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Technology #583
I just built a new PC and can't connect to the internet through ethernet. I think pic related is the issue...
First Arch
Mpv is on Android
So whats Sup Forums thoughts on this?
Looks like iOS watches better porn
Why are relatives so fucking retarded?
The Flying Car will take off by 2020
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Post the most beautiful piece of tech you've ever seen Sup Forums
Sup Forums why are you so bad at math...
Remember when they showed two 480s last year operating at 50% being faster than the 1080 also?
Is it normal for Gnome to run laggy on a 2012 machine? I have a Thinkpad T420 with an i5 2520M and 4GB of RAM...
He actually uses linux outside of VMs
One internet connection (bretty gud around 60mbps)
Debian thread
Why is RAM so expensive now? A year ago 2x4GB sticks cost me $30. Now the same set is over $60...
So Sup Forums when will this meme die?
Should I just stop waiting for it and get a 1080?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I'm once again tired of the bullshit that is Windows and making the switch to Linux...
What's your opinion on buying with at stores or online with your credit cards?
You don't actually use spaces, do you?
Developer mode in Windows 10!
Why do you think it's bad?
What do you think of this case, Sup Forums?
What is the best email app for windows?
Tech waifu thread?
GTX 480 wood screws was back in 2008
Is Windows 10 really a botnet?
Why didn't you guys tell me macOS is so well thought through?
Sup Forums humor 2
Any Sup Forums approved tech channels on YouTube? Pic related just quit his job to live off jewbux. Good for him
AMD confirmed that Radeon 500 are rebrands of Radeon 400
Best OS on an aging laptop
You have $25 to use on amazon, go
I love it when people say shit like "looks don't matter!only faggots care about a phone's looks hurr durr!" how does it...
Why aren't you using TempleOS, Sup Forums?
How much RAM do you have? Why?
Novidya BTFO
/csg/ Chink Shit General
How long until Linux becomes more polished?
I need an upgrade from my shitty GTX 960 4GB. Should I get a 1060, an RX 480, or should I get this? Or wait for Vega...
Serious thread: What pros does the 2016 tMBP 15" Have over XPS 15?
Do you guys run your MacBooks (pro or otherwise) at scaled resolutions? I'm not even sure if that's the right term
/AG/ - Audio General: Not the usual OP edition
Why didn't bluray discs make their way into general computing as data discs like dvds are...
Literally the nicest looking Linux distro is made by some malnourished slaves in NK
How comfortable are you knowing that the government is casually data mining every person in the country?
Now what
See pic related
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Own a 12 year old PSP-1000
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
K so I'm getting my first gaming pc. Someone Rate my setup so far...
What is your clever SSID broadcast name?
Name ONE better card on the market right now in terms of cost:power ratio
Whats the best messaging app?
Do you miss the late 2000s, Sup Forums?
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Sup Forums
What's under there, Sup Forums?
Intel® Core™ i7-7500U processor
Previous thread >>58374689
How fast does Sup Forums type?
Did lenovo just create the worlds greatest laptop?
/wt/ watch thread
Why aren't you running Linux on your desktop Sup Forums? What's stopping you?
I seriously hope you're wearing a Casio© and using an IBM®/ Lenovo® Thinkpad™
/hpg/ - Headphone Genera
So Sup Forums, I'm thinking about getting a Raspberry PI Zero
Is stallman autistic?
What are your thoughts on Ryzen and partnering mobos
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Found this PC in Lowes
Anyone wanna kik my bitch with a cock pic and see gow she reactes? drop kik snd i"ll tell you there...
Silicon Valley Jews Pushing Technology for Non-Whites
Is Elon Musk a meme? Literally everything this smug kike puts his hands on talks a big game and then fails...
I'm cold and Linux runs too efficiently. How can I build a program that will make my CPU and other hardware heat up...
Found an sqli vulnerability in a major movie production company
Hear loud reeeeeeeeeeee in headphones randomly
What's the oldest usable version of operating systems for standard use?
Sup Forums should I invest in bitcoin or build a home server?
Vizio 4k TVs
Hey Sup Forums, I'm in STEM and in Uni all girls have macs. Why is that?
Post your SMARTs
What went wrong?
