Okay guys, give me your favorite IRC networks and channels.
Where do all the cool guys hang out these days?
Also who /xenn/ here?
Okay guys, give me your favorite IRC networks and channels.
Where do all the cool guys hang out these days?
Also who /xenn/ here?
It's kinda sad how over the years all my chans have died out
But freenode is where all the gnu/linux/opensource nerds hang out
Efnet is mostly garbage but longtime lurker of #electronics and #hardware
Espernet is where all the chiptune/tracker kids are at and some game dev chans
That's about it, besides that I have a handful of servers I use one or two chans on for whatever specfic purpose
Rizon for all of your Chinese cartoon needs.
Thanks for the input
I am mainly on freenode, and use rizon for weeb stuff.
It's a real shame that IRC is dying out, because all the alternatives are centralized and backed by a single company.
I never cared about IRC. It feels like you have to "earn" the trust of the resident circlejerkers otherwise they just ignore you. Same reason why I dislike Discord, forums and reddit.
Pretty much this, you'll always be the newfag on irc just because everyone else has been there forever
#homescreen on rizon
Come join us ;^)
how do I hide my ip on irc?
No one would ever do anything malicious with your IP on IRC
Yup this, IRC is long, long, LONG past any "communication" it might have been and it's ban-on-sight if you don't repeat whatever out of date, shitty, wrong circlejerk "information" they repeat.
IRC shits figured out quick that there really is nothing keeping them from hitting that ban button and it's much easier than coming up with a real rebuttal, or they know they don't have one.
IRC isn't about information, it's about circlejerking based on circlejerking that happened decades ago, they've already passed the shit-singularity and there's no way you or anyone else could possibly fit in.
Why not?
sounds like ham radio
Make irc great again on efnet #howardstern
What are some good rizon channels?
preferably anime-related
general are good as well
fuck off newfagfrog
maybe if you dorks stopped saying "nigger cuck nigger" in the first five minutes of joining a new channel, they'd let you stay
you sound insufferable
ctcp is something you want to be more careful about
then you'd hate my irc channel ;-)
and how do you stay safe with ctcp?
guess being able to socialize with others make you insufferable
no, being a faggot makes you insufferable
Triviabots are my waifu. Been addicted to irc trivia for decades.
Send help.
If you aren't in any active groups there's no point in joining another. You'll just be an outcast for years.
kill yourself
You're right. I'm supplying false information
nobody here likes you
Casey says hey
irc trivia is like either google it or fail on dates, baby names are fuckin crazy, rarely ever get em, but when i see something only i know im happy like john hughes movies or 80s metal
Anyone know how to get past the trial 30 day thing, since 7.46 I cant run irc without purchasing anymore
What are some fun channels?
i'm using IRC since 2001 and never managed to get b6 from any channel, maybe it's just your fault.
all my favourite IRC channels are offshoots of private communities or dedicated to a specific circle of friends.
a lot of them have just moved to discord now too desu.
build irc bot that gets every new submission posted on leddit then passes the title and a shortened url into the channel. take it into a channel instantly banned
>[channel mod] wtf is wrong with you why would you bring that bot in here?
>[channel mod] we have decided as a community that we don't need that functionality in here
>[autist] post source
ya no irc is full of turbo autists.
nigger cuck nigger
You're the autist. Hell take your bot and yourself to reddit faggot
I have never visited an IRC channel where a conversation was held.
It's always xxx entered channel, yyy left...
shit channels desu, mine mostly have very active users