Mint fags will defend this

>Running apt-get upgrade can break your Linux Mint install

But Linux Mint already is an Ubutnu/Debian frankenstein by design.

tripfags should be gassed desu

They don't use any Debian packages in Mint.

Who fucking cares.

What? I've run apt-get all the time. Never broke my install.

this is wrong

what's with the trips?

they don't have their own repos?
Why are they even considered a distro at this point?

tripfags who post in threads where they don't need to tripfag are just doing it to become famous internet posters, ignore them at all costs.

Kys. Worst trip fag I have ever seen

Imagine being this mad because someone typed letters into the Name field on Sup Forums's Sup Forums board

Ubuntu is based off Debian as we all know, Mint is based off... ie, IS... Ubuntu LTS

every now and then an update does come from debian, but 99 percent come from Ubuntu repos

>they don't have their own repos?
the only think that comes from Mint repos is Cinnamon shit and Mint Apps shit, everything else from Ubuntu

>Why are they even considered a distro?
honestly idk, it really is just Ubuntu LTS optimized for Cinnamon. I have no idea why things like Mint MATE exist, the only thing the Mint team seem to work on is Cinnamon DE and the Mint Apps while Canonical does all the heavy lifting

We know its you, Be Awesome.

>Ubuntu is based off Debian
>Mint is based off Ubuntu LTS

I don't think you are right

Ubuntu is taking unstable Debian packages, customizes them and stabilizes them, recompiles them and repackages them in their own repository. Then they package and compile their own software too. These go to their main repository and they are the official Ubuntu-supported packages, a complete distro that is made to work as a whole.

Ubuntu also has the universe and multiverse packages which are being taken from Debian testing and unstable, with minimal testing and are just recompiled against the base Ubuntu system packages. They also add some more packages that don't exist in the Debian repositories. The point is Ubuntu is a real distro.

Mint on the other hand takes Ubuntu packages UNMODIFIED without any recompilation. They mix them with UNMODIFIED without any recompilation Debian packages. Then they add their own configuration/customizations that are NOT part of the packages (as it should be the case of any distro with a package manager) but are outside of the package manager's control.

That's why using the apt tools in Mint is dangerous and unsupported because no one knows what's going to happen. That's why Mint forces the user to update through the gui update manager and why Mint has the horrible update tiers that may or may not break the system.

To make matters even worse they rename some packages (eg gedit to xedit, eog to ximage) just to inflate their egos and in the process they make their "distro" incompatible with any othe Linux distro out there and make impossible to install some packages that work just fine in Debian and Ubuntu. Cinnamon is being packages by Mint devs but the Mint base is an unstable, horrible, insecure, undocumented mess that should be avoided.

Mint is not a distro like Debian, it's not a Debian derivative/peer like Ubuntu, it's a horrible frankendebian hack

>make their "distro" incompatible with any other Linux distro out there

it is 100 percent compatible with Ubuntu though, all this shit you're talking (I've seen the screenshot of the guy on the board too) is completely irrelevant to 99.99 percent of people

>some older versions of bla bla bla won't work in mint

that's a "problem" I haven't encountered. I tell you what, the second I can't get some program I need to work in Mint I'll install another free distro the same day. Been using Mint since 17.0, installed every update, same install up to 18.1 zero problems, zero issues. Mint's recommendations for updates are just that... recommendations. Guess what: upgrading the kernel can fuck up proprietary drivers. So Mint warns you about that.

>the Mint base is an unstable, horrible, insecure, undocumented mess that should be avoided

but the Mint base is Ubuntu LTS, pretty much the definition of stable, secure, documented and highly recommended almost unanimously by the Linux community (most of who, as in over 50 percent actually use Ubuntu)

Linux Mint like Ubuntu is shit. You try and upgrade to a newer version of Mint and it's F.

Press F to pay respects.

>running Linux can ruin Linux

linux mint is awesome. Some people just don't like the idea of an intuitive Linux OS that is easy to use/works by default. Ironically, these same people have never actually used a "hard" version of anything because they never lived in a world without the internet to answer all their questions. They think they are "tech savvy" because they google "radeon bla bla bla not recognized in arch" or whatever the fuck and think they are smarter than the people who just use Ubuntu instead of bothering with that bullshit

Wait so you're supposed to use the GUI update manager instead of apt-get upgrade? I've always liked Mint, but maybe Inext time I'll just put Cinnamon on top of a normal Ununtu install.

Mint is for noobs who are too new to linux to figure out Debian or Ubuntu. It really shouldn't even exist.

So only trouble shooting without google counts?

Bro I use Mint and I've been using Linux since 1995. I've probably installed Gentoo literally over 100 times. Anyway yeah it's simple to install, but saying it's a noob LInux doesn't address any of Mint's actual issues. There's. I reason why every Linux distro shouldn't be noob friendly. Installing Arch doesn't make you smart and superior, same with Gentoo, anyone can follow a guide.

Mint gives you this, even asks your preference when you install. Kernel updates aren't tested for proprietary wifi/graphics drivers so they don't want to fuck up people's systems who don't know how to roll back to an older installed kernel

that's literally it

>figure out Debian or Ubuntu

both these distros are easy as fuck to use and figure out

>Then they add their own configuration/customizations that are NOT part of the packages (as it should be the case of any distro with a package manager) but are outside of the package manager's control.
Then how are those customizations installed and maintained?

Overall, from what you're saying, Mint sounds like a pretty shit distro.

>both these distros are easy as fuck to use and figure out
Never underestimate winkid or HomoOS incompetence. They literally require their hand to be held every step of the way, even down to having everything preinstalled.

That must be newer. I haven't used Mint since Mint 17 I think? I used it at work at my previous job and yeah updates would break my nvidia shit all the time.

not what I'm saying, what I'm saying is the guide followers/troubleshooters aren't necessarily smarter than people who choose to use established, easy to use distros. Easy to use is good

I blame rice threads, every normie now wants to be cool and rice, they're infecting my OS with their peasant ways, stop ricing linux ffs.

not everyone using Windows is an idiot. If you understand how to use Windows 7 you will have no problem with any major Linux distro. I still have a Windows 7 computer and it's fast as fuck, zero bloat, zero spyware and does exactly what it's supposed to do.

People need to recognize that software is a tool, not a way of life. I don't buy into Stallman's commie shit, I have a Windows 7 computer to run a few programs that Linux doesn't have. I do prefer Linux but it doesn't have Amplitube and Cakewalk.

here's a snapshot of my update history. as you can see, basically everything is Ubuntu except for cinnamon related updates and a few mint app things.

Mint is pretty much useless for you unless you don't know absolutely norhing about linux. It becomes pointless when you become able to install debian + cinnamon, which is a much better than mint anyway.

By the way, bloat isn't just a meme in mint's case. Mint takes 30 seconds to boot on my machine whereas debian + cinnamon takes 5 seconds.

Yeah, he's not exactly being very elusive.

boot time is a terrible measure

Some time ago there was a lot talking how Mint had forked some packages that come from upstream (from Debian/Ubuntu) and just kept the names the same. This pretty much prevents you from updating the libraries from upstream since it will fuck up anything Mint people put in and this leads to way slower updates for security critical libraries and a lot of unknown bugs/behavior since you aren't actually getting what you think you are getting.

mint cinnamon is bloated with pesky drivers, media codecs, and software

Mint is like Ubuntu. Debian makes things needlessly complicated, there is a reason Ubuntu overtook it as the most popular distro years ago. It's easier to use.

Mint is also more popular than Debian. I don't give a fuck about 30 second boot time, I'm in my 30's and have seen much worse