Talented 11-Year-Old Joshua Ngoka Builds Computer:

Talented 11-Year-Old Joshua Ngoka Builds Computer: voice-online.co.uk/article/talented-11-year-old-joshua-ngoka-builds-computer

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Good for him

this is old as fuck. get this bait out of here.

Give it back, Joshuamal

Now I'm not racist here but I do hate niggers.

This dude has proven that there are intelligent black people not bent on smoking pot and injecting heroin all day while doing criminal activities to accrue said contraband.

Building a PC at 11 is impressive. Most g autists get into pc building at 15-18 while most normies do so at 21+

A lot of 11 year olds do it with help of their dads. I guess that's where the problem lies here.

>mfw I took my dad's Windows 3.1 PC apart when I was 8
He was pretty pissed and I had to put it back together myself with him watching that I didn't fuck up the components.
It was fun.

get out

>Building a PC at 11 is impressive.

It's not. Everything is plug and play and has been for at least fifteen years. You literally cannot plug something into another thing that it is not supposed to be plugged into. The only real risk is static shock which takes about 30 seconds for even a child to wrap their head around.

I built a gaming PC when I was that age and neither I, nor anyone I knew thought it was remotely out of the ordinary.


Man... I couldn't build my PC on my own, I had to ask my father for help!




I "built" a PC when I was 12.
Had a Pentium MMX IBM, bought new mobo, ram, CPU to upgrade it. realized nothing fits inside it, and that I needed a new PSU. picked one up at a Computer Renaissance, placed the mobo on the foam backing it came with, plugged everything in, and made a jumper cable to power it on.
Had a caseless PC for a few months till I manged to save up more money for a shitty case.


I assembled my own PC in the early days of the pentium D era when i was around 10 years old
Started buying parts piece by piece over summer, asked for ram and a case for christmas, built it all early january of 2007.
It was a pretty capable machine too,
>2.8ghz pentium D 820
>geforce 6800
>1gb of ddr2, in the form of 4 256mb sticks
>two 40gb 5400rpm hdd's
>some shitty intel matx board i got at a garage sale
>all inside a silver micronPC case that had a 350w power supply my grandpa gave me

It wasnt fancy by any means, i wasnt a rich kid, hence why most of my stuff was a few years old

it was fucking cool though, spent all day playing runescape and halo CE, the sims 1/2

I dont see this as being a newsworthy thing, but i am very glad that even just a few kids are getting into this kind of stuff early. The more kids who show an interest in computer technology the better. Even if its meme-d out like the bomb clock kid, at least some kids still care about this kind of thing, and dont just see a computer as a box of internet with mystery inside.

I built my first PC with an Athlon in '00 and I was 11 as well. Granted I fried the first mobo because of no stand offs it went well besides that.

Literally no guide or reference to go off either.

Congratu-fuckin-lations, Cory.

>you'll never be a talented 11-year-old


What's more surprising is that he was able to "save" 600 bucks.
When I was that age I was happy to get a forint (rougly 1/300 of a $ today, not that much more back then) every now and then and save up for a chocolate bar.
But I guess he's a genius.

>Builds PC



Athlon 64 3000+
Gigabyte GA-K8NE
512MB of DDR 400Mhz RAM
Radeon X600 Pro
160GB WD Black drive

Built it back in 2005 at the age of 11. Why wasn't I famous.

Are you a nigger

There's so much racism ITT. I'm shaking. I can't even.

Brought to you by the EU!

Not really. I built a PHP grading system for our school when I was 13. I was using Win 3.1 when I was 9.

>this is Trump's America
my 8 year old was crying when I told her

my super woke eight year old just told me "so this is how liberty dies, with thunderous applause"

>today, on things that never happened

no shit you retard


kek this is embarrassing dude, just stop replying.
you obviously didn't get the joke. just move on

>this mad


Why is this a story? Is it just because he's black?

The first PC I built was back in the 90's when I was about 8. I had a whole wopping 486! I even remember getting a P133 chip for Christmas one year. Back in the day when you still needed to know DOS to install windows. Even remember buying RedHat Linux discs and set that up in the late 90's. Why the hell is it an accomplishment for a 11 year old to build a computer with the current technology. Give him a 20 year old machine to work on and lets see how he does.


>Builds Computer
That's nothing.

Watch his cousins build a rocket:


watch them build a plane:


>Britain's Favourite Black Newspaper

Kill yourself, you retarded nigger loving kike.

>The machine has a speed of 3:20 gigahertz
this is not the kind of clock you're thinking of, ms. reporter.

Eh, at least they do something to kill the time, unlike their lazy basketball-american cousins.

>mfw you can't do any better yourself

>trying to build shit with shit resources and lack of proper education or acess to information
>not noble

These guys are based.

holy shit kek

i'm literally shaking!!!! my wife's son just asked me what's wrong



I know a weed smoking nigger from the hood who built his own PC and uses Linux. I'm not saying he's smart, I'just saying building your own PC is easy.

Building a PC is a lot easier now than when I was 11.