There are more transistors on eearth than atoms in the universe. Think about that
Women are better programmers than men
What's your job and salary?
So, what happened to this project and why did it die?
Die size is around 520-530 mm'2 (compared to 314 on the 1080)
Artificial Intelligence
What lunchers do Sup Forums use?
Home Screen Thread
Should I do it bros?
Popular hosts file aggregators now including fake news sites
How do Linux users cope with watching movies without madVR and SVP?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What program do you use for reading PDFs, Sup Forums?
Last updated: November 14, 2015
Your IT/tech related job
FLAC is not a maymay
Ayo hol up! Today imma review this new phone
Were the 2000s the last time UI design looked good?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Nokia 6 is out, Chink Exclusive for now
AMD uses a Nvidia GPU to show their "epic" Ryzen
How expensive will it be? Knowing AMD and knowing that they will fuck up I'll say around 500$
530W be quiet! Pure Power L7 80+
How can we remove pajeets from global IT industry, Sup Forums?
What are smartphone apps you've paid for?
Why isn't there a single laptop compete with the Macbook Pro and replace the piece of shit the 2016 rMBP is?
I think you should send it back and get a MacBook
PSA: Don't use netflix's shitty Windows 10 app, massive memory leaks
How can i have a phone without a backdoor?
Acer Predator 21X
Best way to apply thermal paste?
Retrolink Classic Controllers
Still wishing for a cpu from either intel or amd to be worth upgrading over my 3750k
Gentoo or arch?
Make a linux distro to get a job?
I fell for the ThinkPad meme... sigh
Intel NUC thread
What's your system password, Sup Forums?
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Why are primes important?
Post ram usage
Young Cute hacker who got trapped in international political storm. She needs a shelter
What went wrong?
Your grandparents buy you this "beast", whats your next move Sup Forums?
Speccy thread. I always love to see what other anons are running/building
Best torrent client for windows?
Behold, the future of Microsoft's design
What caliper do you use, Sup Forums?
Ryzen live at CES
/tpg/ - ThinkPad General
Do you consider Wincucks, Applefags, or Freetards the most annoying?
If you are a tech geek then Chatanooga, TN wants you in a bad way. The city has created GeekMove...
Is there a correlation between buying AMD and not having a job?
Thoughts Sup Forums?
/BST/ Battle Station Thread
What's better, jpg or png?
Made some neuron fire
Asus Monitors
What is your hostname Sup Forums? I am looking for inspirations. Right now...
What the hell is a "Kaby"?
Home screenshot thread
Post you're daily drivers
What are your thoughts on IPv6?
GPD Pocket
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Why do nerds and 'geeks' who don't actually know anything about computers or technology use arch...
Got a $1000 maximum budget
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Install Linux, they said
GOP introduces bill to cut down H1B abuse
Im trying to watch a 1080p mkv file on my parents MacBook air late 2010 model with 2gb of RAM using VLC...
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Smartphone / chink thread
Is this the start of the end for interesting CPU refreshes?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
I got an iPhone after being with Android since the beginning
Poorfags desperately holding on to their sandy bridge processors
Do Windows users even know how their operating system works?
Thinking about building a PC but on a budget...
Nvidia is now pushing cloud based gaymen
Why is there so much resistance to ending the use of fossil fuels?
Dual monitor or single large monitor, Sup Forums?
Video Games Development
He pirates with torrents
Post benchmarks of your phones
Will the 2500k ever not be relevant?
Anyone here a data minimalist?
Trying to find a laptop for £550 or less
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Install linux, they said
So Sup Forums I received an eee pc 900 yesterday
I pity the poor fool who truly believes these are obsolete
Redpill me on C# Sup Forums. I currently know Python and C++ and am looking to expand on my programming knowledge
How the fuck does it work?
So Sup Forums, why don't you own the best laptop on the market, the 2016 15" MacBook Pro with Touch Bar?
AMD RX480 ($286) Medium-High end GPU
Which is most retarded OS ever made?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Plan9 never took off
Were Russians recently involved in US Government hacking?
