Convince an Arch user to not switch to Windows 10 OS.
Convince an Arch user to not switch to Windows 10 OS
install macOS
>that colorscheme
>1660 packages
>name is jordan
>lame PS2
An OS that has a name that doesn't begin with an A is not compatible with your assburgers.
lol is this the new desktop thread XD
OS? looks like windows, if so how do you get it to look like that?
It's windows, I just added a theme to it lol
I used to like your desktops before you went full underage anime.
they're an essential part of any good desktop
lol imo
that notification is in a weird spot
because it's fuckin malware
this desu famalam
do it faget
But you used to share decent pictures that even I liked. Now you're posting barely sfw pictures with focus on girls, I guess for the shock effect and get (You)s, not desktop.
If you consider switching to Windows 10 then you're not a Arch user.
ok, but idk how to do it lol
wanna help?
My Cinnamon Frankenstein. I had to manually put it together with lightdm. for some reason mdm does not start session.
>decent pictures
like what? examples
Looks good, except the "Ubuntu" thing.
Dual boot.
I switched to windows 10 for about half an hour just this morning.
Just dual boot or run windoes in a VM
sure, show boipucci first
>Dual boot.
In 2016? Machines can virtualize with practically no hit, why would you dual boot
I feel comfortable around apt and Ubuntu core. I am a Linux newbie, not touching Gentoo till I learn the system.
How will knowing Ubuntu help you with Gentoo? Two totally different systems, dude.
one step at a time. i recently learned to install arch. using fedora on my older desktop. trying out different things.
Gentoo is the final boss for me.
Lol, "apt" is one of the worst package managers around.
If you're fancy trying some new Distros in a VM:
Try some graphical easy-to-use Arch-derivates like ApricityOS or Antergos
arch-anywhere worked okay.
OP used arch-anywhere for his install
What theme is that ?
Also Jordan is right, that notification is in a weird spot my man
I don't give a fuck what you do, you attention whoring fag.
which phone did you get?
The Pixel by Google.
how is it?
It's nice. Basically the iPhone of Android phones imo