Pack up bois, it's over
Nobody is safe from 2016
>big fat kike software industry commie subverter who hasn't written a single line of code in ages dies
How is this a bad thing?
>Muh 2016 killing people off meme.
Just goes to show that OP visits shitty meme-spouting websites.
thank god
I thought he died last year?
Wrong universe buddy
did he died?
that was ian
dead for one year and one day today, actually
>le personifying 2016 maymay
Oh shit Mandella shit.
wtf i hate kek now
I would suicide myself to death too if I created a Linux distro and then it adopted systemd.
I'm not glad he's dead, but I'm glad hes dead.
so he dies on saturday?
I'll be waiting impatiently
Does he know this? If not, maybe we should let him know...
i think it's for the good he doesn't find out and start a new movement
he has the freedom to know
And I thought we were in the best timeline.
>Just goes to show that OP visits shitty meme-spouting websites.
install gentoo
>Implying Gentoo is a meme.
Install it and become enlightened.
the only people who has the priviliege to know the date of their own demise before it actually arrives don't usually have any freedom.
pretty much this desu
Stop lying. Fat boy is still alive.
living the meme
fake newz
>that was ian
Didn't he have sex with his vacuum cleaner and accidentally strangle himself with it's electrical cable?