What does Sup Forums think about this?
What does Sup Forums think about this?
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Not even bash can redeem that abomination.
I use it all the time, works for my needs.
that's neat
It's my laptop that sits on my bed, can't think of a better name than that for it!
I love it.
>he is awake at 10 in the morning
The last few months I worked overnights (10pm to ~12pm) and for the time being I work 4am to ~12:30pm but I had to leave early today because I'm not allowed to get overtime any more and I stayed over a few days.
Last I tried it I typed "ip" and it didn't work.
networking tools won't work because linix is running as a user and can't get permissions and shit for network. So like you can't use ping and stuff
It gets the job done for most things
I don't get the appeal, why not just install some unix variant or linux
or are they really expecting system integration with the WSL?
also anything to do with Linux kernel land is mostly broken
also couldn't get any Fedora images working because dnf crashes while doing anything
there also seems to be around a 20-35% overhead from using WSL
other than that, it is a pretty cool toy.
We already have pic related
Bash on LOLnix 1990s
Bash on windows 2017
Way to be with the times MS.
>Ubuntu 14.04 LTS on Windows 10 x86_64
What is this sorcery?
Dual boot?
>bash coming to windows
it really is glorious
I'm the cutoff letter 'g' in login
I heard when the update was. announced, I don't get how it works 100%. Tbh I'm not sure why anyone would use this over a full disto other than games or some Windows programs or the ability to program cross-platform.
>As long as you’ve updated your Windows 10 PC to the Anniversary Update, and you’re using a 64-bit version of the OS, Bash should work
Probably just a way to lure in linux users over to the botnet
It's shit.
I have a bash script running in a Debian VM that works perfectly
>for f in *.txt
Bash for Windows 10 couldn't even parse that first line.
I'm removing it and getting Cygwin.
I'll need that wallpaper in about 5 minutes.
Found it in about 5 seconds with a reverse image search.
You should ask your doctor about trying Viagra.
So did I. Crazy how Jewgle digs it
Thanks anyway, user
something something bleeding devs something
I mean it's not like it hurts to have more features.
How, being on W10, are you able to truly customize the windows' appearance by that much?
>mingw exists
>Msys2 exists with a fucking pacman implementation
>The underage ricer faggots flock to the Microsoft sad jerkoff corner
There are custom-made Windows theme. You can probably make one yourself, using some programs.
Windows themes are actually compiled, I mean those that configure stuff like the shape of window buttons.
Its shit.
I used it for wget a few times to download a text file.
why do I need bash on windows exactly?
Shit nigger, you're like 1 year late.
That's Windows coming to Bash, silly.
Considering that Git Bash has been a thing for longer than that, and MSYS longer still... are they saying that Bash is coming to Windows 10? Because Bash on Windows has been around since before W10 was a thing.
Embrace, extend, extinguish of 2016.
It's since pretty cool tho
Basically it just cuts out the need for downloading and installing certain tools if your lazy. The Windows preview build I used was buggy trash though.
That's basically the extent of what Linux can do anyway
Who will use this if you can VM a linux and have it work 100% of the time?
Also who uses windows?
I got rid of that shit a long time ago.
I have like a Win7 and Win XP in VM for legacy applications and that is it.