Fuck off, you piece of shit.


Its probably for the best that these people don't have space or air travel.

Nice blog post

how old are you, 36?

Whatever age makes it easier to disregard for you.


I ascended beyond this level, I buy laptops now.

Did you come in from the 40s lmao

Who does Herron anymore

I did not know that ascended means 'to become a retard and overpay for ignorance'.

Truly, still something to learn from Sup Forums.

yeah, but it suits my needs and portability is so sweet

Childhood is idolizing desktops. Adulthood is realizing that laptops make more sense.

Until you get your balls irradiated

>actually putting your laptop on your lap
>almost 2017

>tfw I actually could

>Who does Herron anymore

Lots of people in the north east apparently.

Welcome to the first half of 2016 OP
Quality bait, as always

PC back then during the MMX P1 P2 Cyrix era have the most confusing mobo's at the time.

Manuals are lifesaver back then. Unlike today everything is printed on the motherboard like fucking lego colors.


I taught my dog to fetch the newspaper for me. He doesn't know how to actually read the newspaper though. Where's my news article?

>a speed of 3:20 gigahertz

>Muh smart nigger
>99.9% of niggers are still dumb as fuck
>Muh exceptions disapprove the rule


You think that's impressive? I build clocks.

keked, monkey will stay a monkey

if I was black, I would be offended as this is obvious race pandering.

>This dude has proven that there are intelligent black people not bent on smoking pot and injecting heroin all day while doing criminal activities to accrue said contraband.
... yet.


>building clocks
>not soldering CPUs and stuff

it's relative

He Literally built the PC from sand


Neil Degrasse Tyson is a respectable man in my opinion

douchebag IRL, pasta
"We were a small college club with around 10 members, one of our members emailed tyson's agent to see if we could book him. We found out it would cost 40k (it raised to 50k in December of that year where I think it still might be) for his speaking fee plus expenses to have him come to our college for 1 day where he'd host a small lecture, a press meeting, dinner with up to 6 people, and the main lecture and a book signing time permitting. We decided to go for it, and spent a year where our club exclusively worked on bringing him in. When he arrived, myself and others introduced ourselves and our fields of study. He went after first of us in humanities or soft sciences pretty much relentlessly from the get go. We're all used to the philosophy major working at McDonald's joke, but he wasn't trying to be funny, and spent the ride from the airport making repeated comments about the uselessness of our majors. Additionally he spent about 5 minutes trying to show that logic was stupid but he was citing logical rules and Occam's razor. The small lecture was him bragging about how famous he was, and how easy it is to pull yourself out of poverty or etc. The dinner was for leaders of other clubs so helped us raise money. He took the piss out of how one student held her fork, and was impossibly smug when giving advice to physics students. The main event was a terribly boring lecture consisting of fart jokes and fan service; teasing the upcoming TV series he was in and not much else. He spent a quarter of the time reading Sagan's blue dot, which is nice but shouldn't have cost us because it wasn't his material. He left at about 2am, and we were all exhausted because we had spent the day busy setting up and tearing down. The whole affair cost nearly 85k. The additional money being for locations, personnel, air fare, Tyson's hotel, catering, etc. We all decided he was an ass hole. I'd never want to spend 16 hours with a celebrity again."

>tfw this kid builds a computer it works
>tfw old enough to be his dad and I build one and its got problems

desu he sounds like an autistic Sup Forums poster. my opinion of him is still the same.

what's up with all the old topics popping up today?

is this some shitposters version of "Sup Forums rewind" or something?

>the year is almost 2017
>building a PC is considered advanced wizardry

W H A T A T I M E T O B E A L I V E ! ! !

I guess.

>Feeling the need to (unsuccessfully) one up a literal 11 year old

This is fucking sad.

I built a shitty slot-1 celeron rig when I was 12, my brother upgraded to an Athlon XP (IIR) and gave me the board and CPU, had to buy other components from the local store with my dad. This was like 2001 I think, good times

I built a pc at 10 and i got no news coverage.

Jesus. I built a computer when I was 11 because I needed one for school and couldn't afford one otherwise. That was in 2006, and it was as simple as doing a bit of research on a library computer and then plugging it all in. It was a real piece of shit, but it was the best I could do with my resources, and it ran well until I was able to afford an old [spoiler]Thinkpad[/spoiler] a few years later.

A nigger 1) with $740 to throw around, 2) with a family in IT, 3) who has spent his entire life around computers, plugging a bunch of parts in in the year 2016, is so phenomenally unimpressive that I'm actually disgusted this is a real article.

I'm pretty much over the whole 'white privilege' thing but this really activates my almonds. I hate kids with supportive familes getting credit for 'accomplishments' that are 100% due to the societal/familial/governmental support they get. What's actually impressive is accomplishing things when you are completely on your own –and even then, you'll seldom do anything actually noteworthy.

>paying $740 for a computer
>500GB HDD

Watch his cousin fire an AK47 too.

good for you

Mostly whites. I don't care what color your skin is in any case. If you do heroin, you deserve to die.

I remember my first lie