Is this guy on /r/Linux right Sup Forums?
Is this guy on /r/Linux right Sup Forums?
Other urls found in this thread:
Gnome is shit, ubuntu is shit, weyland is shit, systemd is cancerous shit, and if you're too stupid to install Arch without having a meltdown then you belong on ubuntu/osx/windows.
Other than that its probably pretty accurate, but none of it matters.
Use what you want and move on, stop getting drawn into corporate politics.
I don't wait for validation from other before deciding what OS I will use. If I am satisfied with the setup, everyone else can go fuck themselves.
Besides, arch + i3 are cum guzzling meme lords. You have only 300 packages but your system is also a piece of shit that has no useful applications to work or play.
you just inadvertently proved the OP's point you moron
>actually makes linux usable
By saying its accurate and to use what you want?
>paid shills are trying to convince people to not use pötteringd
Either a whole lot of bullshit or microshills are doing gods work.
>Gnome is shit, ubuntu is shit, weyland is shit, systemd is cancerous shit, and if you're too stupid to install Arch without having a meltdown then you belong on ubuntu/osx/windows
I actually didn't even read your entire post and didn't notice how you ended it, I was put off by the typical elitist cancerous attitude
I love people that don't fully read before they reply, the only thing better is people who do fully read but pretend not to.
The first line is truth, don't like it? Don't care.
Stop getting caught up in stupid bullshit.
It does though. It receives the most focus and is designed to work with current kernels.Please see Use whatever you want, but the focus is on Gnome, and it does work nicely.
>paranoid ledditard thinks he knows it all
just talk to old linux users, they will tell you that most of the things listed there suck. of course they don't agree on everything, but.. so what, people have their own opinions.
when i compare, all the hussles & tweaking in the 90-ties, needed to get some kernel 1.3 / 2.o.35 GNU/Linux up & running, on some Pentium1/24 MB ram or on classicAmiga_12oo 68o40/PowerPC_G2 hybridSymetricMultiprocessing; nowDays allmost every localised desktop distros (Mint, simplyMepis, AntiX, ubuntu,...) which i put in multiBoot, during gnuFeministic & cyberFeministic advocacy & activism, to new folk, who look for help inSide & outSide of a hackLab, i can say: -GNU/Linux is easier & less time consuming to install (halfAnHour per distro, compared to a day to patch, protect (fireWall), driverSolve & userLand (apps) equip any winblou$) -GNU/Linux is easier to use -- all the techical details are hidden from common desktop user, & left to root/admin the point that some desktop distros have their terminal/shell dissabled.. :) (control panels & centers reigns... :) ) -GNU/Linux saves time in general -- my estimate is 80 % after full switch (support) -you are on the legal side -- no cracking -one can recycle way old hw -- Pent2 / 64-256 MB ram with AntiX (exception to above is maybe hw egsotics like Debian GNU/Linux on new dual or Quad c0re Power6 AmigaOne x1ooo or x5ooo/4o 2.4 GHz :) & other non x86 hw like ARM/rasperyPi or the like. ) ...recently, we had an interesting phenomenon with g33ks in hackLab: experienced Slackware, Debian, Gentoo, arch,... powerUsers figured that, staying on a bleedeng rollingRelease tweakingTheLast edge "as-per-se" has no point any more, & that leaving developers, betaTesters, maintainers & packagers job is better to outSource to the people that do that things the best, so they switching to versionin "newbie" distros... :)
Now you feel all smug, right?
consider this though
say you're sitting in your living room, when the neighbor who always does stupid things walks in, pulls down his pants, and begins to defecate in the center of the room
would you stay and watch the entire action, just to be sure that he is really doing what he appears to be doing, or would you immediately and involuntarily tell him to get the fuck out?
In the same way, when one sees a shitposter (such as yourself), it cannot be helped but to bite down on that bait and let the hook pierce the roof of the mouth
Twist: the neighbor just won the mega lottery and he is giving $1 million to anyone who lets him finish shitting on their carpet.
