>already gone through 2 out of 5 SICP chapters and learn python the hard way
>gone through a HTML and CSS book, typing the examples but it was so boring
>doing the same for a PHP/MySQL/JavaScript/CSS book bit it's so damn boring
>gave up on going through book
>just want to make JavaScript 2D vidya or maybe a website

How do I actually make stuff? It doesn't matter how well i know loops or sorting, it always feels like I'll permanently be one tutorial away from knowing how to do anything.

I could just google everything but it is infuriating trying to find answers and I will never know whether or not I'm missing something big.

Other urls found in this thread:

You fell for the memes.

Nobody learns anything from programming books, especially memes like fucking SICP.

Do code camps and your own projects, that's it. Books are largely a waste of time.

>How do I actually make stuff
By just making it. Just do whatever projects you want to do, and if you don't know something, research it. You may not necessarily know what you're doing but take the work as a learning experience because it's the best way to get better.

Just do a couple easy games and put your own twist on it to make it interesting.

You can't write anything if you don't know the language. Books are a way to know the fundamentals.

You don't know what you don't know. If you just "do research" you can very easily miss out on the basics that any good book will tell you.



Considering he said he read Learn Python the Hard Way, I'd assumed OP had already picked up on some basics. In any event, I'm not saying to stop reading books, but OP will never become a decent programmer if he doesn't work on projects that challenge him and present him with problems he doesn't yet know how to solve.

Post code when finished.

dumb frogposter

>only learning hipster web dev languages
>being surprised that you can't make anything except shitty websites

>OP will never become a decent programmer if he doesn't work on projects that challenge him and present him with problems he doesn't yet know how to solve.

SICP has plenty of problems that will challenge most beginner programmers

True, but I think the motivation of working on one's own project, the drive to accomplish and create something fun or useful, makes those challenges more impactful, and moreover, more enjoyable to overcome.

It all clicks when you realize that programming is data structures and the manipulation thereof. Learn the ins and outs of the five(ish) most common data structures and you know how to program.

>In any event, I'm not saying to stop reading books

>Nobody learns anything from programming books
>Books are largely a waste of time.

>only learning hipster web dev languages
So list some non-hipster web dev languages, brainiac.

i just got SICP in, and its quite worth the read if you already know how to program and want to build your own parser/compiler. nothing more desu. so in effect its the cheaper brother of the dragon book



You're doing it wrong. Everyone knows professional web dev is made by copy-pasting StackOverflow snippets.

>non-hipster web dev languages
>using a scripting language to build web applications
>every python-based framework is maintained by a bunch of hipsters and special snowflakes
>none of them have a legitimate reason to exist

Java isn't a web dev language, applets were never web applications, just standalone shit that your browser executed through a java plugin the same way as if you ran a .jar manually

Java EE is a top tier web dev language that is used for enterprise solutions. It's probably the most efficient framework for building a website, in terms of computational power. And because it's in Java, you can have the same app run on different machines with no compatibility issues, which is perfect for scalability.

i just learned Django last week but so far its lightyears ahead of LAMP.

Stop trying to learn everything at once. Get a solid Javascript book, and LEARN it, nothing half-assed, no stopping in the middle of the book once you learn the conventional core of the language. That should set you up to try to build your own game.

Then graduate to HTML/CSS/whatever you want to use to build your website.

Lmao I know how you feel, felt the same way before when I tried to learn something on my own before college, tl;dr is that everything on the internet is fucking poo when it comes to education unless you already have an established level of knowledge and can self teach (go to uni) just take a semester or something, the rest you can do on your own

writing code is a lot like song writing you can study music theory for years learn notation and basic lyric writing but if you are not willing to think creatively none of it is usefull to you someone handed you a sword and told you to go out fighting

>Do code camps
You are a memer even more.

what's a better practice then?

figure out someth8ng you want to code ut doesnt need to be original and work on it till you get it right just avoid cheating by looking at similar projects

roll motherfucker

Programming books are fine, however those 2 books are maybe abit out of his league.
Learn python the hard way sucks and doesn't teach you programming.
Would suggest OP to take the CS50 course.

Just start blindly and learn as you go. Start with three.js for graphics.

So what do you use for web development?
>I need to right my simple server in c even though speed will be limited by an internet connection
If you learn to use php properly you will have no problems in 90% of applications