can linux look exactly like what's shown in pic related?
Can linux look exactly like what's shown in pic related?
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You are retarded, of course it can
can it do this?
search that looks like this?
Everything in Linux distros is customizable down to the last pixel, every element.
So yes.
If there is a mechanic you can think of,
a function you can think of,
some Linux neckbeard has already developed it,
and it can be implemented in various ways.
yes my retarded friend. You can (and should) also kill yourself and free your family of the weight of having a child that is like you
can i have any pictures that look anywhere close to that before you call me retard?
no, because that would take actual work, which freetards have proven to be allergic to.
The Apple MacBook Pro with Retina Display doesn't have this problem.
Windows key + whatever you're looking for = the same thing in Linux if you use most any DE.
I don't see why anyone would bother, but technically, yes.
>that shitty search UI that doesn't fit the theme
>that shitty tool bar on the browser that doesn't fit the theme
Those would be easily customized on Linux.
Too bad you are on a shitty OS where half the shit isn't allowed to be customized, or can't be in any way.
i have tried xfce and kde both look worse
>Too bad you are on a shitty OS where half the shit isn't allowed to be customized, or can't be in any way.
i don't need that on windows, i want linux to look like this
>he doesn't realize Microsoft copied all of this from Linux
>i have tried xfce and kde both look worse
So configure them.
Are you stupid?
Just like Rainmeter on Windows can be configured in any way possible, every element on Linux can be configured and edited, you lazy dumb windblows scum.
Can linux be made so I can play indie games only available on Windows through a virtual machine that's using a bare metal installation of Windows on a dual boot setup
The answer to all your questions is yes, because most of that stuff was taken from linux by microsoft. Now, fuck off
source, holy shit
why doesn't maximized window have tabs and buttons in the same line
Look up Windows shell and look up new features for every update in relation to Linux, and compare release times.
It's that simple.
Linux community constantly invents and releases new shit thanks to its packages system.
Windows needs to wait years to actually update.
Every update pretty much contains something Linux already had.
that looks horrid and you should consider suicide for not even being able to change how bad it looks
that's nice and everything, show in linux please
go rice your minimalism pink desktop further
I'll do you better and tell you how to do it:
You can use CSS to change themes, which should already fix all the shit you have in that pic that's all out of theme because your picture is puke.
And then
And then
Rainmeter is an example of how easy it is to get to what you have in that pic.
close enough, too much work to make it look exactly the same(too lazy)
>You want to build your own DE (desktop environment).
so, does DE with capability to show other available windows for snapping when you snap one other window already exist?
Of course Linux can do that.
There's a shit ton of window manager packages and tweaks on Linux so yes.
Even having multiple desktop environments off one monitor is nothing new on Linux.
Ask the ricers in the ricing generals if they want to spend the time doing that. Linux can do all these things, but requires fiddling with config files, changing icons and that sort of thing.
But it's not at all impossible with any stretch of the imagination.
Just uncheck use system title bar and that shit
What is the purpose of this exercise?
Constantly having dark background and small text is bad for your eyes. They will become overly sensitive to light and bright objects causing pain and blurred vision.
then it would inconsistent with other kde windows
this one's close, what if you make buttons appear on window, would it stay in one line?
If you mean tabs and title bar becoming one, there is an add-on in firefox to make it headless.
Not sure what that would achieve. I always use it maximized.
What de/theme?
It is stock KDE with breeze icons and theme.
No but Linux file search seems more fluid and responsive. Windows 10 start menu lags when you try to open search. It can't seem to index itself properly.
yeah, breeze theme, but changed some of the themes colors
bet microsoft using IE there
>Windows 10 start menu lags when you try to open search
what do you mean, it's instant for me at least, i use ssd though, not sure how it would work with hdd
>faggot with astigmatism telling others what's good and what isn't without even knowing anything about their individual ocular health and status
It's like a faggot who is lactose intolerant telling people that drinking milk is bad.
Get the fuck out you idiot. Sup Forums is bad enough without your own mental retardation.
I would love to use KDE if it wasn't such a trainwreck.
I simply removed some useless applications and the entire shell core vanished on reboot. Never seen such incompetent team of devs. The Google search is full of complaints about KDE.
The problem is cumulative updates which are basically version upgrade. They fuck up certain PC's and laptops. In some cases disable certain installed software. No one knows why. When you got Microshit forums, the stupid pajeets never answer your question and keep copy pasting bullshit.
don't remove basic dependencies you dummy, you have to know what you are removing.
