What would make Stallman cry?

What would make Stallman cry?

Other urls found in this thread:


couldn't find anything to eat between his toes

thinking about the 6 million Jewish people murdered in Nazi Germany

You mean 60 trillion, right?

Proprietary software.

Probably a lot of things like the retarded manchild he is.

Also I reported this shit thread because it's not technology.


Using proprietary software on GNU/Linux.
Being a linux cuck.

He tried to fart and shit his GNU/pants.

m8 some of his points may need some work, but his points still stand as something that is valuable to understanding our society as a whole.

That eight pointed star

...hes annual bath is due

>thinken of free

You mean the 60 gorillion don't you goy?? And don't even try to research it on Google!!

linux is made closed source

not Sup Forums related go back to
>>> Sup Forums
for shitposting

Actually the comment about Google is completely Sup Forums related. It's Google. And they've decided to be the internet search police and if there are any Sup Forumsayboys that don't know this then they need to.

the ONLY correct answer

Someone said Linux instead of GNU/Linux

Someone brought WinXP notebook and he heard the sound


Knowing that his genome isn't secuenced so people don't have Stallman's source code.
He is a proprieraty organism, utterly hypocrite.

Asking him to start his speech over midway through.


Remembering that he's a permavirgin.

his wife telling him that she wants a kid but not with him and she will leave him for a normie

Not even joking, there is a group of FSF followers here in Spain. Stallman came to give a conference. After the conference they had to take him somewhere, they went with the car. For some reason, he started to talk to them about how he decided to dedicate his life to free software and couldn't maintain a serious relationship with girls, and that he almost didn't remember what sex was. Someone made a joke about free sex being not as easy as free software, and he started crying, he started repeating how alone he was and how he will never have a family, how they compare him with Bill Gates, but he doesn't have a private jet. He talked about his health problems, etc.

I'm not inventing this shit, it's in a spanish blog somewhere (the author can be trusted and is a long time FSF fan).

When you let him sign your Notebook because it's running 100% free software and you start grinning and minimize the Hyper-V virtual machine that gNewSense was running in.

Nowadays it's fine for the goy to research it on Google, Mister Rosensteyn.
We bought ads and search ranks.

Boys lets fund a hooker for Stallman. He deserves it for all the work he is doing.

Fighting a losing battle.

He's a self-made martyr for a cause that he knows is destined to fail in its entirety. But he can't stop.

>the 6 million Jewish people murdered
Now you've got it all wrong. 6 million is the number normally quoted as the number of Jewish people the nazi party murdered. There's no significant historical record of mass murder committed by Jews.

Stallman isn't a virgin? I find this very hard to believe. I suppose he did bag that parrot by his own interpretation but I'm not sure he'd be referencing that incident here..

Get the man another parrot.

That's what the source said, that he didn't remember how sex was. You can find the entire story here, maybe google translate won't be total shit


absolutely horrible.
don't you know it's actually called GNU/Linux?

>Stallman isn't a virgin? I find this very hard to believe.
He tried to have honorary lesbian sex once.

>open software
>open relationships

how fitting


>Fighting a losing battle.

Now he wants our money for a campaign to make putting backdoors in phones and processors a felony. Good luck with that one, m80. We'd be better off just burning the money


stallman has to wait for a couple of years until he can develop free/libre sex robots.


>Apenas nos sentamos, RMS saca el portátil, se pone a trabajar. Enseguida el comandante nos avisa que teníamos retraso por saturación del espacio aéreo y que nos habían hecho embarcar para poder salir inmediatamente que nos dieran un slot. A los pocos minutos se acerca una azafata, pide a Stallman que apague el ordenador. (Inmediatamente pensé ¿qué hace esta mujer? ¿lo provoca a posta? como esas escenas de TBBT, cuando Penny le pregunta a Sheldon qué significa algo que dijo).

>– ¿Por qué debo apagarla? -pregunta RMS.

>– Porque son las normas de aviación.

>– Mentira señorita, es falso, las normas dicen que sólo cuando se cierran las puertas. Además, mire, están todos hablando por teléfono, mi ordenador no tiene ni lector de CD.

>– Pero señor…

>– Le dije que no, no estoy haciendo nada malo.

>La azafata se retira. Yo con cara de imbécil sin saber qué hacer o decir, Stallman tenía toda la razón, pero también todas las de perder.

>Viene un hombre, le dice lo mismo, Stallman insiste en que no lo va a apagar, que no le molesten, que tiene mucho trabajo.

>Al final viene uno de los pilotos, muy amable, pero le insiste y con voz dura. Al final le dice:

>– Mire, son las normas de Iberia, o lo apaga, o se tendrá que bajar.

>– OK, lo apago, pero nunca más volaré en Iberia.

>Me mira:

>– Ricardo, espero que mi vuelo a Valencia no sea con Iberia, si es así, cámbialo, no subiré a un avión de Iberia.

Kek, he trully is an autist


>that chaos star
Stallman confirmed Chaos lord of nurgle


Google translate will probably do a better job than me

According to Google Translate:

> As soon as we sit down, RMS takes out the laptop, gets to work. Then the commander warned us that we had delayed by saturation of the airspace and that we had been shipped to be able to leave immediately that they gave us a slot. A few minutes later a stewardess approaches, asking Stallman to turn off the computer. (Immediately I thought what does this woman do? Does she provoke him to post? Like those TBBT scenes, when Penny asks Sheldon what it means to say something).

> - Why should I turn it off? RMS asks.

> - Because they are the rules of aviation.

Miss Lie, is false, the rules say only when the doors are closed. Also, look, they're all talking on the phone, my computer does not have a CD player.

> - But sir ...

I said no, I'm not doing anything wrong.

> The flight attendant retires. I look stupid without knowing what to do or say, Stallman was right, but also all to lose.

> A man comes, he says the same, Stallman insists that he will not turn it off, do not bother him, he has a lot of work.

> At the end comes one of the drivers, very kind, but he insists and with a hard voice. At the end he says:

> - Look, it's the Iberia rules, or it turns it off, or it will have to go down.

> - OK, I'll turn it off, but I'll never fly in Iberia again.

> Look at me:

> - Ricardo, I hope my flight to Valencia is not with Iberia, if so, change it, I will not board an Iberia plane.

Manchild as fuck.


Well I could see how he'd be upset, every flight I've been on lets you use your laptop for movies or whatever after the plane has leveled off from take off

Maybe somone replaced windows 10 with Linux on his and he now can't do any work and he knows that will get him shitcanned.

Don't you mean 600 Quintillion you anti-Semitic fuck?

Hey, you have a weird way to round up Zero to your value.

gNewsense Portuguese edition

pepper spray aka. letting him know only autistic neckbeard turbovirgins refer to linux as gnu/linux