Why does the average pc gaymer fall for nvidia/intel marketing ?

Why does the average pc gaymer fall for nvidia/intel marketing ?

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fick off AMD shill you know you cant compete

Shoot yourself, namefag.

Because that's how marketing works.
Same reason Samsung, Coca-Cola, Dyson, and all the other mega-brands are so big.

Pepsi is better.
Even Xiaomi is better.
My dust devil does fine.

It's True.

Yeah but you can go to the store and get no name for coke. Is there a no-name brand of intel / nvidia cards? Fuck no.

>muh alternative brands

>intel cpu
>nvidia graphics gard
>samsung ssd
>wd/hgst hdd
prove me wrong.

It is the most supported.

You want linux support => intel/nvidia.
You want hackintosh => intel/nvidia.
Games support and new apis => intel/nvidia.

by marketing do you mean every single benchmark ever proving that AMD CPUs and GPUs are shit? are you implying that every single benchmark is fake and AMD hardware is actually better?

You want the best performance => intel/nvidia

Intel processor + AMD graphics card

I long for the day when AMD returns as the king of CPU.

Because Intel and Nvidia are the official brands for PC gaming and AMD is just a compatible 3rd party knock-off.

The Way It's Meant To Be Played

Why are you so mentally retarded?

Because they're simply just better all round compared to amd.

There is always a tradeoff when buying amd, e.g. fx series CPU's are cheap and have 6-8 cores but are weak as fuck cores which get out performed by a Skylake i3 in modern games like bf1 and don't even mention emulation on amd CPU's.

The same goes with the amd gpus too. There's always a trade off like for example amd gpus have unreliable dx11 performance for new releases which takes like 6 months for the driver teams to fix and also emulators which are ogl based like pcsx2 run really shitty on amd gpus. If there was a chart with a straight line going through it to indicate performance across a bunch of titles at release, that straight line would be nvidia. Amd would be represented by a line fluctuation above and below that nvidia line. Sometimes amd has really good performance and other times they have really bad performance which nvidia owners don't experience. This is the trend I've come to realise between amd and nvidia in the last few years. Nvidia just works and this is what appeals to most people.

Underrated post

AMD's specialty is low budget cpus with comparable performance to mid-range intels

Go get a Via CPU and a Matrox GPU

Because if use AMD,Also my poor power supply will explode like galaxy.

If you want to play games on 4k and pretty much maxed out at 60fps, you NEED to buy intel and nvidia. I didnt want to, but I had to. Amd cant compete at the top end, but at the midrange they are better and more economical.

Come back when Amd sells something decent in the store.

>buying the H212

mine was just cheaper and better price/performance. i don't think i'll upgrade from a 970 and a 3770k for a looong time. 970 is gon be the new gtx660 or 8800gt

>doesn't bring up long term driver support

>Intel literally has no competition for 5 years now.
>Nvidia has literally no competition since, arguably, HD 7000 series with 200 and 300 series being rehashed cards that run super loud and super hot while offering terrible driver support.

AMD has literally been irrelevant for 5 years now, deal with it. You're the one failing for meme here while you use retarded non-issue memes as arguments and then you're shocked that people still buy Nvidia when their issues only exist in that fucking silly brain of yours. No amount of wood screws and 3.5 memes will change the fact that 970 was king of midrange cards while AMD had nothing to offer in that department.

The fucking delusion and dishonesty of this board made me sick so many times that at one point I just learned there is no point in arguing with any of you retards, that applies specifically to AMD shills. If 480 RX can't OC for shit because it had to be pushed to the limits in order to compete with 1060 in dx11 then OC suddenly doesn't matter to those self-proclaimed "Sup Forums experts" because "only 1% of people do it". AMD posters in here always use some sort of fucking illogical goalposting. 480RX suddenly costs "$200" and it's not "AMD's fault that resellers rip you off" so of course 480 RX is $60 cheaper than 1060 user! Here, let me show you benchmarks of that $260 Sapphire 480 RX competing against stock 1060, but remember 480 RX is still $60 cheaper and costs $200 mkay?

At least on the CPU side AMD hasn't been competitive in quite a while. Hopefully Zen will turn that around.

GPU wise they are pretty much on par, but have almost 0 presence in the pre-build and laptop markets, plus the last time i went in Best Buy to look at GPUs there was a huge display of nvidia powered GPUs, and AMD's were missing half the stock and stuck on the bottom shelf.

The funny thing is, people don't realise that most of Samsung's marketing is in store, it's not TV or billboard ads, it's employees who are "Samsung certified" who get bonuses/points/whatever for selling their products.

That minimum wage cuck is going to try and sell you a samsung TV or phone really REALLY hard, because they want to score enough samshill points to get that fat 50inch TV.

AMD is india-tier

>octa-core 4GHz CPU
>outperformed by 3.3 GHz quad-core from Intel
>requires more power and generates more heat anyway

>shitty drivers
>shitty support
>outperformed by similar priced Nvidia cards
>no Nvidia Gameworks
>no CUDA

Why would you ever pay for an inferior product

For the same reason superior white people allow inferior brown people to come over to their countries, steal their taxpayer money in benefits, dominate their culture by importing their own cuisine and religion while screaming racism and outbred them in 3 generations turning London into another filthy stinky Somalia.

