Wallpaper thread?
Wallpaper thread?
Are you blind or just retarded?
Can you just fucking fuck off with your pedophile cartoon bullshit? You are by no exaggeration, a degenerate, lesser human being because of your obsession with that fringe bullshit. I hope you get sent to Guantanamo for non conformity and pushing your festering cancer all over this board
Desktop threads don't belong to Sup Forums, those are (not even) barely (nothing) technology related, always
the same people shitting the board and pretending it's their personal blog, tripfags circlejerking and
whoring for attention at it's finest.
Desktop threads are actually fault of 12 faggots with zero balls fapping all the day to ponies,
roleplaying at the IRC and eventually starting Desktop threads in Sup Forums.
I'd redirect you to another board, for example /wg/ but your type is not accepted in Sup Forums, this is
suppossed to be an anonymous imageboard, yeah right, tripcodes exist for a reason, but trying to
transform this site in Facebook is not that reason, and I can't call you a summerfag because we have
been dealing with your homosexuality for a long time.
>But user, desktop threads are part of Sup Forums's culture and are about techno...
No, fuck you, tripfags pretending to be little girls aren't technology, you don't know shit about
technology, you don't know shit about Sup Forums your desktop is fucking horrible and you don't belong to
Sup Forums.
don't be cunt m8 or i stick my dick right in ya gabber
I'm game OPIE, I guess we try to keep it technolo/g/y rel8d
is this the new desktop thread
u wot
>bitching about anime
>on a weaboo site that was designed for anime culture
i mean ig
You can go kill yourself you dumb fucking cunt.
pls don't be rude in the desktop thread
well if none of you motherfuckers are gonna contribute, I'm out..
also, fuck you OP, you post1 image and bail.. as always OP is a faggot, yet again.
Desktop threads aren't allowed on Sup Forums.
/wg/ and /w/ exist.
This isn't your personal safe space faggot.
Kill yourself, OP.
Nice pasta
Post loli pls