Browser wars

The good:
>minimal interface
>51% market share(all the sites are optimized for it)
>better video support
>better security
>built from the start with multithreading in mind
The bad:
>le google spyware
>ram usage is a bit more

The good:
>no google spying
>a few good addons
The bad:
>poor multithreading support(hence, slow)
>9% market share(sites aren't optimized for it)
>bloated(hence slow)

Netscape should have just stayed dead. First, Microsoft killed them off, and now they're waiting for Google to do the same thing. Fuck those cucks.

Why are you still using the piece of shit that is Firefox?

Other urls found in this thread:

i dont want to learn something new, the exact reason as to why i wont switch from windows to linux. firefox still works extremely well with extensions and about:config tweaks

when something doesn't work, ill just chromium portable.

> Firefox has 9% market share
Mission accomplished Mozilla.

the only browser that is good is safari. it is the mother of all webkit based browsers i.e. chromium, Vivaldi, brave, opera. it is the fastest, most ram efficient, battery efficient, leanest and non bloated browser there is.

I seriously can't express how awesome three finger tapping a link to preview in a temporary window is for forums/boards.

>a link to preview in a temporary window is for forums/boards.
Can be done of Firefox


screen cap? on windows?

>le google spyware

You can literally read every code line and check if there is some spyware.
Protip: there is none.

Wait, is chromium just chrome minus botnet i.e. safe? Are there any drawbacks to it?

I went to use firefox for a week after using chrome for years and I can say it's a broken piece of shit.
I had to install like 10 addnons to have the same stuff you have in chrome out of the box, I tried developer edition, nightly and other special snowflake builds and they all the same shit. Random crashes and freezes, slow as fuck.
I had some respect for firefox in the past but I can't bealive they become what is today, I just can't get people still use this piece of shit.

I use firefox developer edition for the dark color scheme and thinner toolbar/tabspace for more space to view the page

Same here, switched from chrome to Firefox some weeks ago but I am utterly disappointed by the performance. Is there any browser as good as chrome but that's actually trustworthy and doesn't have spy ware like chrome? (I heard chromium doesn't but is that true?)

Firefox isnt slow for me. What am I doing right, or what are you doing wrong?


I just use Opera.


What about the edgiest browser, MS Edge?

chromium still phones home to google. ungoogled chromium doesnt, but I heard it isnt maintained well.

I actually switched about a year ago and found it a lot better. Maybe try run Nightly?

I had heard that too, but the latest release was just a couple of days ago. It seems the dev has started maintaining the project again.

havent used chromium in years

is there a built in updater for it yet?

>like 10 addnons to have the same stuff
name 5


>not using Konqueror, the browser that Apple modeled Safari after
Lmao, KDE masterrace here.
Daily reminder that KDE started Webkit.

Is there a decent auto-update feature for Chromium? The best I can find is a shitty wrapper app that just downloads the latest version if it's out of date when launching, which means there's a 30 second delay when launching the browser most of the time. Plus the taskbar icons are separated.

yeah, and wheres konqueror now? dead. safari still lives in Darwin. checkmate

What about Vivaldi or iridium?

are you seriously comparing space used by a piece of downloaded software vs a piece of software that relies on various already installed/available libraries?

you fucking retard

Konqueror is still around. It's the default browser of KDE senpai.

>Not using Google Ultron

Chromium is nice. Umatrix is also much better than no script.

Are you part of the ULTRA botnet senpai?

How can you ever recover?

qutebrowser is CUUUUUUUUTE

Just use Brave, you morons.

What a waste of fine digits


Tried chromium like year ago, it was slow too, plus adblock worked like shit.
Don't want to repeat this experience.

I just use FireFox (:

>Select all squares with fireworks.

>Using Chinese Botnet with shitty UI

been using this along side chrome for about a year now and i've liked it so far. could i use exclusively vivaldi for a week without losing my shit... no, but it's not bad as a throwaway cookie vacuum

Holy fuck you never installed Firefox.

where can I get a Chromium .exe 64bits? I don't know how to build myself.

Not on my machines
Absolutely irrelevant to the browser

>minimal interface
There's no point in being "minimal" when it's tabs take more screen than ff tabs, are larger and the sites are more zoomed in by default. Firefox has a much smaller and thus better interface.

You also forgot
>the good:
>better settings overall

Yet they recently found trackers in it
Who knows what else is there
Open source doesnt magically make the code malware free

>"firefox is slow"
>not using a powerful gaming PC

enjoy your no customization, nearly no configuration, many extra security holes, and spyware lite.

Fuck them for making the newtab.url worthless though.

> >9% market share

u wot m8

How is it worthless? Isn't it about:newtab now?

Unfortunately not(if they haven't changed it again)

Isn't that 10 "major" versions behind?

No built in updater; use chocolatey to keep it updated

It's since then. To be honest it's not that much of a problem though, but it anyojs me that you had do download an addon to set a custom new tab url.

Oh and FireFox has no Sandbox.

>I can say it's a broken piece of shit.

>minmal interface

there is no native browser that is as lean as safari, you fucking retard

>with extensions and about:config tweaks
both are literally dead in the water

I gave up firefox despite even being an addon dev because it's so unbearably slow and every single new version just removes good stuff and adds nothing of value

mozilla fucked up, they deserve for their mistakes

>I gave up firefox despite even being an addon dev because it's so unbearably slow and every single new version just removes good stuff and adds nothing of value

They're also fucking up big time by deprecating XPCOM/XUL in favor of chrome's shitty addons API. Say goodbye to addons like pentadactyl that make firefox usable

Mozilla fucked up and forgot what its user base was, let them reap the rewards.

you're a disgusting darkfag your opinion on interfaces has been discarded

Because if Mac users had to make a choice what browser they installed they would never reach Facebook.