Is 2017 the year of the linux desktop?

Is 2017 the year of the linux desktop?


linux is a kernel, not a desktop env


It's been the year of Linux desktop for the past 12 years for me.

Fuck this. I hate Linux now. >.

>Silverlight will die in 2017
>Plugins like Java and Flash will die in 2017
I say we are closer than ever.

dubs says no

In 2016, 1,018 games were released on Steam with Linux support.

The Cubs won the world series. Anything is possible at this point.


2017 is THE YEAR for Solus linux. screencap this if you don't believe me.

I really don't care what the masses do, after all when it comes to computing the masses are as smart as a pack of apes, not even the smart ones, more in line with baboons maybe.
Ubuntu is just great, looks good and it let's me get the job done, plus Windows 8.1 in a VM is great.
There is really no reason to use Windows in bare metal besides muh vidya.

Unfortunately, no year will be the Linux year, because everyone think they are a snowflake, and instead of working to make a few distributions competitive, they just fork and develop their own.

Only when game developers start using Vulkan, and systemd crashes and burns along with wayland.

I'll make the logo.

What is the reason to use windows in a vm? (assuming no vga passthrough for muh vidya)

Yep we got vulkan and Wayland

Yes, 2017 is the year of the GNU/Linux desktop.

>Implying Wayland is bad

>implying it isn't

Better than the outdated turd called

you misspelled the name of your mom

Why? It works good for me, I use both i3 and openbox. I see nothing bad in it except it's outmoded for Arch-kiddies.

I'm going to stick with win 7

2015 was the year of linux desktop.
Win 10 was released and everyone jumped ship from Windows because windows 10 is forever.

The year of CINAMON/XFCE/KDE/GNOM on GNU+linux year.


The transition has already begun, although very slowly.

Trully MS is the greatest advocate of linux, they are trying the hardest to make people switch to linux.

They tried with vista.
They tried with Win8.0 and I left so did a lot of peopel.
They nuked their fan base with Win10 and people are migrating form the nuclearly devastated wasteland that is windows.

If only Microsoft annihilates the windows ecosystem like making tomorrow every single program incompatible with its new update on win10 that makes all applications incompatible and requires you to buy new win10 applications only from the windows store.

We are waiting MS, don't disappoint us.

They tried with windows 7 as well, which was way worse than vista.

Win7 has trash GUI.
At least Vista did have a good GUI.

Whatever now these are wintard problems in the GNU ecosystem I don't have my GUI fused to the rest of the OS and I can switch it for whatever I want(cinnamon or XFCE or whatever) VS wintard take or leave it or in the Win10 world take it or stop using the computer way of thinking.

>and everyone jumped ship
Nobody of any meaningful amount jumped ship. They just stuck with Windows 7.

The echochamber of freetards here on Sup Forums has made you all delusional.

No and it'll never be.

Companies which make actual profit will always make the best OS experiences

Why not change to loonix after all MS is trying to kill Win7.
You can have your Win7 in a VM and use all your programs, or dual boot.

Come join the loonix side its comfy.

>Companies which make actual profit will always make the best OS experiences
We are switching to SteamOS we no longer need you MS.
Good night.


Not this year or ever, sine 90% of people are either too last or just don't care about switching.

millenials say

It already is!
for Everyone who is not a NEET who gets money from mom it absolutely is.

Let me cross post from
>>Name and contact data. We collect your first and last name, email address, postal address, phone number, and other similar contact data.

>>Credentials. We collect passwords, password hints, and similar security information used for authentication and account access.

>>Demographic data. We collect data about you such as your age, gender, country, and preferred language.

>Mfw I saved my Banking password on Edge browser

If you are not banking on loonix have fun having all you money stolen do to the fact that Win10 has a build in keyloger
>To improve customer satisfaction


>Name and contact data. We collect your first and last name, email address, postal address, phone number, and other similar contact data.
Yes, that's the data they ask you when you make a Microsoft/Outlook account. Has nothing to do with Windows as you don't need a Microsoft account.

>Credentials. We collect passwords, password hints, and similar security information used for authentication and account access.
Yes, that's the way passwords works. They store the password you give them when you create a Microsoft account. Then when you have to login in some Microsoft service, they compare the password you write in that moment with the one they have in the user database. Incredible! Again, has nothing to do with Windows.

>Demographic data. We collect data about you such as your age, gender, country, and preferred language.
Again, you provide this information when you create a Microsoft account. Has nothing to do with Windows.

Another day, another underage technologically impaired retard FUD busted. Good way to begin the year.

I was quoting a user.

And Win10 spays on you for real.

Any process can see any window. The people who develop X themselves said it has huge flaws by design, but you have it all figured out.

linux ftw.

fucking delete this