Hey Sup Forums

Hey Sup Forums
Do you download then watch longer YouTube videos, or just use your browser? I find the site to be obnoxious to use especially when it comes to longer videos and seeking through them so I prefer to just download them locally and then watch on a proper video player without Google's servers crapping out whenever they want.

Other urls found in this thread:


youtube-dl and mpv

Yeah, still, sometimes it fails to resume after seeking, so I have to get the whole thing in the first place, which weirdly works with fairly high download speed.

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I use mpv

This + newsbeuter (RSS) instead of subscriptions.


How to download Youtube videos in 1080p/60 fps?

Her arm is hairy.


using youtube-dl, obviously.

Some videos may be separated audio and video tracks, so you need to download them separately and combine them with ffmpeg, which is usually done automatically by youtube-dl if no transcode is needed

what argument do you use to combine audio and video files?

It's literally in the OP:
youtube-dl -f **+** --merge-output-format mp4 *
You need the ffmpeg binary.

fullscreen vs fullscreen.
don't feel the need to dl.

sure go for it.
When i have some type of iusse with internet connection speed or Firefox not working well (low pfs for example ) I download them

this + addons.mozilla.org/en-US/firefox/addon/watch-with-mpv/

>using youtube-dl, obviously.

you mean something written in Python is actually useful? Sup Forums told me it was a meme language.

i don't have that image of tanya. care to post it please?

sure :^)

thank you, (you) are a Sup Forumsentleman and a scholar

look on yandex images after Tatyana Georgieva. I have 8 GB of her :^)
