Is there a more beautiful music player available for Android?

Is there a more beautiful music player available for Android?

If so, what is it? Looking to change from BlackPlayer, looks nice but library keeps shitting the bed and can't find my tracks

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The stock sony music player is similar. Check it out

Why does it even mater. You turn music on and then put the phone in your pocket.

tag your music correctly

MIUI built-in Music app

I'm autistic about tags, all my music is tagged impeccably. I didn't have this problem in my G3 with BlackPlayer, it's some kind of conflict with my new Xiaomi phone that seems to make it keep losing the library

I just get this bastard every time I open the MIUI inbuilt music app. All my music is on an external SD card but it never seems to find it even when I explicitly point it to the files.

Unrelated, but I've only heard Fineshrine, does it kinda have the same sound as other Purity Ring stuff?

Yes, similar sound but different enough that it doesn't get draining. Really good album, well worth torrenting

Thanks, I'll hafta give them a listen.


This isn't a blackplayer problem. BP only reads media data from Android's internal media meta-data DB. I have seen the same problems on my end as well (tagged music showing up as unknown artist, etc).

Been working on a small app for a bit that will fix problem tracks, but as for a workaround right now, not sure of any.

Anyone using blackplayer having the album cover not fit to screen. Pic related. It looks centered. Edges fall off the screen

Because people can be detailed faggots.

>mfw t mobile free streaming on spotify
>download hacked free Spotify premium up
>don't have to deal with downloading songs
+1 for purity ring though, her songs are beautiful. She was great on 25 bucks too

>mfw all those look the same

Where to get the hacked apps?
Here's the direct link so you don't have to go through all the cancer links

Purity Ring is whiny generic hipster trash

Can anyone confirm this? Don't want to be a dick but "hacked spotify app for free music!" seems fishy as fuck

man i wish apps could use google play's music sub

do any of them use spotify's? even though i have a big music library i love having a streaming service

It's not bad desu.

Hacked apps sounds like code for "robot bitcoin miner"

But it is
It's lazily-created tick tick nonsense that drags on until they get bored, then they rehash the entire album in a different key.
It's literally painful to listen to more than one purity ring song in a row

>muh wrong opinion is fact


And you can only come up with "it's not bad", which is all I hear from the pink haired lesbian-haircut men of Seattle

>muh super glossy happy but lifeless pop

The production and track itself is great but even I have to admit the lyricist has no idea what she's doing
It's like someone presented her an instrumental and she spends an hour before the debut writing all the lyrics and making sure they fit phonetically rather than make sense or have meaning

I first found purity ring on a "retro with a wobble" internet station
Music is music but they sure as hell know their target audience is hipster scum

With their first album, the darker instrumentals contrasted her super sweet voice. It's singles were good, but the album as a while wasn't. Now the whole thing is this one dimensional glossy generic pop album.

>the repetitive instrumentals covered her discordant and unnecessary voice

Is there another music player that is better than poweramp and can play all different formats?

>non-square album art

google play music just werks and syncs your music library to all your devices if you just embrace the botnet

>Not having a 128GB SD card with all the music you want in FLAC for your cars sound system and autistic audiophile headphones


>not taking your laptop in your car to load Ableton and mix your own music in the drive thru

Pi Music is a very good player

Which G phone?

black players now playing screen looks good but everything else looks like shit and isn't unified

I'm using phonograph now but looking for something better to switch it
