Anybody else here a gamer?

anybody else here a gamer?

Games don't work on Linux, green Mario

tf2 is the best game

that's luigi noob

Why are you so toxic?

shut up bitch

>He doesn't know about the player 2 recolors in Super Mario Bros and Super Mario World


lets play a game

Aren't there emulators for Linux?

You must be 18 or older to post here

8 is a butthole :o

You must be not gay to post here


you is expanded mind

don't tell me what to do


so is 4 and it also has an anal wart


Don'tchu fuckin' dare u mothafucka.

At least post something good

Fuck you.

is this you again or am i being trolled

how could you not like fishlips

Aaaaand this thread devolved into complete faggotry.

> devolved

it was shit from the start


I was just asking if there were any gamers and some furry posted :(

i play splatoon :)



mew maked bamama nene


stop bumping this thread

I play games made by a Japanese alcoholic



why didn't you name this me_with_a_BIG_pile_of_MONEY.png?



Rolling - limp dickskit

From the left:
Sup Forums
Sup Forums



because I'm very lazy and forget too

I only play old retro shit for nostalgia value and rom hacks like pokemon prism.
Playing AAA games past the age of 15 is manchild consumerist tier.