L*nux corrupted and potentially destroyed my Windows partition and all my important files
Tfw fell for the TN panel with 1366x768 pixels laptop meme
Get a GTX 1080 after using a 290x for years
Sup Forums humor
Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. I use Google and Microsoft software on Ubuntu. Feels good to be a normie
Are you fämälämäzoids as comfy as I am? Electronic air bags, once set, always perfect
Be arch user
Why aren' t you using the comfies OS ever, Sup Forums?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/fbsdaout/ - Friendly BSD and other Unixes Thread
When will memetirial design die?
Stop hating Razer
/fglt/ Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
My phone has 3gb of ram
Guys I asked a few days ago to recommend me a good android browser (using now lightning)...
What do you think about the Project NEON?
New speccy thread
Wich one is better...
Vector graphics looked better (colored)
/wt/ watch thread - Patek Philippe edition
Tfw you've hoarded so much data over the years, it'd take a literal month to sort through all of it
Hey so how do you guys deal with your front webcams? I use tape on my Surface pro...
Fuck u Razer fuck off
Halp plox
I'm not into books, but I consider buying a Paperwhite. Never tried one tho
Is it true that quantum tunnelling is not a problem in shrinking further the transistor but mainly the photolithography...
Let's give Dell hell
/spg/ - Smartphone General - CES 2017 Was Shit Edition
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Why is AMD so shit? Seems like everything they do is a failure these days...
Why do we hate him again?
Are (((podcasts))) and other """""new media"""" distribution methods a meme?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Intel shenanigans
If you hate linux, this board is not for you. Please leave
Does anyone know of a guide for the absolute top quality madVR and mpc-hc settings?
So just bought my first mac, tell me more about the power of Unix Sup Forums!
Let's discuss kodi. For people who like using builds what are your favourites?
Do you name your computers?
I hope you're wearing a mechanical watch, Sup Forums
When will they learn?
Is it happening?
AMD Declares Ryzen Will Be a Four-Year Architecture
Inb4 Linus becomes the biggest AMDfag once Ryzen arrives
Do you own a laptop?
/hpg/ - Headphone General
What surveillance technologies do your countries use?
Recommend apps that will make my phone more awesome
Show me your terminal user
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Can Sup Forums guess what bitrate this looks like? it's rip from youtube
Dual Booting Ubunutu/Windows
Mfw the most uneventful CES in history
Claim to be a freetard
Wat do
Private Tracker General
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
It's happening, I'm fucked?
ITT: Sham products for morons
Output 5V 2A
Does he know programming?
Is chromium a meme?
Give me one good fucking reason to use this piece of shit for anything
>Arch > basically any other distro
He claims to know about "computer"
He doesn't have an Acer Predator 21X laptop
Where are they now? : Windows Phone edition
/flt/ Friendly Linux Thread
/fglt/ Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Now that apple is dead, who will replace them?
Is Tim Cook killing Apple?
Got screwed by dell?
///Apple Shills on Sup Forums \
X86 thread
I live on a """""""politically active"""""""" college campus. It's all the usual SJW rhetoric...
Acer Switch Alpha 12
Name My Wi-Fi
Would your laptop save your life Sup Forums?
Need Windows
He uses windows 10
Tech Job Pro Tips
Where do you guys set your taskbar?
You have 5 seconds to explain why you are not using Alacritty yet
Are amplifiers basically just a huge volume button...
PC powers on in the middle of the night
Router OS
Phone 2k screen
Pc fags just getting rekt
Never been into cars, I don't even have a driver's license, but they have impressed me this CES
Glasses Tech
2016 Review thread
So what does the current version of pic related looks like?
Got screwed by dell?
How would you recommend a lifelong windows baby completely move to linux? I've used Fedora on my laptop and I like it...
When is this shit coming out?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
VZW Unlimited
ITT: Technology that you have owned for years but never used once
What is the best music player?
Linux new fag here i have a question
How do I get started on creating gui applications? What language should I learn?
How do I do WebGL/OpenGL with only one matrix being passed into the vertex shader?
/cyb/ - The Cyberpunk General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Is Python a meme language? What are some meme languages that I should avoid?
Why aren't you using KDE Sup Forums?
How old were you when you stopped play video games?
First day at work
ITT we pretend to be braindead apple users
SSD petition
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Why do people say that Kepler aged like shit when my GTX 680 (4GB model) can still handle every modern title on ultra...
Nothing like getting an awesome gift from your uncle at the end of the day
Pros and Cons of moving to India for technology work
Is high PPI a meme?
