I just got rid of FF since the downloads stopped after a while so I couldn't download """large""" files (300+MB)...

I just got rid of FF since the downloads stopped after a while so I couldn't download """large""" files (300+MB). I tried opera, but it crashes every time I open a download page in a second tab. Is there some non memey browser I can use? or at least tell me how to fix, FF tells me to do a thousand of different things to fix and I don't want to spend a year trying to have a working browser, I couldn't find help on the Opera side. I'd prefer not to sell my soul and body to google and friends, so no Chrome pls. Is Chromium good? is it botnet? please provide sources if you want to accuse/defend something, no shilling

pic is there just because, if you can give me a list of good enough browsers I'll try them

self bumpity

Stupid fucking idiot... Just use FF. But before that clean your fucking system with some malware cleaning utility you infected bastard.

b-but muh uninfectable linux


also why do I have files named like ".org.chromium.Chromium.EZatcA" in my download folder? there is 6 of them, I never installed neither chromium nor chrome

pros and cons? there have to be

tried midori, horrible settings tab. tried seamonkey, horrible GUI. looked up vivaldi, not OS. maybe FF isn't that bad, I reinstalled it. thanks user for having shown me how horrible a browser can be, I couldn't appreciate the beauty of FF.

>he is not using Safari

Use the DownThemAll extension, it's the only reason I use Firefox these days

trying it right now

Who here /Pale Moon/

I did until they fucked up Vimperator, Pentadactyl, AND VimFx in that new update. And it used to be my favorite browser by far, too.

WHY would you use those? What do you do with the keyboard that can not be achieved with regular shortcuts?

Without even moving hands away from the keyboard to the mouse:
>Click links, open in current tab or in background
>Attach & detach tabs from windows
>Control the browser much more easily in general
>Much better keybindings for countless other generic things
Too many functions to go into here, but these stand out most to me.

Just use the mouse.

How about Vivaldi?
It's Opera's features built on top of Chrome's engine.


Amigo all the way bby

SJWfox...you deserve it.