/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread

Previously: Welcome to /fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread.
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0) Install a GNU/Linux distribution of your choice in a Virtual Machine.
1) Use a live image and to boot directly into the GNU/Linux distribution without installing anything.
2) Dual boot the GNU/Linux distribution of your choice along with Windows or Mac.
3) Go balls deep and replace everything with GNU/Linux.

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Part III: Part II: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6767536/#Part I: archive.nyafuu.org/wg/thread/6743571/

Install BSD, GPL is cuckold communist trash.

>mfw freetards spouting out all MUH FREEDUMB but using botnet google captcha to post on a closed source proprietary imageboard software

This, Linux cucks are hypocrites.

I'm using Arch Linux, if it matters.

GPL wouldn't work without copyrights. Are you saying copyrights are communist? Besides, who uses 'communist' as an insult in fucking 2017? Is it fucking throwback day or something? pic related

>"Free software... Free society"

But but but, in such a society I should be FREE to run whatever OS and software I want, and if that happens to be Windows then what, I get slammed and lambasted because I exercise my FREEDOM to run whatever the fuck I want.

So fuck you and your so-called freedom, and I say that because I'm FREE to do so.

Fat kike stallman wants it to be a crime to sell proprietary software or DRM. BSD is true freedom.

How long do these intro meme waves usually last?

It has always been an insult and will remain as such as long as there is at least one sane human on this planet. Sane of course automatically excludes communists.

Yeah you're free to pay into Satya Nadella's yacht fund, and to continue holding back the computing revolution. You're FREE to do it! Now get your Windows bullshit out of the Linux thread.

till another thread is started

about 300-350 posts

It's meaningless and your posts are only showing your insecurity.

Hey Sup Forums, what's the best lightweight and user-friendly distro for daily use?

Why are you crying? Did I strike a nerve? But Lincux truly is nothing but a cheap knockoff of commercial products like Windows and OS X.

In 2017 pretty much every Linux distro is relatively 'lightweight'. Ubuntu LTS is a great choice for ease-of-use.

Insecurity about what? I think you are projecting something here.

Don't forget BSD. It has a non cuckold license and has achieved more than Linux ever did.


Oh yes, that goes without saying. I just didn't want to make him hurt himself or anything.

communism always sounds good on paper, but always goes to shit when real humans are added to the equation, so by calling you a communist he's insulting your corrupt nature

it doesn't and you are either completely retarded or just haven't read the very "papers" you are speaking of if you think this is even remotely true.

>any year
>linux is lightweight
no. lmao. just no.

Get it right, Linux is a knockoff of Unix. Windows and OS X are knockoffs of Xerox Star/Alto. Is that supposed to make them less worthwhile? The fact that they built on preceding technologies?

is sharing nonfree software communism?

Depends what you compare it to I guess. Certainly lightweight compared to the current version of Windows.

BSD is the only pure OS left.

no, but forcing everyone to do the same certainly is.

That's great. So what version of BSD do you run?

Yeah. It's also lightweight in the "basic features support" department. Oh, and don't forget the "bug-free" department as well.

FreeBSD, it works great.

this. Have been running it for a few months now and I have to say that ditching leftist software never felt so great.

>using an """"OS"""" that doesn't even have usb support

Would a rolling release distribution like tumbleweed be bad for an SSD?

Freebsd is literally the best. Don't use it though I don't want your kind attempting to shit it up. You can stay with the Linux plebs

are you literally ratarded? serious question here.

Which distro should I use to dualboot with Windows 10 on a gaming desktop? I primarily want it for the C environment and to learn about Linux at my own pace. Previously used Ubuntu in a virtual machine, and Mint on a laptop. Liked Ubuntu more.

As long as the BSDs are relying on ports, I will not use any of them. When they get decent package management, then I'll consider it.

>Yeah. It's also lightweight in the "basic features support" department. Oh, and don't forget the "bug-free" department as well.
None of this is true

Dual boot is shit. Run Ubuntu Server LTS in a virtualbox/vmware workstation or do something with Xen.

yeah, good thing they already have literally the best package management system ever. don't use it though, i really don't want your kind attempting to shit it up.

Hey, I'm searching for "/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread".

sup, it's on this website or so i have been told

>knowing the website address
time to go back go

Ports is not "literally the best package management system ever". Ports is a glorified shell scripts that will fetch some source code from a mirror and compile it.

looks like you misread my post. it clearly says that it's the best package management system ever

Obviously you don't understand what a package management system is supposed to do.

