How much do you Sup Forums cucks make?

How much do you Sup Forums cucks make?

I'm a new web dev and need some inspiration.

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110k + stocks in the Bay Area as backend engineer

But I fucking hate the cost of living and liberal smugness.

man I'd lick every inch of her skins.

$0. I've been unemployed for 5 years.


get a job user

what's the ratio of good front end vs back end jobs?

First year at goog
Base pay is around 110k
But with signing, stocks, relocation it is around 230k for total compensation. 2nd year it dips to 190k?

sounds about right

$0 in canuckistan
don't move here

Full-stack, currently making 130K, about to switch jobs and make 150K.

>everyone wants a fucking javascript hipster fuckwad programming on his macbook air using sublime text or some C#/Java fuck boy to make their latest KILLER App idea
>almost no C++ jobs in my area

I'm Here's a compensation list of the company offers I got. YMMV
The 'X year comp' is the total at that point, not that year's compensation. Hope it helps?

~130k + (probably worthless) stock options

work for a bay area company but live outside the US, so that money goes a long way - lower cost of living, lower taxes, favourable exchange rate

Mommy buys me lots of treats.

~70k working as a Java cuck for a shipping company on back end web services. St Louis so I get to keep a lot of money since the cost of living is so low.

I do desktop support in a university and make about 45k. I've been off paid for almost two weeks.

cia nigger

> good front end

Really depends on your definition. There's no shortage of mobile dev openings for obvious reasons but I'd steer clear of webdev since the market seems to be flooded by """"bootcamp"""" fags driving wages down.

As always, it's always good to know a bit about both backend and frontend since most programmers are just interchangeable cogs in most large companies.

>bay area

Unless you are living in a rent controlled apartment then that's basically minimum wage.


The last 20 clients just thought they had me on speed dial for every piece of shit question they had, when I signed contracts saying I WORK FOR YOUR FUCKING WEBSITE ONLY

>if you have to talk to the client directly, you're in for real customer service hell

Good luck staying employed 10+ years.

You understand how this really works.

Me, 68k, po-dunk state, cost of living is high but not insane, have family, two kids, been employed 19+ years and still learning.

The old myth/meme of "join a startup and be filthy rich" died almost 20 years ago in the DotCom 1.0 bust. I'm never at a loss to be amazed at all the idiots that sign up for this shit in the Bay Area and then realize they're fucked at 30.

Realize that if you go that route, you're going to flame out most likely, unless you shift gears and "tone down" what you work on.

And if you work as one of Google's bitches, well, you get what you deserve.

I live and work in the South Bay where costs are basically 2/3rds of San Fagcisco.

I'm really not being overworked at Google. If anything I feel like working at Google is way too comfortable. So I'm not seeing how it's not viable to be here. Sure I'd love to see other companies, but in theory, staying here wouldn't be a bad idea

Hijacking this thread:

What is the level of competency required for a paid internship at a startup?

What does college not teach me about doing programming in a business like this?

$2k a month, by working 10 hours per week. Currently doing a masters in applied maths since I hated the excel slave wagecuck life. I used to make $4k/month on full time.

>$20000 a year for rent in San Jose, a 10 minute drive to the office
>$3000 a year for food
>take home $80k a year after taxes, save $50k a year
Oh do tell me how I'm literally making minimum wage.

>If anything I feel like working at Google is way too comfortable. So I'm not seeing how it's not viable to be here.
You answered your own question.

Every technology company follows a lifespan arc (hell, all companies follow this arc). When a tech company hits its peak, it tends to have "displays of excess" aka a loss of control on spending; this is usually followed by tighter financial controls (as the company execs suddenly realize the ship sprung a leak) or some other retrograde action. Didn't Google just change its policy on ad revenue a few years ago?

Realize that you are comfy now, but in five years, it will not be very comfortable at all, as the execs slowly tighten the noose on the company and try to reign in their losses. Google has lots of "cash in the bank" and cash flow but they only have a few one-hit wonders in their belt, and the bulk of their revenue is ad-driven. Android is a loss-leader for them so they can absorb all of your search bullshit; self-driving cars don't have a business model at the moment, it's all R&D; YouTube is flushing itself as it "crapifies" its videos, etc.

I would look at saving up for 3-4 years and bailing out before they hit the next phase, where they "plateau". Basically, they will loose their growth trajectory.

>San Jose
I'm sorry user

Application support: £60k

learn java or C#


$165k at my day job as a software engineer and $100k from side projects

about 93K in 2016, enterprise type software for financial services company

86k €
used to be a programer now I'm doing last level support for our huge enterprise customers.
I will most likely quit this year and look for a smaller company because shit already hit the fan, people are quitting and god knows how their replacements got the job because it cant be their skills.

Ever considered moving?

I'll bite, what are your side projects?

0$ and failing college, heading towards a neet's life unless I do something fast.

I'm already signing up to retake the classes I failed (due to not showing up, even for the final) and trying to put my time towards something more productive on the side.

Any anons have advice or if you've fucked up, how you over came it? I'm desperate for any hope

Computer Engineering/Maths masters here $200k as year any job you want

$85k / yr
Associate Software Engineer

Only 65K a year as a backend developer, but full benefits, 800$ rent, and not having to leave my home town make it so worth it.

I didn't fuck up in college but in HS it got to the point where I was advise to drop out and go to adult school. I was in my senior year and I had probably 25% of the required credits needed to graduate.

Really just need to set yourself an obtainable goal, whether it be to graduate, get a job, whatever and go for it.

