I now go in more confident than ever. This is who I am, this is what I’ve done and this is where I’m going. Any time that approach doesn’t work I have not wanted to be there anyways and the times it has worked I’ve spent time at the company. :)
Man these comments are pure gold
Since the output is constant, you shouldn't do it wiht JavaScript. just compute the string once and put it in the HTML and be done with it.
>not enough money for college in mid 90s
>taught myself programming late 90s
>had reasonably successful shareware app late 90s / early 2000s
Didn't make me rich (obviously) but generated 5 figures per year for a few years.
>had one full time position early 2000s
Company was bought out and moved to another state. I didn't want to move.
>work as contractor since then
>feeling kind of shitty about contracts and income last two years
>apply for some FT positions
>"we're sorry" emails
Mind you I have applications literally running one local company (sweet contract for a few years, but they don't need more than what we've already developed). This includes client applications, some custom server applications, SQL databases, a few web front ends, all working together.
I also ported a commercial application for a small company from Windows to Mac OS. (Another sweet gig.)
In both cases it was all me. I wasn't a code monkey helping an internal team. I did all the work, made the architecture decisions, etc.
Lots of other stuff but this post is already long.
What am I doing wrong? What do I need to say on my resume to get an interview? I'm comfortable with, and have had contract work in, C/C++, C#, VB.NET, PHP, JavaScript, SQL (PostgreSQL, MySQL, and MS SQL), and I'm comfy on Windows or Mac. Little "can he code at all" tests I see on the web are a joke to me. (Like really? There are people who can't count down in a loop?)
Is the lack of a degree just killing my chances no matter what I do? It's kind of depressing to read a blog post from someone who went to a coder camp and got interviews then hired.
Yeah. But I'm just saying that 'down to' is not the same as 'go below'.
I guess since it's just an arbitrary assignment either interpretation is fine.
It is not about where they stop the loop. I want to know if they can write an ultra simple loop without help from Google.
Haskell, without a doubt.
Surely you can just
var output = i
Rather than setting it to nothing and then changing it.
>What do I need to say on my resume to get an interview?
Send me your resume (remove your name if you like) and I can give you feedback.
>Is the lack of a degree just killing my chances no matter what I do?
Not in IT. Between two people who are otherwise identical in skill, the one with a degree will get the job. In the other ~99% of the cases, the person who is better skilled, or asks for a lower salary, will get the job.
>Little "can he code at all" tests I see on the web are a joke to me.
I have a set of questions that I ask in interviews, if you want to see. You can grade yourself using actual questions asked in actual interviews.
Not him but I'd be interested in the questions.
>Send me your resume (remove your name if you like) and I can give you feedback.
You would be able to identify me from the commercial Mac OS port and the shareware app. Not that I care if this conversation were moved somewhere else.
>I have a set of questions that I ask in interviews, if you want to see. You can grade yourself using actual questions asked in actual interviews.
Post em!
Stop after printing a number below 200 or stop before printing a number below 200?
UX people have to know basic fucking coding.
The reason is that they have to talk with programmers.
If a UX designers suggest an approach that makes the program much better for the user, then the programmer must be able to evaluate that idea, and present the UX designer with the evaluation. And in that case, algorithmic complexity, big-O, and all those gory details will be a necessary part of that discussion.
I understand why she might think that a UX-person shouldn't know about modulo. But there are plenty of workable ways of doing that check.
You could also, for example, generate two boolean tables from 1-100 called divides-by-3 and divides-by-5 or so, doing something like this:
// pseudo code
bool[100] dividesBy3;
bool[100] dividesBy5;
int divCounter3 = 3;
int divCounter5 = 5;
loop for i from 1 upto 100 do {
if divCounter3 == 0
then: dividesBy[i] = true;
divCounter3 = 3;
else: dividesBy[i] = false;
decrement divCounter3;
// now for some fizzbuzzing!
loop for i from 1 upto 100 do {
if divisibleBy3[i] then:
if divisibleBy5[i] then:
if divisibleBy5[i] then:
Which while a silly way to do it, would work.
(you could also use one array of int, and add 1 to the indexed location if it's divisible by 3, and 2 if it's divisible by 5, and then have a switch on 0, 1, 2, and 3. I'm sure C-practicioners want to call that technique something else, but this is higher than snoop-dogg in Orlando tier pseudocode.)
You could also just define divisible by n as a function. Something like
boolean function divisible-by-n(num n) {
loop while num > 0 {
decrement num by n;
if num == 0 then: return true; fi
return false;
Which is REALLY slow compared to just doing modulo, but it gets the job done. And that's all that's asked for.
You don't *need* the modulo. It's just the easiest way.
Note that I'm not saying that any of these are good ways of doing it. But they do prove that there are ways of doing it that does not use modulo.
Feel free to let me know if any question is more ambiguous than is needed.
If you have more than 10 years of experience in programming, you may find these trivial and laugh at me. That is fine: I have only been interviewing entry-level applicants, and these are the questions I use.
Credit to Sup Forums, who suggested about half of these questions.
