What do you think of the 1080 ti?

What do you think of the 1080 ti?

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Too expensive for poojeets.

It will be between Titan X (pascal) and 1080 unlike 980ti vs Titan X (maxwell)

another tool for the jewish tricks of nvidia that people will just eat up without second thought.

Nvdia shillbots 48 hours early?

It is the Titan X GPU though, just with a few core packages lasered off and clocked higher

t. poojeets

I think it'll be interesting but not something I'd buy yet.

Still happy with my windforce gtx 680 4GB.

>another tool for the jewish tricks of nvidia that people will just eat up without second thought.
Your terrible english gives you away Rajeesh.

nvidia will release the 1080ti because AMD is about to beat the 1080. nvidia do not want to lose the performance crown.

This kind of proves nvidia held back just to keep prices high on the 1080

>, just with a few core packages lasered off and clocked higher
Yea, they had to make room for the bigger clock speed.

I heard its going to take up three pci slots, not really sure if I want to give up that sort of real estate if you know what I mean. 2 slot cards were already bad enough.

>nvidia do not want to lose the performance crown.
Using do when you should use does kind of proves you are pooing in the street.

what the fuck do you have in your other slots which matter. I have dual gtx980s, dual 10gbe nics, and a RAID card using up all my slots and i'm getting rid of my 980s once the 1180 comes out because im tired of dealing with SLI bugs and power bills.

sli soundcards

>[...] beat the 1080.

WHAT!!!! You drunk nigga?

Even if it took 4 who cares. A gaymen PC needs zero expansion cards excluding GPU.

Another overpriced video card that's only useful if you like jerking off to your benchmark scores.

>I wish I played vidya at 4k

Not really. Games are shit.

>Not wanting to play Angry Goy

>memes in a video game
No thanks

lol, no. I need it for my server.

>I heard its going to take up three pci slots

Where does this meme come from?

The Titan runs in 2 slots with a shit cooler and still isn't thermonuclear bomb tier, the 1070 has a single slot solution coming too. Pascal are not hot cards unless EVGA designers are involved, so where does this shit about 3 slot coolers come from?


You funny

Not that user but it is a perfectly reasonable request. I have a pair of GTX 980s in my ESXi server.

May I ask what purpose these GPUs serve?

look at what the VMs are, including the one with the settings window open

>yfw Titan X isn't even the big Pascal

Yeah an extra 10 FPS sounds great, but it doesn't sound $5000 great

Belive me, richfags would fell on it

t. Your average subhuman retarded AMD supporter.

AMD has nothing that can beat 980 Ti to this day. Following your retarded Pajeet logic 1070/1080 had no reason to be released as well.

>b-but muh fury x

Pascal P6000 is not big pascal. It's the same chip as the Titan X, just not cut down.
The fact that Nvidia had to release a cut down Titan X in the first place and soon a even more cut down 1080ti means they have very bad yields.

Titan X is already in low supply and selling for moon prices. 1080ti will be in low supply for months, if they release it at all at CES.

>1080 literally outsold 480 10 to 1
>Cards were in such demand that for first 6 months every Pascal card costed $100 more than it should

You're not fooling anyone Ranjeet. Off yourself or at least fuck off back to your AMD subleddit.

And even with very bad yields and cut down chips they beat the shit out of AMD.

Is AMD even trying?

I'm sure it would help to clock it higher at a normal temp on a card that's already 300w

>Those minimums
4K gaymen on next gen gpus my ass

Considering the difference in scores that game has to have a lot of double precision calculations in whatever is happening during the minimums for the Quadro to more than double the score of the titan.

I'm sure having 2-6 times the memory of its competition driving 4K has nothing to do with it

how does being sold out disprove his point though?
if I manage to scratch my name into some silicon and sell it to my mom I'll be out of stock too.

The Quadro has 24GB, the Titan has 12GB and the 1080 has 8GB. If VRAM mattered the difference for minimums between the Titan and the 1080 would be significantly more. The only real difference between the Titan and and the Quadro besides VRAM is a few more coars and a lot of FP64 units.

>AMD has nothing that can beat 980 Ti to this day
lel, Fury X beats 980Ti in most benchmarks.
I even beat it in 4K at launch.

Fuck dude how many teraflops do you push

1080 is not Titan X you fuckwit.
6 months after release they limit sales to 2 per customer because they have so few of them.

>it even beat it in 4k at launch

Both cards aren't 4k cards. Your card runs Witcher 3 at 35 fps instead of 33 fps! It's just another typical AMD dishonest shill tactic of linking 4k benchmarks for two cards that can't handle those resolutions. Here are your updated 2016 benchmarks with 980 Ti still being miles ahead of Fury X. Nice try shill. Seriously can we just ban all AMD posters from this board? The amount of sheer stupidity and dishonesty that comes from them is mindbogglingly overwhelming.

>Seriously can we just ban all AMD posters from this board?
I think you got lost on your way to In this board things like open source drivers and a new standard called Freesync are considered a good thing even if they wouldn't give equal FPS in gaymen. Now go buy some green energy drinks and mousepads to show the world how you belong in the green """team""".

>Using AMD GPUs on a freedom machine

>He fell not only for the AMD meme, but the open source meme too

Oh man, that's kind of sad.

Id be more upset I bought two of the shittest cards nvidia have brought out in an age.
They were terrible. the ti's were good.

too damn expensive mang

>he fell for the 1080 meme
>barely runs a 2009 game


>I wish I could afford nice things

I can shame theyre nicer than yours.
Heres a lesson dont go shouting poorfag off the bat kiddo

does anything, ANYTHING, run that game well?


keep on projecting


not even a quantum computer can run GTA4 smoothly

How did it get that bad?

