Grandpa is not good with computer

>grandpa is not good with computer

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he's not wrong

>implying he's wrong

My dad got me big into computers when I was like 4, but around the time I turned 18 he told me how much he hated computers now and regretted getting me involved with them.

Pretty sure he was just disappointed in how I turned out :)

>he's a liberal nutcase who thinks computers have made lives easier

Computer's are racist.

not my grandpa

how did you turn out?

Go back to Sup Forums.

Let's just say he was hardly ever wrong

You seem confused.

He's very wrong, and you must be politically-motivated morons to think otherwise.

Things weren't nearly as easy a couple decades ago as they are these days.

Even retards who can't properly click a mouse and have a very hard time performing simple tasks can quickly request an Uber anywhere or conveniently order a new blender online after they accidentally drop their blender cup and break it. I've seen my 70 yo grandma do it.

Not to mention how easy it is these days to access information. Even for trivial things like "where is Cordoba", a quick Wikipedia search can tell you all about it, or "how long will I have to wait for my bus", just SMS a number with your bus stop code and get estimates in the blink of an eye.

So no, Drumpf is very wrong, as per usual.

It's not the computer that has made man stupid, but the internet

If the internet were to never exist, computers would only exist in business and man would be much smarter.

Or remove all social media and entertainment from the internet and the world would be much more aware.

Forget politics, computers are getting overly complicated and are trying to do everything. You have web browsers that want to be an operating system and everything has to connect to the internet these days. Computing must return to back how it was in the 80s.

This, back in the 80s and 90s you had to know computers to use a computer. Now, any moron can connect to the internet and shit it up, computer knowledge needs to be mandatory to use a computer and the internet.

>computing must return to back how it was in the 80s
So slow, inaccessible, undemocratic, cryptic and alchemistic?


He isn't wrong.

Computers have socially complicated our lives.
We don't know what the fuck is real and what's not considering the most irrelevant and niche shit is given more value through the megaphone of the Internet than it actually has in reality.

Socializing with other people in real life is harder. Creating relationships is harder.
Sexual relationships and sex itself have been twisted by porn and many complexes have arisen due to it.

Just to discuss how porn has complicated lives can have a whole book of debate on it.

So i'm sorry to say that you are very wrong.

By essence of complicating our mindsets, being overflown with information, meeting so many different people and so frequently on the Internet, and losing our capability of physical communication,
we have lost our capability to reduce the complex into simplicity and focus ourselves.

Your only argument in this discussion is how fast things are and how much access there is to information, yet these two characteristics in their own right only produce more confusion and more complexion, which is the topic at hand, you dumbo.

Didn't take the Donald apologists from Sup Forums any time to arrive. Go back to your containment board.

Fuck off, you luddite.

Making the internet accessible to everyone made it worse, having a skill requirement was when the internet was better.

There is nothing wrong with Sup Forums, just because someone disagrees with you it does not make them Sup Forums.

yep, we should shut down the internet and go back using pigeons to communicate

Newspapers have complicated our lives.

Let's go back to the stone age. Who /anprim/ here?

It's funny how you use the word luddite,
yet the greatest advancements in technology have been made precisely thanks to people who had a focus and didn't have their minds polluted by an overflow of useless information like the Internet provides.
If Einstein had the Internet, there is a chance he would have lost 5 years or 10 years, trying to find what the fuck he wants in his life and being distracted, rather than being the glorious man he was.

Your lack of self-awareness is what ironically makes you a luddite.

If you think this has anything to do with computers being difficult to work with YOU are the moron and I'm glad you are not the new presedent of the US)

>Making the internet accessible to everyone made it worse
That's codeword for "I wanted it to be exclusive for me, why is everybody else allowed to have fun too?"

>having a skill requirement was when the internet was better
That's codeword for "why are all these people who disagree with me allowed online?"

>there is nothing wrong with Sup Forums
That's codeword for "I am from Sup Forums."

>fucking idea-stealing kike
Thanks for showing your true colours.

so if we destroyed all technology geniuses will be free from distractions and will be able to recreate technology once again...

You sound like someone who would defend reddit or 9gag thinking there is nothing wrong with them.

You sound like you're butthurt that it's becoming obvious that your little hero is a technological illiterate.

>Defending trump means you think he's your hero
Turn down the projection, I'm going blind.

>There is nothing wrong with Sup Forums
Spoken like a true Sup Forums user. Your hero is a tech illiterate orange, someday you'll have to accept that.

Nope. If we didn't treat technology like Christians treat their Bible or Muslims treat their Quran,
and accepted the fact that advancements in technology bring up new problems to resolve;
maybe we wouldn't be as stupid as the guy calling someone a luddite for affirming that technology has as many drawbacks as it has positives.