What are the specs going to be on this thing?
27 inch 1080p monitor or 1440p 23 inch monitor?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Is it worth switching to AMD just for Freesync?
Sup Forums's thoughts on solar panels?
Has this shit ever happend to someone? just got home, turned on my laptop, typed in my password...
Is 5s the pinnacle of phone design?
Is the coil while REALLY that bad? Everything else about this laptop seems perfect
"Linux is free if your time has no value." - Louis Rossmann
What's the alternative to this ugly product line of meme laptops?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Convince an Arch user to not switch to Windows 10 OS
Dell fucked me
What is the best gaming OS?
Is there any reason to upgrade yet?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
/bst/ Battlestation thread
No speccy thread? Let's do it!
Editor thread
I'm in need of a roomier internal storage drive for my PC. What's the good word with good brands/bad brands these days?
No internet after the 31st what would you download to watch or do later?
Who makes the best fans?
be me
Is this worth using frequently?
Is this the future of AI?
So this thing turns your phone into a laptop for $99. Think it's worth looking into?
/fglt/ Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Speedtest thread
This thread is about the appreciation of watches...
Is this the thinkpad of gaming laptops?
Who /alexa/ here?
Why can't Linux even remotely compete with Windows 10?
Hello Sup Forums
Pale Moon
What should I do with my raspberry pi? Right now I am using it as a pirate theater with Kodi...
/csg/ Chink Shit General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
HDMI 2.1 announced, supports 8K and 4K 120Hz
Why hasn't C, C++, C#, java and other shit languages, been abolished in favor of OBJECTIVELY the best language...
Is there a free software alternative to the Adobe Acrobat Reader pdf viewer?
Why exactly is Arch Linux the #1 choice of the most experienced programmers and computer scientists?
I should have listened to you guys... Apple is literally garbage now
Remember when computing was fun?
/spg/ - Smartphone General
I'm literally done with GNU/Linux
Are thin clients a meme?
Why aren't there more commercial applications available for Linux?
Can somebody explain why bluetooth dongles are necessary and shilled so hard even by consumers?
IPv6 addresses
Can we get a desktop rate thread + speccy or screenfetch?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Lets talk about RISC-V boys
I'm hopping off the Apple bandwagon, and am looking for another laptop to run Linux on. Are the Dell XPS 13" a good fit...
What went wrong?
Android file manager
Getting beyond programming basics
Are Raspberry Pis fun? What are they used for?
How can i get these back on windows 7?
Help me get laid
Were Russians recently involved in US Government hacking?
LED a shit
GPD Pocket
What Sup Forums thoughs about WP and Lumia devices?
Any good Python IDE ?
Linux is secure they said
Does anyone on Sup Forums own a Windows tablet?
Always salt your hashes
Rust's code of conduct:
Be on a 12 hour flight
WD $20 250 GB SSD thread
Wake up at 10 (ish)
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Where can I find a torrent that'll be windows xp bootable iso? I tried black edition but that didn't work
Is web development as much of a clusterfuck as it appears to be?
How much better are HDR tv's over regular 4K screens, or 4k with fake hdr like lg's "hdr pro"
Oh, hi
Is there any reason not to get into credit card fraud?
Whats a good cheap tablet Sup Forums?
Bought a $1300 gaming pc
Is it a good or a bad time right now to buy a GTX 1070?
Personal fuck ups/scare stories?
What does Sup Forums think of Gab?
ITT we post aesthetic computers and computer parts
Is there any popular Russian software besides 7zip and winrar?
Why don't you run GNU + Linux on you're watch?
Femanon here
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Tfw ASRock stole Transmission's logo
NZXT Kraken x62
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
Built a PC nothing coming up on screen
Hey Sup Forums, I have a guy in my uni that is a stupid autist, that wans a gaming pc. I told him I'd make him a build...
This is actually what modern software engineering is in 2017
Where is Nixie Pixel?
It's finally here Sup Forums
/fglt/ Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Previous thread: >>58313954
Friends, how do we replace silicon?
I fucking hate this comic, and hate it even more that people actually use passwords like this
Linux is cancer you can't even play video games on it like roblox and Minecraft and steam games you have legit autism...
