What's the best way to make macOS look?

What's the best way to make macOS look?

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Save that as a wallpaper.

Set the background to change everyday. I didn't realize the stock wallpapers were so GOAT until I did.

Now i have macOS installed, now I can kill myself?

yeah, enjoy your shit

Just did it. Cool idea thanks.

>bash 3.2
>using an OS from a company which installs outdated shit to avoid GPLv3

Why don't you have the maymay processor OCd?Isn't that the whole point

Because im waiting the cm 212evo :(


What's the best way to make it sound?

I want to play opus in a music player, not fucking VLC. How hard is it to put a codec in a fucking program?

Get a DAC because Intel """"HD""" Audio is garbage

hidden and reported for that weaboo gay desktop shit. at least you're not a tripfag you fucking scum

anime website

The dock was a giant mistake. Here is a good article about it.


how does your hackintosh run
any issues? how often?
is it worth the hassle?

That's pretty logical, if you want to update it, do it, literally 15 seconds of work.

Dosen't Linux distros come without MP3 codecs and shit to pass their licence?


This looks fucking terrible. Jesus Christ.

ok bad taster

get the fuck out of my board

pls! p sure i've been here longer than u


never fucking reply to me again unless you are contributing anime to the thread

What the hell is using 12 gigs of RAM?

very carefully haha


Not existing.

really really beautiful desktop...
