jus bee urself (^:

Step 1) you stop shitposting
Step 2) ???
Step 3) PROFIT

Go to school and pretend to be a (((normie)))

this: + put (funny LOL XD) memes on facebook

get off the internet

Obviously not by posting on a Croatian knitting committee imageboard.

Sock puppets.


Stop being proficient at the cyber

>wanting friends
lol, faggot

Install gentoo

We're your friends

suck my dick and I'l be ur friend


>open terminal
>make friends

dubs confirm


Especially on new years


yes fuck you OP

Serious advice: don't "make" friends. Let people naturally stick to you like flies on horseshit. See making friends isn't about "acquiring" people like some creep.

So to make this happen all you have to do is get hobbies where there are people like archery/gym/computer clubs. But only join said clubs if you are truly interested in the stuff there. Sooner or later people will start getting along with you and before you know it you will have friends.

>protip: being fat, lazy, and an ungrateful piece of shit will either make you forever alone or attract people who will pretend to be your friend in order to use you for something

Also I guess it would help leaving Sup Forums forever and pretending you never found this shithole.

>tfw no bf/gf to tickle me while I'm trying to code and mess me up
>tfw no bf/gf who cares about freedom as much as I do
>tfw no bf/gf to make pizza for so we don't have to submit to the botnet while we cuddle and watch local copies of public domain/CC movies together
Why is life so unfair?

>Only enjoy anime
>Anime club in my university
>Its literally "that" anime club meme poster that has been going around this website
No fucking thanks m8, any other advice routes? surely there must be other ways to reach good end

underrated post

>no bf
*holds up one free bf coupon*

I'm 30 going back to school for my BS in CS and all my intro classes are going to be with really young kids. Taking BIO101 next semester.

How the fuck am I gonna make friends with THEM?

Talk about tech??!?

*unzips dick*

how? they are just little kids? im some old ass man

nigga u realize hes a guy right
>i already know youre going to reply with "i know"




>>Only enjoy anime
lol no you don't. There has to be something else out there that you like doing. Try archery or some other sport or something.

>No fucking thanks m8, any other advice routes? surely there must be other ways to reach good end
That's the only tested and proven way. Alternatively you could just wait for someone to suddenly become your friend out of nowhere but that's not very like.

Though you could also try visiting your family members more, might find a cousin or someone who likes spending time with you.

blow their minds with ur techno-wizardry

B-but I'm a girl!

>A guy can't want a bf

A VERY homophobic post

im a retard what do i know

oh man thats embarassing

You don't need friends, it's a waste of time and money. Pwning scrubs on internet is far better.