Captcha: back road fundos
Now whose feeling smug.
>In the same way, when one sees a shitposter (such as yourself), it cannot be helped but to bite down on that bait and let the hook pierce the roof of the mouth
so you have poor impulse control and need to show everyone all about it?
Its pretty simple, you don't like what I have to say you have 2 choices: a) refute constructively b) shitpost.
You chose b.
Wow. Actual mental illness.
Took me a second to recognise the copypasta. When I did, I must admit I had myself a good little angry tirade. I typically don't find 'Internet copypastas' especially annoying or angering, in fact it took me years to stop appreciating the classic 'Navy SEAL' copypasta. Nonetheless, in today's bitter political climate, I find solace in more traditional forms of humour, a little bit of an injection of real comedy in this world full of 'irony' and 'dankness'. Ironically bad jokes are still bad jokes people - NEWSFLASH. This is a bang up unoriginal job, and I hope to see much, much less of you in the future.
If you don't like using the command line, fucking install gnome. It's really that easy.
I haven't used Gnome since they first came out with 3 because it was buggy and unusable. Is it polished and functional now?
I use xfce on my laptop and it does everything I need it to do. Plus the included utilities are useful.
Fuck no it isn't, but that's not the point.
You are all completely stupid. Debian is outdated and insecure. More over, it's just a noobuntu spin that was made to attract power users. All it's maintainers are SJW and the distro is sponsored by jews and the liberal media.
The Debian project shows through it's public statements and manifests that it's clearly no aligned with the moral Christian values that made the US the great nation it came to be.
It's degenerate.
Arch Linux is superior to it in every way. It has bleeding edge packages, what means more stability and security, since you get all the last bug fixes.
It's rolling release, it doesn't randomly breaks during version updates.
It's also more configurable and extensible. On overall you just have more control over your computer.
Anyone that is serious about their OS uses Arch.
Right about the BSD shilling. Gnome sucks and Arch linux is great.
>New comers and beginners only
>Intermediate professionals
>Expert hackers, top tier server usage and serious programming
>Is it polished and functional now?
That's a bit subjective, but Gnome has certainly improved. It won't score any points with rice-fags or anti-systemd shills or anyone that can't live without thumbnails in the filepicker, but it works great otherwise.
>New comers and beginners only
Linux from Scratch
>Intermediate professionals
>Expert hackers, top tier server usage and serious programming
Please don't reproduce
I met many retarded people in my years on this site but you easily made it into the top 10 with this
You actually don't understand shit, so please let me give you this one advice, and please take it:
You are horribly stupid and it hurts, don't ever try to spread the shit you believe to know about anything ever again.
Now please try to think about the shit you're telling us here for at least 5 minutes and maybe you find the giant flaws in your logic all by yourself.
No one is here to give you private lessons. Maybe google "what makes linux distros different?".
If you still don't get it then, just kill yourself
I'm only 20 iq pts behind a man (einstein) who debunked the majority of physics by thinking about trains. And seeing as physics deals with true complexity and other science do not, its even more reasonable for a 140 to be able to trash your kind than it was for a 160 to trash physics ;)
If ur iq was above 140 u wouldnt be as butthurt about the concept of a 140 hyp grad lurking this beta barn..
so the logical conclusion is that ur iq is lower than 140 (possibly much lower)
If you met me in real life you would instantly be blown into a world where all that mattered was getting me to acknowledge your existence and even hopefully be your friend... But i would probably find you to be a desperately uninteresting person and want you to exit my awareness as fast as possible.
The fact that i dont lie about my iq is what gives me the edge necessary to call you an inferior little girl who couldnt understand basic physics, and BE RIGHT ABOUT IT.
Honestly if i woke up one morning and for some reason my thinking capacity had devolved to your level, it would take me less than 5 min to run to the kitchen and slit my throat...