Just spaghetti code or some shit?

literally off yourselves k

This is the ideal pc build. You may not like it, but this is what peak performance looks like.

shit port

really, really shit

>peak performance looks like


those uneven numbers on the processor tho... ouch.

yes, # of autists triggered is counted as performance too, i recommend it

dafuq? you run all games in a vm? with horizon?show more pls

>you run all games in a vm?

>with horizon?
no, just ESXi 6.5

You can get Nvidia drivers to work in a VM by specifying hypervisor.cpuid.v0 = false in the VMX file. The drivers will crash constantly if you dont disable the VMware SVGA video adapter. Dont worry, the remote console will still work. And if you want SLI support you can patch the drivers with DifferentSLI Auto to disable the BIOS SLI license check.

For a start you attempted to call me a poorfag which alas sadly backfired.
Im not sure why you think having server cpus makes for good gaming. Do you actually use those for any other purpose as in work wise?
980 sli is shit for 4k. Im guessing you dont have the hb bridge.Then again the screen bleed off that will cover it up
Also those temps are a joke.

>For a start you attempted to call me a poorfag which alas sadly backfired.
you are a poorfag, my CPUs alone cost more than your entire system

>Do you actually use those for any other purpose as in work wise?
see or pic related, what the fuck do you think all those VMs are for.

>Im guessing you dont have the hb bridge.
thats only relevant for the 1080s, it does nothing on the 980s.

? I think you cant do maths very well 1 of those is £828. so double it then count up how much it cost for mine.
It still doesnt help the fact you bought two sacks of shit gpus and still have them.

>1 of those is £828
They were $1400 each new:

+ 10 others

AMD is done for. These pathetic amd shills are so desperate. First they try
>its too expensive
But anyone in a western country with a job can easily afford a new gpu a year. Next they try
>huh well ur just a gaymer!!
So? Theres nothing wrong with some entertainment. Also CUDA is the industry leader in gpu compute, and lets not forget how good these cards will be for neural networks the current hotness.

AMD is done for. They should be dissolved and sold off.

So what? if you do a price comparison you work off todays prices.

stay mad user that my CPUs alone cost more than your entire system

>he doesnt even have 10GbE

And if you want to work off todays prices the your used GTX 1080s are going for $340 each


>bragging with CPU on a 5$/mo VPS you paid for
top kek
do something with your inferiority complex man

>GTX980s with a 4k display
stay mad user

>faking screenshots for the internet hoping someone will like you on Sup Forums
hahah, i feel so sorry for you user :^)

check the leaked bench

nice shill there faggot. Fury X beats the 980ti and comes close to a 1080 in titles that are well optimized. its only gimpworks titles where nvidia does well. And in 4k it actually beats 980ti in some gimpworks titles.

thats just bullshit. i buy AMD cards because they provide better performance for me. besides its not about the cost, its about nvidia trying to screw dumb people like you over and over. i rise above that bullshit :)

Back to the loo poojeet.

$1000 isn't a lot of money to pay a year.

Intel should just buy AMD...

Then it would be Intel vs nVidia

>>faking screenshots
have fun playing with your poverty machine

thanks for the nfo, last question: how do you play the games? with C# vmware client or html5 client or flash client or do you stream the games with a solution like steam in home streaming or nvidia?

>he still doesn't have 10GbE fiber

>slapping gtx stickers on your poorfag cards

>with C# vmware client or html5 client or flash client or do you stream the games with a solution like steam in home streaming or nvidia?
none? they would all be horrible. pass through the GPUs and USB controllers to a VM, plug a monitor in to the GPU, and use it like a normal computer while the rest of the VMs run on other cores. Also be sure to set 100% CPU reservations for the game VM and latency sensitivity to high so it wont share resources with other VMs.

stay jelly user of my workstation, and stay mad that you've been BTFO repeatedly in this thread

keep telling yourself that you won xD
dont forget to bring that 4k monitor back to its real owner, you took enough screenshots to act rich on Sup Forums xd

>dont forget to bring that 4k monitor back to its real owner
Its a 40" 4K TV

its a monitor when you use it as one...
also well thought on taking a screenshot of newegg from the real owner, nobody falls for it
just make sure to return it to him xd

Can I ask any of you's opinion about this PC I am going to build? This is the first time I ever building one.

looks alright to me

looks good fampai.

Oh, really? Thank you. My friend said it will run Witcher 3 at high setting. Is he bullshitting me?

Only thing that might be off with that build is the PSU, but that doesnt really matter if you're on a really really tight budget. I myself would go with something with less wattage and more efficient.

The system will run witcher 3 no problems at all 1080p high settings.

Until we see the specs and price, I reserve judgement.

TXP is maybe ~30% faster than stock 1080, and there's a massive $500 or so price gap between them.

I might have interest if 1070/1080 prices finally drop (Vega successfully competes?) and the 1080 Ti ends up not more than $800, but I have serious doubts about this scenario happening.

Dont forget SSD/HDD

>tripfag can't tell a shopped image

sad but unsurprising

its not shopped. AMD is supported by Muslim terrorist oil money.

surely you can provide a link to said tweet then ;))

Ok we go 2nd hand off ebay.
your cpus. $48.
Holy shit you bought yours 2nd hand cheap didnt you!