"Do you have an iPhone, or Samsung?"

"Do you have an iPhone, or Samsung?"

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i have a samsung note 5 (the one that didnt explode)

It's called an S6 you dumb cunt

Samsung is for poor people, I have an iPhone 7 Plus.

You probably bought it on credit

>poor people

An LG.

Do you have a tight vagina or an overused giant vagina?

Zenfone 2

Why the fuck would you spend so much money on a phone that'll be useless in 2 years?

I have a Samsung iPhone.

Anything below the best is for poor people

Neither. I have an Android.

I see less and less girls with iPhones.

>using a smartphone

do you like that facebook, google and apple all have your nudes stored in their server farms?

laughable, *flips hood on and walks away*


Rich people buy iPhones, everyone knows that.

Is this something Americans actually say? I've never heard anyone say such dumb shit

Of course, only poor people don't have credit.


>low storage
>low memory
>insecure as fuck cloud storage
>the best

*attached to hood is a fedora*

Too poor for the Plus?
>low storage
too poor for the 256gb model?
>low memory
Android needs 10gb of RAM to match an iPhone with 1gb
>insecure as fuck cloud storage
Nice try


Nokia 830 actually

you've probably never heard of it....

Moto G.

America is the superficial consumer capitalist epicenter of the universe, is it really unbelievable in that context?

Most basic bitches think only Apple and Samsung make phones and wouldnt be caught dead by their girlfriends with a brand like LG, Motorola or Sony.

In the US it's opposite

>he can't even buy a phone in cash

I have a smartphone, have no Facebook account, and no cloud storage accounts.

All of my files are stored locally. If you believe a company somehow has access to those files, and have credible evidence to back that claim, I will use it to criminally prosecute said company under violations of the Computer Fraud and Abuse Act.

>no Facebook account?
>wow...that's...kinda creepy, user

Why are virgins so obsessed with privacy?

Moto z force

the plus has 720p stretched out over and even larger area stupid

why would i spend that much on 256GB?

this is blatantly false

>forgot about the leaked nudes

i don't believe it


i know it

No desire to create a public profile of myself on the Internet. Not that creepy.

Believe what you wish, but I am not a virgin.


Now just wait one second...

>the plus has 720p stretched out over and even larger area stupid
>why would i spend that much on 256GB?
Some people can afford the best
>this is blatantly false

>forgot about the leaked nudes
They away their passwords retard.

rest in peace

>imagine being so bad with your money you unironically buy a top of the line iPhone


I actually have a Sony, fite me irl cunt.

>gave away their passwords

apple should have had 2 step in place a breach is ALWAYS the companies fault

to me "the best" is a swappable SD card so i can carrry all the storage i want with me

>2FA meme

too much hassle honestly. Not worth it

Do normies even know what android is?

too much hassle until someone fails to make it into your account because of it

nice meme reply


Why would i want any phone with either 1 button or 1 physical button(s)?

"What's Android? I thought there was only iPhone and Samsung?

So you like using tech from two years ago sold at the same prices as today's flagship phones?

The women in my family all have Android phones and they know what Android is.

Nice shitpost, retard.

>In the US it's opposite

Because in the US everything is a fucking caricature.

maybe if you weren't busy fiddling with your redundant passwords you would've replied sooner.

Alas, I have already moved on

First of all you cunt, Samsung is the brand name, not the name of the phone. Do you call your iPhone "Apple"?

Secondly, that Samsung is called the Galaxy. And it runs the operating system called "Android". Kinda like "Windows" on your computer, there are multiple manufacturers like HP, Acer, Dell, Gateway, so there are multiple Android phone manufacturers like Samsung, LG, HTC, Sony, Motorola

Do you understand now, bitch?

*sigh*I wish I could have that much confidence when talking to girls...

>"Hey user, what kind of phone is that?"
>"It's a Blackberry."
>"Oh, ha ha, that's weird."

I have Android and I want to get an iPhone.

All of the good music production-related apps are on iOS and NOT Android. I don't know why Android is failing so much in the media production sector but it's failing horribly.








iPhone 7 is by far and away the fastest smartphone homeboy

it is weird

Girls are cute as fuck when they talk about technology

t. chip engineer

Even normies girls know what Android is

But I suppose this is new information to someone who spends all their day on Sup Forums and only interacts with their mom

It gets me going too

t. another chip engineer

Same. I'm a screenwriter who uses Android and I want to move to iOS for applications like Scrivener and Weekend Read for mobile use. The equivalent apps for Android are just subpar to put it kindly. Android is becoming a creativity desert compared to iOS.



