I just noticed that in the pilot of Mr Robot Elliot enters in an IP of at roughly 49 minutes

I just noticed that in the pilot of Mr Robot Elliot enters in an IP of at roughly 49 minutes.

What the fuck? How can the creator be this stupid? Putting in a real IP is so easy and he uses one that is literally impossible.

Kill yourself.

Putting in a real ip would end up getting it ddos'ed and thats a liability

Ever thought about it being that way on purpose? Kind of like the way telephone numbers in movies are always impossible too

nice autism

and this

Look at the song that made 867-5309

it's tragic when the autists turn on their overlord

They do this on purpose. A real ip would belong to someone and when it inevitably gets flooded by wannabe hacker fans and arg nuts the producers will be liable

sometimes show writers do something clever like put something there for people to find, like an easter egg or scavenger hunt.

but the writers for Mr Robot wouldn't bother with cleverness.

normal IP addresses can only have 4294967296 addresses.

he's using a newer protocol that has many more addresses. it's in the latest RFC. did you read the manual OP?

Actually they did in the later episodes. A lot, actually.

kek nice try. This show is so inaccurate which is why no one likes it

it's really accurate and it's extremely popular.. not sure if you're joking

I like it. It's pretty great.

>You're using Gnome? I'm a KDE guy myself
what the fuck was that?

Isn't it Jenny's number ?

Bad gay porn plot, that's what it is.

Obviously using a desktop environment makes you a hacker

Cringey attempt at being cool

>Mr. Robot
>really accurate
pick one

It's the same logic why everyone in movies has a 555 phone number you idiot

>girl works at a netsec company
>hasn't even heard of a rootkit

fuck this show really grinds my johnsons together

They can't use a public IP address because it would get flooded with traffics especially with this show. If they used a private IP address you would REEEEEEEEE just as hard at them. They could have used a class E address I guess but I wouldn't expect a hollywood writer to know about that. So slap a number higher then 255 on it and call it good.

>character in a movie dials a number


Yep, this is the first time this has ever happened, all other movies/shows put in their company IP, to make it realistic.

Anyway you should be happy they even knew what an IP was, and didn't go the route of NCIS with double hacking or gooey in visual basic.

Anyone who unironically watches these types of shows are losers one way or another, either trying to pretend they know jack shit or pretending they're smart as they sit at home at 11:00 am unemployable yelling out little discrepancies in the show

I think so but I'm not sure. Hey, I hust got an idea! You should call and ask so we can be certain

i watched the first season,meh..then when it got really into the fact hes just a fuckin loon i turned it off..and i work in the same industry and its cringy as fuck!

>mfw friend made fun of exmachina because they showed fizzbuzz or whatever the fuck during a """hacking""" scene
>says mr reddit is accurate as fuck though and praises it to no end

spotted the gnome user