How much do we know about Linus Torvalds' personal battle station? All I've heard is that he prefers Red Hat over Debian and likes laptops that weigh 2 pounds or less.
How much do we know about Linus Torvalds' personal battle station...
>How much do we know about Linus Torvalds' personal battle station?
He likes those running desks, you know where you have a threadmill and a standing desk.
>you know where you have a threadmill and a standing desk.
wtf i hate linux now
>socks and sandals """ironically"""
>"retro" gadgets
>3D printer
>running desk
>working from home
When did our lord and saviour become a hipster meme?
>standing desk
>single monitor
>black on white terminal
You forgot
>has a macbook pro as his favourite laptop
>most of his time is spent reading emails and browsing
Linus uses a Pixel 2 laptop with Fedora (whatever the latest version is). He's not shy about telling people that info on his Google+ site from time to time.
Nigga ain't nobody got time for that shit
There's literally nothing wrong with socks and sandals. I wear socks at home. I'd wear just socks in public but then I'd step in glass and rusty nails and shit. So I wear sandals, and wherever I go, it feels like I'm at home.
Well, he IS A Finn
how did such a genius convince a woman he is attractive enough to marry and have sex with?
She is an academic too, so imagine how ugly their kids are.
Nowadays this is pretty normal. Only autists would rather have a non-Macbook if price was no object.
But that's wrong.
ooooh shit. nevermind. i aman academic and DO NOT want to marry an academic. fuck.
Well at least we know one thing
>Look at the first 20 seconds.
gaudy generic shit : a sign of his dad responsibilities making him give up on life
MacBook has no's a shitty laptop
letting someone film a desk with bank statements plus other letters on, nice job linus
He lives in Portland. That should've been a dead giveaway.
>cameron howe
Now that is a neck I can get behind!