They were fairly competitive up until Sandy, and because of their limited resources had to retool their old design for years while developing Ryzen.

Who knows, maybe Ryzen will work out, maybe intel will drop a Sandy 2.0 with a 40-50% improvement.

>Pepsi is better
Also another big brand, faggot. Get over yourself.

not getting newer upgraded 212X

>unreliable dx11 performance
>which takes like 6 months for the driver teams to fix

AMD is uncompetitive. Their best CPU does not stack up against Intel's and their best GPUs don't stack up against Nvidia's.

The situation will be different a few months from now, but Intel/Nvidia combo is the only sensible choice at the moment.

>tfw my girlfriend is half swedish half iranian
feels good man

amdgpu even on its current state offers way too much than nvidia...
also since when nvidia fully supports dx12 and vulkan? last time i checked when a dual render path is introduced nvidia goes down the downry thats why 3dmark is changing their shit to dual render instead of a single render..

>deep cool
Shit taste desu

>octa-core 4GHz CPU
>outperformed by 3.3 GHz quad-core from Intel
>requires more power and generates more heat anyway

>shitty drivers
>shitty support
>outperformed by similar priced Nvidia cards
>no Nvidia Gameworks
>no CUDA
not an argument

if you want to have the best performance in the short term then intel + nvidia is definitely the way to go. If you want to build a "future proof" machine, intel + amd has more longevity due solely to driver support. sandy bridge and a 7900 has most definitely aged better than sandy bridge + kepler.

I mean my 8350 hd7970 build is good but its a tad energy inefficient. Plus one of my fans, i think the gpu is going too fast at idle

>That minimum wage cuck is going to try and sell you a samsung TV or phone really REALLY hard, because they want to score enough samshill points to get that fat 50inch TV.

My friend who is a samshit store salesperson.
The moment he join the company is the moment he turn jew ass. Everything and every topic we talk about, he have to put "samsung" in.

Fuck him. Which kinda reminds me of most pyramid scheme...oh wait its called "Business Networking" now.

>not an argument
>features missing in competitor products
>not an argument
You can either buy an expensive graphics card and enjoy your games with cool graphical effects
Or you can buy an expensive graphics card and enjoy your games without cool graphical effects

>intel + amd has more longevity due solely to driver support
I don't know what you're going on about, my GTX660 is still getting updated drivers and works just fine on Linux and Windows with literally any game

>I don't know what you're going on about, my GTX660 is still getting updated drivers and works just fine on Linux and Windows with literally any game
Of course your card will be able to run the games YOU play, i wasn't disputing that fact, but that doesn't justify the enormous gap between your card and a 7950. If you play older games/ less demanding games then either nvidia or amd are fine choices. The trouble starts when your card has seen a few years and you want to play newer AAA games. Support for nvidia cards begin to falter in comparison to amd. You can see this happening right now between the 1060 and the 480 after only half a year following release.


>no CUDA
not an argument

It is if you regularly use iRay, luxrender and cycles render engines. If you're a gaymer then your correct in no argument

Because the fx8350 is old as fuck and really shows in newer games
T. Fx8350 owner with a Gtx 1080

AMD has nothing out right now that can compete with intel on the cpu front, at least not until Ryzen is out, so if you need a computer with good performance today, intel is your only logical choice.

On the graphics side though, you'd have to be a casual/normie to purchase Nvidia GPUs or desperate for having the very highest performing PC right at this moment since AMD doesn't have something out yet to compete with the Titan X or the 1080. Even CUDA support isn't an argument anymore now that it's 99% viable via third party support with AMD hardware.

If you're actually interested in graphics hardware, AMD/ATi have always had more interesting solutions. Nvidia's performance is almost completely dependent on software optimization - which is 1) boring as fuck, and more importantly 2) prone to early obsolescence once Nvidia decides it's time for you to move on to a new GPU.

>not an argument
Not him, but I program CUDA and I contribute to an opensource 3D reconstruction tool that's implemented in CUDA, so yeah, it is actually a dealbreaker.






>Release Date: 2016.12.14


It's true. Look at that article everyone keeps shilling from those Swedish guys. The 480 was like 15% behind vs the 1060 and it had supposedly caught up in the latest driver updates. This would mean the launch performance of these games was sub par on the and hardware compared to what it should have been ie current performance.

>AMD has nothing out right now that can compete with intel on the cpu front,
This x 9001

>Building a new computer.
>5 minutes of searching shows that Intel and Nvidia outperforms AMD easily.
>Get Nvidia/Intel
Simple as that, there's no marketing involved here.
I couldn't give less of a fuck about the companies or what they do.
What I care about is which product in my price range is going to give me best performance.


That is really not an argument. Not that guy, but I am someone who plays new and old games on nvidia hardware both old and new. Never once have I had any problems and there is no way you can convince someone that losing to a competitor product by a few frames per second years after the cards are almost completely useless and deliver awful performance regardless is a selling point.

I don't buy a graphics card to play games 5 years later, I buy it to play them now. Marketing a product with the promise that in the future it will be better is not a sane strategy. Specially considering that a GTX 980 is becoming weak as fuck by today's standards and AMD offers maximum performance at that level.