>decide to update gpu drivers
>check for updates
>see this
>unable to progress further without logging in
So when did NVIDIA decide to ruin their only-good-for-checking-updates software?
>decide to update gpu drivers
>check for updates
>see this
>unable to progress further without logging in
So when did NVIDIA decide to ruin their only-good-for-checking-updates software?
Because they make more money that way.
funny thing was that I was about to drop coin on a new 1070 until this shit came out
now im waiting for vega.
you can still download and install newer drivers for your gpu from their website. geforce experience is not necessary for your gpu drivers, its a tool people can use for extra features.
Why would you need anything more than a 750Ti?
What is that? Is it that the geforce experience thing I always uncheck in the custom install because it would break tw3? I use a black magic pro 4k capture card on a mini itx build for streaming, what good is that shit, and why wouldn't you just choose not to install it?
are you seriously using GeForce experience and conplaining
>geforce experience
I didn't think people actually download that
should've bought AMD dude... no problems here, Crimzone runs flawless
Use cock.li kek
And also go to SRP to disable the telemetry
>decide to update drivers
>go to guru3d
>download drivers
>install drivers
See OP, it's pretty easy to use computers
>five times five
dayum son, where'd you find this
It's a big deal because the experience is required for shadow play, which is great for recording without overhead.
do you play video games or some shit?
no way brah, gaming is for nerds. all I do is shitpost on Sup Forums and download anime pics.
Soon it will be mandatory, nvidia wants to make sure everyone is part of their new botnet
as if that makes it less ridiculous
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