Maybe your going to tell me u work at goldman..
But ud still be way inferior, as is anybody who projects their iq to be higher than it is..
Maybe thats the point, inferiorboy ;)
New comers and beginners only
Linux from Scratch
>Memelords and anyone who hates greatness
>Expert hackers, top tier server usage and serious programming
Ubuntu Server
Linux From Scratch
>Linux thread derails into copypasta and rampant shitposting.
Happy New Year Sup Forums, don't ever change.
>this fucking pasta again
at most halfway decent universities a 140 IQ is average
What kind of life do you have to live to actually believe that shit?
you are welcome
I fucking love GNOME3 with a laptop. It feels like it was made to work with a touchpad+keyboard combo. On the other hand, I wouldn't use this D.E. on a desktop, the design just does not compliment the usage of a mouse and keyboard as well as other desktop environments.
>people who don't like the shitty ass hipster bullshit gnome 3 desktop are shills
>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
>"him self"
total rubbish. the guy's full of shit, just ignore him
>tfw to smart for Debian
>tfw have to use Arch
>tfw my IQ can't be measured on a human scale
since we're all shitposting, do you all want to see how hard i baited Sup Forums yesterday?
Go Outside.
Holy fuck the paid shills are everywhere in this thread.
>I use a meme distro
>I manually install my graphics drivers and edit the xconf files
>I treat my computer like its a rube goldberg
>why would I ever want to actually use it, when I can spend all day changing settings and hoping my system doesn't suddenly break
total rubbish. the guy's full of shit, just ignore him
People dislike Gnome3 and Unity because they're poor facsimiles of OSX. It has nothing to do with Redhat or Microsoft.
also rap/hiphop isn't music
I don't understand why anyone would take Arch seriously. It is great if you are a hobbyist but the fact is, Arch is going in the opposite direction. While other distros are focusing on universal packaging and commonality, Archshills are gumming up the works by shilling their shitty package managers and their experimental bullshit.
Not even Linus Torvalds gives a shit about systemd.
actually I use debian stable and I haven't changed my settings in fucking years, but whatever
pasta doesn't have to be correct you tard
thanks for the (you)s, btw
>rap isn't music
No, it's poetry. Faggot.
>the design just does not compliment the usage of a mouse and keyboard
Nigger, you've got it all wrong. Gnome works like i3, using the keyboard is it's greatest feature.
Excellent work!
WRONG, read the archived thread
What is the definition of poetry?
"the art of rhythmical composition, written or spoken, for exciting pleasure by beautiful, imaginative, or elevated thoughts."
Rap does meet the criteria of rhythmical composition in spoken form, it also is imaginative (it is original), however, it is NOT something that excites pleasure through beautiful or elevated thoughts
nothing a rapper writes is beautiful or indicative of elevated thoughts.
Ill tell you honestly why always come back to arch, for better or worse.
When I use anything but it I find getting packages to be a frustrating experience, for example:
I want something not in the standard Repo, so my options are go to the internet and find a Repo to add to my list, or go to the internet and find a deb to download and install.
Whereas my options on arch are go to aur or get source/abs.
95% of the time aur suffices and im done, and whats better is whatever the package is is already tuned to work on arch.
Arch (in my opinion) has the best documentation (archwiki) of any distro, besides maybe Gentoo, and by association that means Manjaro (what I actually use because im too lazy to actually install arch since iv done it a hundred times) has the best documentation also.
Personally iv never had arch break from something that wasn't directly or indirectly caused by my own stupidity. So that means I can have the latest packages with the latest features from a wide variety of places so long as im not too stupid to fix my own fuckups.
My only real gripe with Arch is Systemd, but thats another topic entirely.
There's more, but that's the core of it.
>New comers and beginners only
Linux from Scratch
>Intermediate professionals
>Expert hackers, top tier server usage and serious programming
don't hate on other anons for being new to Linux, they will move on from the beginner distros eventually
>Arch is going in the opposite direction.