Those are remarkably easy yet they look pretty solid. Thanks user.
What do you mean by lazy evaluation of the tick tac toe? Is writing a diagonal/vertical/horizontal check function using a modulus operator where you check both 'sides' of the input square a 'lazy check'? What are we avoiding here? Checking the entire board or being too generic?
The first technical question though. Would the answer that a pointer store an address and an address is an enumeration of memory be OK? I'm not sure how to phrase that as a difference.
Is the structure vs class answer just about how C++ classes default to private while structures don't? Is that the same in java?
I really like the theory questions especially.
Ah, yeah, missed that.
For tictactoe you might want to try game theory oe whatever the fuck it's called
if ((board[0][0]==1)&&(board[0][1]==1)&&(board[0][2]==0)&&(board[1][0]==1)&&(board[1][1]==0)...
I have seen tic-tac-toe code in which there are a few dozen if statements like that. The "programmer" would just copy/paste the enormous if statement enough times to cover all potential possibilities, and write the best move for each. That is not programming, it is dumb brute force, and I would not hire anyone who does that.
wtf, this is some highschool level shit
in yurop we learn this in our high school equivelant
Don't know game theory but I don't think it has much to do with solving tick tack toe.
Ah so it's just avoiding the flat check.
For this specific problem it's really not that bad. But in general I can see it being an issue.
Want to see what the resume of a person with FOUR YEARS OF EXPERIENCE looks like?
Yes, this person, with THAT resume, has been working for FOUR YEARS.
FOUR 4 four _four_ (8/2) F-O-U-R EFF OWE YOU ARE fOuR FoUr YEARS, and that is what the resume looks like.
I think this is the best way to do number 3.
Done in a minute with Emacs's macro recordings.
I mean, a lot of them are very simple if you know the trick.
For example, for 7. you can just do:
(format nil "~@R" n) and you're done.
And you're allowed to do it too, since you're disallowed from doing so in number 8.
If it's disallowed explicitly there, then it must be implicitly allowed before.
And things like number 8 is also a bit weird. Do we get to use Sets? Maps? After all, prolog doesn't have Arrays, but it does have binary trees, and since the numbers are randomish, we could just use a tree there...
See the problem?
What you could do of course is something like:
// In Java, boolean values are initially false
boolean[] exists = new boolean[1000];
for(number n : falconGuideToNumbers) {
if(exists[n]) {
System.out.printf("The repeated number was %d%n", n);
else {
exists[n] = true;
Which has a running time of O(n), which is fairly decent.
But since not all languages have arrays...
It's better to specify what you get to use. Because the obvious thing is a set, since it's semantically obvious. Then you think about an array or a map.
And for things like Theory #7, I would use a database, and quite frankly, stick with DAOs to read from it, and the only thing I'd put out of it would be DTOs.
But someone coming from Node.js and MongoDB would do everything in node, and do nothing in MongoDB. Which one of us is more correct? Or is this a question about whether or not I fit into the culture?
I would have just made a dictionary of moves, with strings of the previous moves being the keys.
Because I can't remember the min-max algorithm in my head, and you don't get to google these things.
> schizophrenia
>modern CS grads cannot be counted on to do FizzBuzz, or even ultra simple loops. The standard question I use in interviews is "count down from 700 to 200 in decrements of 13", and most applicants fail.
Jesus christ. At my university, in order to complete the CS program you had to take a course on assembly in which we did things like programming binary trees and the like. It had a pass-fail ratio of 1:1 and was the biggest reason for people in the CS program switching to the IT program.
The idea that there are people out there with a BS in CS right now who can't into fizzbuzz is disheartening.
A similar anecdote, a couple years ago, I was at a career fair for CS/IT people at my university, and I was talking to a booth who had one of the interviewers present, and he said, "the biggest thing about our interview is SQL. Nothing complex, just basic stuff, like one of the most complex interview questions getting everything where some value is equal to something," and I said, "really? that's just select whatever from table where whatever=whatever" and his response was, "yeah, you wouldn't believe it, but that question weeds out about 90% of applicants."
>Done in a minute with Emacs's macro recordings.
The interviewee is expected to answer on a paper. Of course, you can just write 100 lines of printf, but does that show programming skill or cheekiness?
3c is throwing me for a loop because loops are control statements...unless you're looking for a recursion solution.
10 I had the same question as . No, I would never, ever type out a shit ton of if statements to cover every potential combination. I would beat someone for doing that.
10 I haven't thought about either sorting algorithm in probably 20 years, so that would have stumped me without a minute to refresh my memory via Google. If you had asked about quick sort or a binary search of a sorted array I would be fine.
Otherwise I think I would do fine.
>we have to do assembly
Doesn't really mean you can do a fizzbuzz.
Cheekiness. Obviously. And who doesn't like a cheeki breeki?
A whole fucking lot of developers don't know SQL.
Why do you think that NoSQL became so popular?
Because devs wanted key-value stores and that's it.
Learning new things is for pussies. We want to write JavaScript and only JavaScript until we die.