You've never even tried BSD. I used BSD full time on the job about 14 years ago. It was good, and it's still good on the server side, but it has nowhere near the hardware support and user support of Linux.

Use packages if you want binaries. Ports are for advanced users that know what they're doing.

>hurrrrrrrrrr I'm compiling from source, look at me, look at how advanced I am

can you read this post? in their it clearly states the obvious fact - ports are better
and why exactly would you need the hardware support for devices you don't have or will never have?
>You've never even tried BSD
also, how can you possibly claim to know this?

that's the thing though, you don't compile from source so you can't say that. stick to your binary packages.

is arch linux communism?

Now this is shitposting. OpenBSD for example highly encourages packages over ports so the mailing lists don't get shit up with questions.

>fetching configs and source from a mirror and then compiling
>"but it's not compiling"

Absolute retard

>how can you possibly claim to know this?
Because you didn't make even a single supporting statement to your claim that '[bsd] already [has] literally the best package management system ever'. It's obvious you have limited experience with it.

>and why exactly would you need the hardware support for devices you don't have or will never have?
Sounds like you know exactly what hardware you'll need for the rest of your life, and you never get any new hardware unexpectedly. Good for you, but that's an atypical use case.

you don't do it though so you obviously don't know what you're talking about. stick to your binaries as i have previously said.
i don't need any supporting statements for a fact to be true. this is pretty simple stuff. the truth of the fact isn't dependent on anything i say

This is supposed to be a friendly Linux thread.

Hostile and anti-social BSD shills that try to bully people into using BSD can take it elsewhere. Make your own fucking general.

>implying they aren't all just bored linux users trolling each others

>stick to your binaries as i have previously said
There is 0 support, so I'm pretty much fucking stuck with ports, thank you very much.

It's sucks balls.

We do and Linux cuckolds shitpost in them.

Fuck off, gnupleb. We are discussing real software here, not your play toys.


I know a lot of read writes is bad for those drives.
Or are you just hating on OpenSUSE?

hmm... how can something which is literally the best suck balls? this is really puzzling to me

Elementary OS has been my daily driver for the last six months, I have never used any distro for this long, and I have no intention of changing any time soon.

Well and newcomers see this thread, turn 360° and walk away

How can BSD shills get so butthurt?

>Linux cuckolds
You've been lurking Sup Forums too much. BSD license is for cucks.

you don't have to worry about that too much if your drive isn't literal shit. it won't change much from your distro anyway.

nice blogpost

Linux is controlled by cucked kikes. BSD is uncucked and pro white and not controlled by kikes

>it sucks
>it's the best
>it's not the best what the hell are you talking about

Either false flagging or legitimate mentally ill. Can't tell.

now fuck off, linpleb.

>pro white

>not controlled by kikes
You literally sign away every right and give the kikes the right to use everything without giving back.

here's where you are wrong, gnupleb. i don't write anything for bsd. i cuck EVERY system i use and don't give anything back.

No, go make your own fucking general.

guess what linpleb? you're in it right now


>pretending to be hardcore internet personas
>on Sup Forums

>that file name
wew. i wonder which website this one came from

Linux is controlled by corporations you mean, as the entire kernel.org board of directors is like Qualcomm and Samsung execs.

In other news not related to the obvious Sup Forums bait anybody hack on Hurd here or a different kernel completely than kernel.org/Sys-V/BSD?

yes i mean corporate kikes from samsung and qualcomm.
>different kernel
but H*RD isn't a kernel. it's a piece of shit desperately trying to be one, sure, but it ain't a kernel

lubuntu probs
puppy if you really want something super light


I saved it from Sup Forums and I named it laugh-milk.gif because I already have a laugh.gif.


likely story
back to your shitty website

it's an evil beyond our control
we deal with it to the spread the message

Haha, just paranoid, that's all

Install Linux if you want spics and sandniggers in your country, cucks. Install BSD if you want a white tomorrow.

>likely story
Glad you admit that.

>back to your shitty website
I'm already here????

But BSDs are maintained by literal sandniggers.

Which one, there is more than one BSD.

Are you commies gonna debase a beloved national monument this time?

You disgust me.

How is you using non libre software going to help the "free software movement".Your individual actions mean nothing

meant for

fake uniform.

what is this shit?

judging by the quality it was probably made by some "free"tard in gimp

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