>lol user ur such a nerd xD

Ugh, whatever, I like my iPhone because it just works

I have an LG v20.

it's a turn on for women, if you're a single man over 30

it means you're not immature, if you have an active social life outside of social networking that is

I live in the USA. Only old people and blacks use iPhones.

Bitches always carry Android.

"Neither, I own a new Windows Phone"

>talking about tech with girls
>thinking it gets you laid
Sup Forums

If you're gonna use a writing application, use it in a device that is appropriate for writing, like a laptop. Scrivener runs on Windows and Mac OS X as well.

Tablets and phones are for consuming, not producing.

>over 30

might as well be dead at that point who cares

>Tablets and phones are for consuming, not producing.

Not really, or else there wouldn't be a market for these apps.

Just because there's a market for them doesn't mean it's a good idea. Technically, you can get an IDE that runs on Android, but that doesn't mean that it's smart to write programs on the device.

I bought a Zenfone 2 just over a year ago and tbqh it has been one of the best smartphones I have had. Just ordered a OP3T so we will see how that goes.

lol let me guess people were outraged by that selfie

There are entire books that have been written entirely on iPhones and iPads.

are you not?

oh my god fuck you

I have your beauty in my head.

> no headphone jack

There are entire books that have been hand written, perhaps even in modern day. That doesn't change the fact that the most efficient tool for the job is a laptop or desktop.

To any person who says they write novels in an iOS device, I would question how it is that they are simultaneously too poor to own a Mac and too stupid to use Windows.

>only poor people don't have credit

t. poorfag

too poor to afford good thunderbolt headphones? lol

Why would you be?

Women, not Americans.

>I will criminally prosecute a multibillion dollar company
You're a fucking moron.

It's 2017, you don't have to be confined to a single device. Some people write on their laptop/desktops while sitting down at a stationary spot and continue on their phones while on the go, synced through Dropbox or Google Drive.

Your writing workflow is always with you, and when you get a new idea, you can always put it down while it's still fresh in your mind.

Where the fuck do you live? Some backwoods country? Nigger go to any urban store or mall and be proven wrong for hours upon hours straight. I worked in retail up until recently and had people constantly show me their phones for coupons or whatever. 95% of girls had iPhones, so did most older women. Men was about 50/50

Go outside more

There's a time and a place user.

I have an invincible tiny Nokia/MS Lumia 435 that runs Win10, best phone OS I've ever tried. Plus you can litteraly throw the damn thing against a wall, no risk to break the screen. Btw, it was 70 euros. Let me laugh at you and your 700+ euros iPhones that implode when they poke against a table

Caution: shilling incoming

I feel bad for the Samsung owners out there. Everything on their phones behaves so strangely. I end up showing them my Moto G4 and they're amazed by how straightforwardly it works. (Seems to be an even split over the lack of buttons, though.) Then >their faces when I tell them it was only $200 upfront and a cheap bill with no contract.

But I guess they need their curved edges.

Why is Windows Phone more prevalent in Europe than America? In the US it's like 1-2% market share.

Because Nokia is European, I'd say. No idea. But I know my country (fr) is also the one who has the most Win10s of the world it seems, 30% of the OSs. Maybe related

So you can't take selfies in a place where people have died?

Wow you're so edgy you dumb nigger

Sometimes I can't tell if the shitposting here is real or fake


>but someone has died at some point pretty much everywhere
Oh no I guess that means no selfies are allowed at all. The horror.

It's called morals. Something many people here lack due to obvious reasons.

this, honestly

and the jews didn't get holocausted just so you could have a pretty place to take vanity pictures, show some fucking respect

^ Shitpost


They're all dead and nobody knows anyone in the holocaust, no one cares and it's fine to joke about now it's been long enough

>the jews didn't get holocausted

Nice. I got mine from my dad after he got an iPhone 6S Plus

He still tries to get me to trade phones with him since he wants the Zenfone back

>nobody knows anyone in the holocaust

>it's fine to joke about now

no it isn't you disgusting person