Tfw I built a computer 2 years ago and already I want to build another

>tfw I built a computer 2 years ago and already I want to build another
I'm a poor college student and I'm about to drop $700 on new PC parts my next paycheck.
How do I stop myself? I don't even need an upgrade that badly.

install gentoo

It's fun. I built my PC round 3 months ago and I'm already looking at parts. Like I haven't got a mortgage to pay for or anything

>tfw spent $4000 on computers in 2016 and they all were compromised
I don't give a fuck either. That FAFSA aid bout to prop a nigga up and I'm finna do it all over again

Do it goy

Have you found yourself not being able to achieve a steady 60+ fps on high settings at your current screen resolution? Do you find your wait times to be unbearable when editing or rendering projects? If no then don't bother upgrading.

If you really must then at least wait for Vega and Kaby Lake/Zen

Same here, mines touching on four years though.

>literally no reason at all to upgrade CPU and won't be for at least 2-3 more years

>GPU while showing some age still gets 60FPS on 90% of modern titles on med-high settings if not better.

I wish I could just build PCs for people without them doing retarded shit like a $400 budget.

>Hey user, here's $2000 build me a PC plox
>take like $30 for myself and build them the best damn PC I can

I was actually going to buy a devils canyon because I'm poor and don't want to have to buy all new ddr4 ram.

>haven't significantly upgraded in 3 years and dont need to for at least the next 5 cause I future proofed my computer

Buy second hand DD3 fucking retard.
No wonder you're poor.

Kys yourself, muh man

tfw newfags cant even orangetext

>tfw i havent upgraded in years since my computer still maxes out everything because i went intel and not AMDUMB

Don't do it. If you feel the urge to buy the parts then go do something that will distract you.

Nigga, I can get "professionals" to do it for 22$, that's with shipping.
If I do that I also have the bonus of knowing that all the parts are actually put together properly and have no cheeto grease on them.


top kek

But that came out the same year you built your PC

500 gb hard drive and 3:2 gigahert cpu

do it! the more you do something the better you get at it. Maybe you can even turn it into a business.

maybe build it with the idea of selling it, and price your build accordingly. I'm sure there are plenty of gamers in your area that won't be botherd to build their own

Going off the dome cause I'm to lazy to open speccy
>i5 3570k
>8 gigs ddr3 (sometimes I wish I fell for the 16 GiB RAM meme)
>evga 780 (not ti)
>1 tb Seagate hdd (back when they were good before the factory was flooded)
>1 tb Samsung 850 evo

I stopped playing taxing vidya games so I don't feel like my gpu needs an upgrade any time soon and Sandy Bridge cpus are becoming the new Core 2 duos

My power supply is a rebranded seasonic (antec hcg)

>building a NEW pc for the sake of building

dumb feelposter

just buy a bunch of P3 parts for $1-2 and build one.

>built a computer 3 years back
>really dont give a shit anymore, dont play any new titles and would be more than happy to just have a thinkpad

anyone else feel like this?

Pay your loans you shitter

"The government hates me, I have 30K loan that I have never paid"