Gentoo user here. Just installed Arch Linux
Use linux they say
Anyone with a hackintosh build and a GTX970?
I got this 2008 mac pro from someone who didn't want it anymore. Which Linux distro should I install on it?
Y dsnt me compota wrk Sup Forums. Natin eve wurks
Libreboot no longer part of GNU
Did you know that they sent people to the moon with less computing power than the pc you are currently using...
Arch Linux
at a major consumer electronics trade show
FedEx vs UPS
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
You have now lived long enough to witness a world where 1+ terabyte flash drives exist
Intel Core i7-7700K Kaby Lake
Quick Sup Forums! Write a Java program that finds, on average...
What the flying fuck is this?
How do I get disposable phone numbers to escape the botnet?
Still no 1080 TI
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Umm where did it go?
Does anyone buy these fat bastard laptops? Why wouldn't you just get a desktop at that point?
Going to pick up one of these when I get my tax refund. Is the 120Hz display upgrade worth it...
Give me some good reasons to learn rust
Old Sup Forums-
Pathetic garbage thread
Why would a phone need 8GB of ram?
Best of Sup Forums thread
/hpg/ - Headphone General
How do I DIRECTLY rip the audio quickly from a YouTube video with no conversion, Sup Forums?
Linux Desktop Environment
Thank You Microsoft
REMINDER: If you use microsoft products, you don't belong on this board
Present Ryzen
AMD is fucking finished
Who /WindowsPhone/ here
I'm getting really suspicious. Why are (((they))) pushing the IoT so hard?
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Richard Stallman: 1
Who here cant wait for this piece of shit company to go bankrupt...
Use windows
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Which do you hate more?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Sup Forums creates a OTA
What's your favorite PC Case?
How do I stop these fucking redirect ads?
You there! Do you work in the tech profession? What do you do and how much do you make?
Basic things that keep you from using Windows full time
What do you do with old smartphones?
The year is 2042
When did antivirus software become worse than actual viruses ?
Fuck intel
What ancient outdated standard just needs to fucking die? My vote is VGA connectors
There are people who are still using Windows 7/8
What tech related purchases has Sup Forums made or will make?
Low budget mp3 players
/cyb/ - The Cyberpunk General
Still no escape button
/wt/ watch thread
Why is it so fucking ugly?
How does anybody get any work done without a multi monitor setup?
Stylish is now part of the botnet
DAW General
Hey guys! Speccy thread?
Are you /Brave/ enough to change of browser, Sup Forums?
I just bought a new lenovo
Anyone at CES? What new stuff will Sup Forums rave about this year?
How do I switch this shit off?
This is the price humankind must pay for not using GNU/Linux
GeForce Now, a cloud-based game streaming service priced from $25 for 20 hours
Seems weirdly communistic
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
What's the best music player out there and why is it AIMP? Seriously this one is even better than Winamp
/AG/ - Audio General
Has there ever been an instance of very popular FOSS having obfuscated code in it that did something malicious?
Why android is so bad but still the best mobile OS?
Zen logo is a poo smear
Computer Scientist or Software Engineer?
What went wrong
I want to learn about electronics and electronic devices...
Project NEON
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Sup Forums confessions thread
Usable only in about 1 year
Tfw is shaping up to be the greatest graphics card of all time
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
If you could only use 3 languages for the rest of your life which ones would you choose?
Implying that Acer makes cheap low-end laptops
What the fuck is this shit?
Why does Python have so little bullshit syntax?
Stop using Windows
Why is AMD so crappy st everything? Why would anyone use it instead of NVIDIA
No thread about the leaked VEGA slides yet?
How long until Mozilla abandons Firefox?
Am I the only one who hates mechanical keyboards?
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Are you excited for internet of things?
WD $20 SSDs
Everyone is sarek edition!
Vim thread
Every night before going to sleep I cry because people are still using MacOs and Windows...
How hard would it be to reverse engineer a CPU as powerful as knights landing using household items...
Based LG
Shit customer service / RMA thread
He/she isn't bundled up in an electric blanket RIGHT NOW
Nvidia is bankrupt and finished
Linux Desktop Environments
What is it Sup Forums ?
Rx 480 uses as much power as a GTX 1080
Just removed my screen protector
So what does Windows actually do when it keeps eating more and more disc space? I've turned updates off...