AKA, we should have a re-education program on using new technology rather than abandoning it otherwise we are going to become stupider from it like some people are becoming (losing their sense of objectivity and self-awareness due to an overly fanatical and obsessive defensive compulsion about technology).

I don't even go to Sup Forums since it's been invaded by redditors and facebook using normalfags, I just like trump. Sup Forums is good, but there are too many illegal immigrants there.

I agree buddy

>nothing wrong with Sup Forums
>a place that idolized adolph hitler
>denies the holocaust
>wants to re-segregate
>hates freedom of speech
>nothing wrong

haha epic :D

I see now you're just baiting me.

>Things weren't nearly as easy a couple decades ago as they are these days.
You are no longer able to write a bug-free software. There is a shitton of legacy code & compatibility requirements, there is a shitton of standards needed to keep a web browser functional. There are myriads of companies which do whatever they want.
And technology being accessible is one if the things which made it that bad.

>So no, Drumpf is very wrong, as per usual.

Better go to Sup Forums with that, it's Sup Forums.

Did your shitty "le Drumpf xD" thread not take in Sup Forums or something? Why must you shit up this board with irrelevant, off-topic garbage?

Sup Forums is a Russian psyops invested board nowadays. Sad.

You sound like a cuck that wont defend your own views

At least that first sentence isn't wrong. Go look at computer/telecom ads from the 80s and early 90s. The promise of computing was to make us more efficient and mobile for the sake of improving quality of life. We were supposed to do 8 hours of work in only 4 and pocket that time for the collective benefit. Instead it was decided that we should just do double the amount of work needed in order to pad the pockets of megacorp execs and shareholders. (Actually in truth "triple" is probably more accurate.) We labor-cucked ourselves.

That's just respect for the sentence, though. There's no way in hell he actually means any of that.

Are you saying that Russia needs a psyops for USA?
You are underestimating the skills of Americans to fuck themselves over by their own hands.

Russia didn't do anything in regards to the US elections, that the neutral 3rd party regulators who were supposed to supervise the integrity of both candidates wouldn't have done if they did their job.

Russia merely uncovered dirt on one of your candidates. If uncovering evil is by itself an act of evil, then your country is REALLY fucked.

I frankly think you should be thankful to Mother Russia for bringing out its bosom for an unruly foreign child to drink in its time of need.

>Trump says something that sounds stupid about computers
>people yet again feel morally superior to such a dumbass, circlejerk all around
>meanwhile significant part of his campaign was done online and done much better than Hillary's
>Trump uses Twitter and YouTube to communicate directly to the masses in a way no other politician has done before
Y-yeah, Trump is such a computer illiterate retard, h-heh.

>You are no longer able to write a bug-free software.
lol wut?!?

Thanks to modern software engineering techniques and the revolution of managed code, bugs are becoming a thing of the past. Error handling has never been as effective. The last time I had to deal with a buffer overflow, I still had hair!

You've obviously not been programming for long...

Actually yes, image identification and other assisting software has trouble with blacks. Microsoft and others says it is the lack of contrast from detected shadows on darker skin tones and they're working to fix it. But we really know it is just racism pure and simple.

>If I have bugs then everyone else must have bugs
They probably haven't reached the chapter on handling errors yet.

I hate how Sup Forums is full of beginners spilling hot opinions on computer science as if they were so experienced and knowledgeable about it.

I know your baiting me because you're spouting out tumblr opinions. You say that you believe in free speech, but would like to restrict certain thoughts that are too offensive.

>lol wut?!?
Read the article nigger.

Well that's how he got fucking elected, isn't it?

>He uses twitter whiles claiming that it has complicated of lives.
>Uses Twitter.

It's retarded and you are retarded

>h-heh, normies and their social media

I have, it was written by a literal rookie who doesn't know two shits about software engineering. He doesn't know what a metric is.

He obviously lacks technique, it's apparent from his aversion to complexity. He doesn't know how to deal with complexity.

He unironically defends early optimization. He attacks abstraction layers and solution diversity - and the sad corollary of that is that he ends up defending a centralized, near anti-freedom and pro-collectivist view. No surprise this comes from an "free software" apologist. He wants a big scheme of things: centralized planning for the entire technological realm - no forks allowed, mind you.

Because in his tiny head, software development is error prone due to lack of a centralized authority handling it, NOT due to the lack of proper technique. He doesn't know there is a proper, proactive way to deal with software defects.

Long story short: that article was written by a near amateur who THINKS he's experienced.

user speaks truth, OP is faggot

>English sentences
That shit was hard to read. He's dumb regardless.