So true! I hear Arch only recently got Systemd! Everyone else has had it forever! Bleeding edge my ass!
Why are there so many literal schizophrenics in the tech community?
Arch (weeb ricers only)
>New comers and beginners only
Linux from Scratch
>Expert hackers, top tier server usage and serious programming
Linux From Scratch
>not putting your custom configs in /home where they belong
You deserve what you get
>Nothing a rapper writes is beautiful or indicative of elevated thoughts
You see, this here reveals your bias.
As a first, beauty is subjective and secondly, who is to say that rap which is constitutes social commentary (mind you, not all of rap because literally nobody can speak on the behalf of all rap ever made) isn't achieving just that?
Now, I don't expect you to change your opinion but here are a few examples of rap songs being beautiful and being indicative of "elevated thought."
I feel like you must be an old fuck.
Arch is for people who like spending all their time tweaking settings files.
Ubuntu is for people who like to get shit done.
>tfw too smart to waste time installing arch and use Antergos instead
>muh shills boogeyman
There must be a strong correlation between Linux use and paranoid schizophrenia.
The truth is that Linuxtards are so fucking retarded that they literally recommend the most difficult to use distros because they think that's the way things should be.
Not afraid:
You can try and read my lyrics off of this paper before I lay 'em
But you won't take the sting out these words before I say 'em
Cause ain't no way I'ma let you stop me from causing mayhem
When I say I'ma do something I do it,
I don't give a damn what you think,
I'm doing this for me, so fuck the world
Feed it beans, it's gassed up, if it thinks it's stopping me
I'ma be what I set out to be, without a doubt undoubtedly
And all those who look down on me I'm tearing down your balcony
No ifs, ands or buts, don't try to ask him why or how can he
From "Infinite" down to the last "Relapse" album
He's still shitting, whether he's on salary paid hourly
Until he bows out or he shits his bowels out of him
Whichever comes first, for better or worse
He's married to the game, like a fuck you for Christmas
His gift is a curse, forget the Earth, he's got the urge
To pull his dick from the dirt, and fuck the whole universe
Cocoa Butter Kisses:
Okie dokie, alky. Keep it lowkey like Thor lil bro
Or he'll go blow the loudy, saudy of sour Saudi
Wiley up off peyote, wilding like that coyote
If I sip any Henny, my belly just might be outtie
Pull up inside a huggy, Starsky & Hutch a dougie
I just opened up the pack in an hour I'll ash my lucky
Tonight she just yelling "Fuck me"
Two weeks she'll be yelling fuck me
Used to like orange cassette tapes with Timmy, Tommy, and Chuckie
And Chuck E. Cheese's pizzas, Jesus pieces, sing Jesus love me
Put Visine inside my eyes so my grandma would fucking hug me
Oh generation above me, I know you still remember me
My afro look just like daddy's, y'all taught me how to go hunting (BLAM!)
is this beautiful or indicative of higher thought?
The reality is that most rap that people actually listen to is like
>yo yo nigga shit yoyo motherfucker yo
>shills!!!! XDDDD
wow literally no better than Sup Forums
>The truth is that Linuxtards are so fucking retarded that they literally recommend the most difficult to use distros because they think that's the way things should be.
This also describes the hate against Python, which is super fucking easy to use. These type of people hate it because they went through CS courses doing *unnecessarily difficult* languages from the 1970s because:
>that's what a real programmer™ does
Pure delusion.
>Sup Forums not better than Sup Forums
I actually use awesomewm on desktop.
Yesterday I finally got Sup Forums to admit it
>I must accept that rap lyrics are retarded nigga shit, because they are more interested in how the sound of the words interact with each other.
does the way the words sound with each other excuse the fact that rap, in Sup Forums's own words, is "retarded nigga shit"?
let me make a rap on the spot
always playin with my dick cuz i dont get any chicks
even when i go down to the sticks i can't pick up the hicks
not even a trick will stoop down to give me a lick
and im really starting to get sick of this shit
now, if i have a beat in the background, this would genuinely be rhythmic - does it excuse all the trash contained within though?