Its like removing glibc, obviously everything will break
>mfw this GUI design made almost without any monetary investment by a bunch of neckbeards is precisely what Windows is supposed to be to fit the name and the philosophy; and Microshit can't pull it off even with who knows how many millions and tens of millions invested in Windows development
At this point one realizes how fucking shit and incompetent Microsoft is.
I used the Discover software center. Not some shady command in terminal.
I just removed the kmail and kontact which I did not need. I have removed nearly all stock Unity apps without ever bricking the OS. KDE is too sensitive.
I honestly feel suffocated and depressed looking at Windows. I can't use it anymore. Google docs and libreoffice were easy to learn. I left it all behind.
maybe that was the problem, I've removed kmail and never installed kontact, no problems with my build.
I think you should try one of those shady commands, just to know what you are removing
lmfao, was this you trying to shill microsoft? Wew lad, perhaps you should try linux before trying to criticize it.
Yes, though the better question is why would you want it to.
>l33t tiny bitmap fonts im so hacker XD
literally typical trashy linux wm theme + desktop
doesn't Gnome do that?
Why would I want to shit up my gui like that?
> taskbar on top
I don't use it but I'm sure it can you poor macfag wannabe.
right click under the bar and uncheck "use system titlebar"
mine is literally windows 10
Sadly no, OP. Linux has no graphical interface, since it's just a kernel.
close 4 sure
GPU passthrough or something like that comes very close
fwiw the addon in Firefox that people say make it "headless" in gtk environments makes you lose all functionality of titlebar, like dragging the window, double clicking the top to maximize or shrink etc
it's cancer
chromium/chrome is the ONLY browser that works in gtk the way it's windows and mac counterparts do (with nice tab bar/title bar integrated)
vivaldi as well but it doesn't work on my system without flicker, hopefully they work it out bc it's got lots of features and we need more good browsers
pic related
jk m9
use DDE, right click on taskbar and check "Efficient mode"
The only difference is icons, but that can be fixed
fuck off karate man
>Multiple DEs together in one monitor
spoonfeed me please
because you have crippling autism
this is so easy to figure out, literally day 1 shit kid
Because Linux a shit.
>then it would inconsistent with other kde windows
Who gives a fuck. It looks better than wasting screen real estate.
Can system32 look exactly like what's shown in pic related?
closest it can get
Not bad.
i like having everything in one place, os x doesn't even have a taskbar
no one has showed one that keeps consistency with other windows, so is it really?
is it manjaro or kde problem with multiple monitors?
>set every monitor position where i want, change wallpapers, choose primary screen, have taskbar on it
>proceed to check how it behaves when unplugging/plugging hdmi
>sometimes taskbar doesn't appear on laptop screen(last screen that's left active)
>screen positions aren't saved
>sometimes wallpapers go back to default
>sometimes taskbar appears not on the primary screen
Read the first part only.
No it can't. You can't make the titlebar translucent like that for example. It's simply not possible with GTK2.
Hell, I don't even know if it's possible with GTK3.
>fwiw the addon in Firefox that people say make it "headless" in gtk environments makes you lose all functionality of titlebar, like dragging the window, double clicking the top to maximize or shrink etc
You don't need a titlebar to do any of that. Use your keyboard. Ever heard of Alt+Drag?
>with nice tab bar/title bar integrated
That's not nice and it's not integrated, it's feigning the theme you're using and making its own. It looks disgusting and doesn't fit the rest of the OS.
if you want to make it look like shit, yes you're free™ to do so.
Most interface stuff wass taken from Mac OS.
this is what iFags actually believe
>implying Mac OS isn't just a linux UI copypasta
winfag, actually.
I believe Apple's shitty proprietary BSD mutant and proprietary stuff has no place in computing.
But outside some stuff they took from Ubuntu, most interface things are taken from mac, and a bit from Windows.
not him but you're not making you look fine with that answer.
off by one.
Even your shilling atemps weren't compensated.
OS X is actually an open source OS (Darwin) with some proprietary stuff like Quartz and Cocoa added
I haven't attempted to shill anything, you fucking mong.
Link to that Windows 10 theme?
i'll expand it to you then. no, i am not trying to shill microsoft.
>makes you lose all functionality of titlebar, like dragging the window, double clicking the top to maximize or shrink etc
This is not true tho.
Gnome uses javascript and css under the hood iirc.
>I-I wasn't shlling you silly
Nice try Pajeet, you almost got me there