Every board is allowed one meta thread
Why is this 250gb ssd only $20?
Friendly reminder this chink is data mining everything you post and that if you still post here you are a retard
If it aint cherry, i aint touching it
Thoughts on IBM?
If Internet Explorer has the balls to ask you to be your default browser then you have the balls to ask her on a date
/spg/ - Smartphone General - CES 2017 Edition
Which gpu is the best bang for the buck
/fpt/ - Functional Programming Thread
Tfw trying to install obscure Python modules in Windows 10
Is Windows 7 still a viable option for the modern PC gamer?
NVIDIA let me down
Which one was the park using?
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I see a lot of people on here with pimped computers but do any of you actually use your expensive hardware?
$20 250GB WD SSD. Get in here
Stop using Windows
/bst/ - Battle Stations
Wtf I hate firefox now
Did I do good for $730 dollars (including shipping + tax) Sup Forums?
Elon Musk wants to go to mars. This implies that he will need to process and eat his own shit...
I'm a programmer and I primarily use C# and...
OFFICIAL Jen-Hsun Huang NVIDIA CES Livestream THREAD #2
Thoughts on *BSD?
There are two types of people:
/sqt/ - Stupid Questions Thread
Sup Forums let's go shopping
Google search is turning into shit, but there still isn't another search engine as good as it is
Which one is superior?
Will Facebook be closing her account after this?
How does Sup Forums take notes...
Getting a Samsung Galaxy S7 in the morning as my "upgrade" from the HTC One M8
Hey guys I recently bought this high end device and to be honest I'm kinda disappointed
Learn programming
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
So is the only reason politicians are against net neutrality cronyism and old people being old...
MacOS / Linux users BTFO first day of University
C appreciation thread
$9,000 Gaming Laptop Release Set for 2017
Self-Checkout Exploit
Can you use css to color code posts that have (you)s in them? i can't figure it out with my rudimentary css knowledge
Could someone explain the mechanical keyboard meme to me?
Opinions Sup Forums?
Don't want to be on facebook
Windows Update horror!
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Stop using this browser. Now
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Where were you when Python was kill?
Wincucks will defend this
Temporal horizon of the internet
Hey guys. html turbonoob here. Making my first website
I want to get off of the (((google))) and stop using chrome but Firefox is already my porn browser
Hard or soft G
mfw i slept next to my wireless router for over 3 years now
Razor thin keys with zero press-depth
How long until I can 3D print food?
Windows 10 "Game Mode"
Is there anything as A E S T H E T I C as a clean Windows 10 install?
4k@144hz is now a reality
Nokia’s $199 hairbrush listens to your hair
This operating system is literally for people with autism...
What happened to technological advancement?
Femanon here
Speccy thread
/upsg/ UPS General
It's 2017: Linux and Firefox suck at security
Anyone knows here how to decrypt pkcs7#?
A new beginning
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Thoughts on CentOS?
"Do you have an iPhone, or Samsung?"
Who here is trembling in excitenemnt of AMD dying...
Battle of the 480s
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Can you tell me a better browser for android?
Need sugestiona for mouse
/mkg/ - Mechanical Keyboard General
Is it worth it ?
Are you subscribe to any youtube channel with a woman host?
What do people use today instead of Facebook?
Writing a windows iso to usb in Linux
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Name a better distro
Femanon here
Two days until Intel and Nvidia are BTFO
MSI AM4 platform shown
/bst/ Battlestation
Anyone else love macOS (formerly OS X)?
Looking for a true and tested i5 processors that Sup Forumsentlemens would highly suggest
About 7k in bank account
Which Linux distro to install?
Your dad seeks advice from you about what computer to buy. what do?
Home Screen Thread
ITT: Jokes that have been going on for way too long
First PC Thread
Yep, this is the time
/wdg/ - Web Development General
Install Elementary OS
It is now 2017
/mpv/ - still the best?
Nvidiots on suicide watch
He uses pre-compiled backdoored kernel and binaries on an open source OS
Mfw my dad who is working on the 5g of mobile telecommunication...