Clearly you don't get the messages of any of those songs.
It seems that you just want to pick these things apart for an agenda.
Not Afraid is about having overcome drug addiction
Cocoa Butter Kisses is about having been denied love by grandparents because of having smelled like cigarettes
Come on, pick apart another one
There are legitimate reasons to hate Python like its terrible inconsistent syntax or the fact it has the worst performance. Heck, even JS is faster.
You're assuming that no rap song has ever had good lyrics. But here's the issue: if you never listen to anything besides black beatles, of course you won't hear anything good. You are purposely creating your own narrative.
>I'm 12 yo and it's deep
I tried Antergos but the installer would fail randomly every time. Just never went back to try again.
We have a winner
My feelings:
i am hurt
when i go to work
i'm stuck digging dirt
boss looks at me with a smirk
"work harder, dirk"
I, no bullshit, just made this on the spot
is it deep? is it indicative of higher thoughts?
>I'm an elitist and have no sense of nuance
This pasta always works
>python's performance sucks
I always hear this on Sup Forums but then I see the real world where Google and other global tech giants love Python, even suggesting it as the language to use for their engineer interviews.
What does Sup Forums know about Python that the global technology leaders don't?
Nice strawman ;^)
But let's not kid ourselves: there is no such thing as objective beauty and your definition of "elevated thought" is really quite indicative of how much of an elitist you are.
Boring office stuff like spread sheets: Red Hat, CentOS
Gaming and noobs general: Ubuntu
Entry-level coding: Debian
Reale serious coding, top-end server stuff and hacking: Arch
>This also describes the hate against Python
Ehh, isn't python usually a required language in Systems Administration? I don't think it's hated outside of Sup Forums.
Python is easy and convenient, but it sacrifices performance. The rule is if you don't need to spare resources use whatever is more convenient (python, for example), but if you do then use something more efficient no matter how "difficult" the language may be.
>when you tried all the distros when you were 14 but now you've grown up and it's Windows time again
Feels bad man, Mandriva was the real shit.
>there is no such thing as objective beauty
and right there, you just let yourself be exposed
is this art?
is this beautiful?
>Arch is for people who like spending all their time tweaking settings files.
I think it's hilarious that people actually believe this. Aside from the initial setup, Arch is just as stable and user friendly as any other distro.
It's the most beautiful thing I've ever seen
Software developers are usually more expensive than hardware
>Arch is just as stable and user friendly as any other distro.
This is what Linuxtards actually believe.
i like ubuntu mate
i dont understand all those words in that order, should i care?
Once you're at the "functioning DE" stage of the install, as far as your typical dumbass user is concerned all distros are identical.
Using Gnome or KDE or Cinnamon is going to be, for the most part, the exact same experience between all distros unless you know the differences or need something distro specific.
>getting mad because someone insulted your favorite distro
GPL is for disgusting communists.
>good goy, only use Canonical Certified configurations like we tell you to!
GNOME is garbage
Whose mad?
There wasn't even a single expletive in that post.
Nice projection I guess.
>not even a single expletive
>calling someone a typical dumbass user
You're in a hole and the best way to get yourself out is to stop digging.
I don't understand.
No one considers dumbass and expletive and why did you post an indian?
Are you implying i'm a pajeet?
Are you implying i'm a shill?
I don't think you have a good grasp of this conversation or of the jokes on this board in general.
I'm fiddling with Antergos in a VM, its a lot better than the last time I used it.
>tfw too dumb to install Arch and use Antegross instead
>tfw too lazy to do anything meritous so I install arch and feel like a hacker
shitposting should be banned.
I used Python in school, it's a piece of shit. C isn't even hard unless you're a future webdev codemonkey.
First for LITERAL paranoid schizophrenics