Why is this included?

Why is this included?


Other urls found in this thread:


It's an actual term used in US law.

it's a legal term for unforeseen events / desasters

>What is a flood

thats a result of the weather / environmental factors


Nature process ?

>apple making fun of delusional americans again
lmao what a based company

>yfw Apple EULA forbids you from using their software to make nukes


Many companies include it as an end all be all to cover any other special circumstances

>terrorists have the budget to use apple in the first place

Term invented by religiousfags. It means and

>religious fags
not really, purely a cultural thing

Culture influenced by religion, though.

...which was started by religiousfags

apple is in the service of the antichrist

Apple software is gratis.

Now that's what you call Ragnarok proofing

If you are taking this at name level, yes.
Even without religion, if it wouldn't have God in the name, there still would have been a word which would simply cover all unforseen events or consequences. It's simply what this ended up being called as since most nations were founded under religious principles. "In God We Trust" is still a thing you know, so are oaths.

like woah lmao says god. god is for fags lol

>Why is this included?
"Act of God" is a legally-defined term much used in the insurance industry.