/wt/ watch thread
that moment of clarity when you realize all the tech problems are because you forgot to use the driver disc
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Overclocked Skylake consumes less power than Kaby Lake stock
/csg/ - Chink Shit General
NTP is officially getting rid of C and going to use Rust or Go
Femanon here
CES thread
ThinkBook Pro
Hacker movie
I want a good, not that expensive cat tracking device
Stylish is kill
Sudo apt-get update
What distro do you use?
UK Labour Party calls for regulation of algorithms used by servers
I5 7600k vs i5 6600k vs i5 2600k
Give me one good reason that triple booting on a Macbook Pro isn't the ideal laptop
Femanon here
/hpg/ headphone general
How do I effectively disable my MacBook Pro camera via macOS Sierra?
He still uses Firefucks
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
What language does Sup Forums code in...
Does ASUS have a patent on the Q-Connector or what?
Buy doom on steamsales for microshaft gaming machine
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Femanon here
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
I got a 4k tv for Christmas, what video card should I be looking to get?
How can Mediatek even compete?
Femanon here
Previous thread: >>58291227
Where were you when YouTube was kill?
2017 Mac Pro to use AMD processors
Is IPv6 a botnet?
Apple Corporate
Seagate vs Western Digital
What r ur CFLAGS?
I messed up
RIP Nexus 5x/6p
Any tips from a Sup Forums on how to fit in on IRC? I don't want to be sniffed out as a sperg
The last piece of tech you bought that you highly recommend
Whats the best terminal?
When will Intel/amd break the 10 GHz barrier base clock on consumer grade CPUs?
Broken Sup Forums SSL
So how's that Ryzen coming along? Meanwhile intel's 7700k just came out, clocks to 5gz without problems
Will there ever be a more advanced operating system than UNIX?
So, my 1060 died while basically on idle, I was recording a game from PS4 with an elgato HD60
If Terry weren't mentally ill where would he most likely be employed?
Emacs > Vim
What should I buy from Japan Sup Forums?
Does anyone here work at Google, what is best way to prep for interviews?
So I haven't been paying attention until I got my 4K TV, but is HEVC x265 fucking witchcraft or some shit?
Bootloop of death bricking Thousands of Nexus 6P
/frugal/ general
Where does Sup Forums work?
TFW criminals are getting rich as pic related while we shit post from our riced anime pedophile desktops
Hi Sup Forums, /n/ here...
What does Sup Forums think about this god-given programm?
Give me one reason not to buy this
Install Windows 10
What should be my github name?
/fglt/ - Friendly GNU/Linux Thread
Why Linux
We are now 3 days into 2017
/dpt/ - Daily Programming Thread
Would it be possible to create a credit card (not stolen or someone elses) that would just trick the credit card slider...
Get email from "Paypal"
God-tier android apps
College Project, Help??
Starting /kod/ Kodi thread. Ask someone who is very familiar with the program anything
Music players
/ptg/ - Private Torrent General
/csg/ Chink Shit General
Company Bricks User's Software After He Posts A Negative Review
Were Russians recently involved in US Government hacking?
/fruot/ - Friendly real Unix OS thread
Intel unveils its 7th-gen CPUs for desktops and performance laptops
Sandy bridge
Sup Forums humor
/pcbg/ - PC Building General
ARM getting into desktop processor market when?
ITT:stuff that's been more that relevant for longer than it should have
/ptg/ - Private Tracker General
Any valuable inside a CRT tv?
Apple fags
Radeon additional settings
Cheap Korean 4k monitor general
Daily reminder that android's hardware doesn't hold it back, it's the software
Last threads
New Social Fap Thread
Quads in thread: I push the lever, cut off my dick
This my cat Mousey say something nice
Be me 18 y/o Turk living in Germany
What loli part is best loli part?
Op here of kristin ama
It's Caturday, post cats
Got a girl solidly passed out on my couch in my apartment, wat should I do to her anons?
I love being a stripper. I make $300+ a day (after tip out), I can come to work and leave whenever I please...
Rekt. Lets do it
Wwyd thread be brutal as you want
Whats the best way to insult a german
Does the busdriver notice if i steal
Hot for teacher thread: candids preferred or in general clasroom pics; only real teachers pls
Texas thread. Bonus for 903
If you were paid 200000 a year to be permanently naked- would you? You would have full immunity to any legal trouble...