Even if you failed a couple of classes, you're going to be alright. You can retake them.
Now if you said you wanted to go to med school or something you might be fucked

I'd say stay in school and complete your degree, if you don't want to do that I'd say join the Air Force or Army as some POG mos where you do nothing but sit in an office all day.

110k in the Midwest (25 vacation days and 14 holidays a year), rent is 700 a month for a 1100 sq ft apartment. I save about 65k a year. Hoping to retire in 15-20 years in my 40s.

I'm a Federal employee, web dev.

Devote yourself to class until you graduate. Don't get distracted in side ventures.

When you are going through college, your job is to be a student first, and if you can't find the time be a student you most certainly shouldn't be able to find time for whatever ventures you have.

How many k-locs to do you write?

Where in San Jose are you spending $1700 per month on rent? Some shithole in EPA or Ghetto on Story Rd?

Your stated numbers don't make sense. I think you are lying.

0$ in taxes right

70k £, London, teamlead of backend team

Driving wages down is a semi myth. Sure there are companies who lack the foresight to choose a. Skilled individual over an inexpensive one, but the majority of companies are smart enough to pay more and get more.

This is the first year I have topped $30k

notbad; what's your role / programming language?

hacked ;)

1500€/month welfare



Just quit working as a Java Dev in London for 22k, spent a year there. Starting tomorrow, I'm moving to a devops consultancy (Also in London) for £30k, with £2.5k starting bonus, and £5k pay rise after my first year.

Apparently I'll be using Groovy, had a quick look and it seems similar to Java. Otherwise, I have no idea what I'll be doing. I was job hunting and a guy from this company phoned me up, highest wage offer in a medium sized company that's not incredibly corporate. Hopefully I've not fucked up.

working for an american company outside the US in EU making $75K. would make $120K there (SF) but i think i keep more here

Unless you're living in a literal cuck shed, that rent doesn't make sense.

Indie mobile game dev. My expenses total $1k a month living with a roommate in the midwest. Earnings obviously vary as I'm the one making the money no salary or hourly wage, but I would say a comfy $30k per year right now with one moderately successful f2p game with a paid no-ad alternative and two mediocre pure f2p games (in terms of finacial success).

Nothing amazing but I'm still woking my way up and frankly I would take half the pay amazing you other guys to do whatever I want when I want then to work 40 hour weeks doing whatever your told to while competing with pajeets.

There are Russian seniors making $10k/yr

Full stack web dev + infrastructure, department lead / architect, 95k

I have a senior position doing Devops type of stuff. i make about $140k. I work remotely for a Bay Area company. I would make more if I was at the SF office, but not enough to cover that cost of living and time spent commutting.

How does it feel to work at google?

how many years of experience in software?

I've worked in IT for about 15 years. I've been doing code heavy stuff for about 5-6 years.

Thanks to this advice I now have a job. Thanks user.

60k out of school working for a well off company that recently got acquired by a big faceless one.

Work is piss easy and there's hopeful potential of rising up in the future so we'll see.

Groovy is an extension of Java with a more functional syntax

200k ez

I'm having sex with hot chicks 24/7 while you nerd fap your computers.

as a mathematician: 70k, 100k+ after a few years

Food stamps got cancelled for not sending them some paper in time too so I'm gonna starve.

Natural selection. Farewell.


i wait tables, but i start back at school on the 9th

I'll be okay. My university tuition refund is going to $3k this semester.

That's what I've found reading through the documentation so far.

One of the blokes in the interview said it's like javascript so I'll be all right with it (I have some JS projects on my github) but the only similarities I can see are dynamic typing and .groovy scripts which are still executed on the JVM.

Dunno whether he was just being a bit thick.

this this semen demon?

feel u bro

About $120K a year working for an affiliate group that evaluates products as well as posts across various forums about the products.

£26k a year from work
£200 a month from online stuff (only been doing this a few months.
£3-400 matched betting.
im doing ok, the betting money is tax free too :D

I get £23k as a junior developer in northern England (not in a big city) with 1 year experience.

I should look at some extra income from whatever "online stuff" is.
like this fella

What online stuff can you do in the UK?

I've got a year of Java dev experience.

I get 20k € as a part-time sysadmin (20h/week), full-time student.

55k a year, hs engineering teacher.

Homeowner (already paid off), make more than 2x the median wage of the area I'm in.

It is sleepy, but at least I don't live in a cucked city where 100k isn't even enough for rent.

I'm in same position user. My issue is that I took too seriously and got fucked by psychological burnout.

The key is in balance. Never throw away your hobbies or neglect your health (sleep, food, hygiene).
Put in the hard work where it's due - but always give yourself time to do what you enjoy.

>file deleted after 10 hours

Wow, way to be on the ball there, you worthless fucktards.

20k ;~;

I'm an SRE/DevOps
For programming language a lot of it is system based; C++ and some python here and there.

Nothing too exciting. We might have a little bit more perks than most companies, but it shouldn't be the reason you work here.

>what is a filename

so ur making basically minimum wage in the USA as a developer? lmao enjoy that paki shithole

Made $70K straight out of college in new england writing with Node and React.

Bossman was a dick so I saved up some money and quit that shitty job. I'll find a new one when I feel like it. Get on my level.

Obviously sucking dick from his moms basement.

Yeah sure. I must toally be making this up.

fresh out of college. bay area company, 110k base, 70k signing, 200k shares

Fug that second one is so nice wow.