I got an iPhone after being with Android since the beginning

I got an iPhone after being with Android since the beginning.

Don't understand the hate... it's the smoothest GUI ever. I'd say about 90% of the apps I used on Android phones work on iOS.

The only issue I have with it is no Sup Forums apps, but I don't mind using the browser.

Why does Sup Forums hate iPhones again?

I used one for 5 seconds the other day to type in something for someone and found out you can't tap to the middle of a word to correct a single letter, you can only place the text cursor at the very beginning and end of a word.

It's little things like this that are fucking retarded.

honestly i'd go back if you could customize, i hate the fucking homedock, small thing, but it triggers me

this isn't true, you're an idiot, but what is true is there's no native "swipe" typing which I could literally never go without now

Mate, are you special

you have to hold and drag

Well, I was typing in an email address for someone with an iphone 6s, and I tried about 10 times to get to the middle of the address where I made the mistake and it would only go to the end and front of the words. Ended up clearing all text and re-typing it.


you can force touch the keyboard and move the cursor wherever you want pretty easily.

As an ex iphone 6 plus owner who got touch disease, you are making a huge mistake.

If you've been with Android for a while you will hate ios and toddler-proof "features" like a 100MB download limit on mobile data.

Turn back while you still can m8. Sell that piece of shit or return it if possible and get a oneplus e or exynos S7

Force touch and your cursor becomes completely free to move in any X/Y direction. Like the PS4 touch pad.

Lol you can't even change DPI or block ads system wide or even view webms. Literally unusable garbage.

>it's the smoothest GUI ever
Until you see it pause while loading the settings menu.

>you have to force touch to unlock the ability to place the cursor wherever you want
It's a feature!

I mean... Android pauses all throughout. iOS really isn't all that different.

This. Shit's locked down as hell.

You obviously don't customize your phone at all, beyond changing the wallpaper. I don't like iPhones because there's no user-accessible filesystem, inability to download and files through the browser, and no easy way to transfer files to and from the phone. The lack of features like that keep me from ever considering iOS. I will say that iPhones have excellent hardware design up until the 7 and 7 Plus.


How old are you 12?

And besides, customizing only makes the UI inferior. Stock android is better than any riced shit just like stock iOS is better than any jailbreak garbage.

Also, you cant really customize how apps look, and that where iOS is better, android apps look like shit.

honestly not being able to view webms on Sup Forums was one of my main factors in going android, not sure what that says about me though

here's your ^

Reported, hidden, saved, called the cops

I don't care about "rice". However I do care about the ability to use any browser I want, any music player I want, and put informational widgets on my home screen that show me the weather and upcoming appointments. Can iOS do any of that?

yeah I don't fucking understand people who bitch about customization in phones

I've literally never had a desire or seen a benefit from changing stupid shit like whether or not you have a home dock. It's far more important to me which phone is all around smoother.

Are you retarded?

Show me how you can install a browser on iOS that's not a Safari skin. Tell me how to install a music player that's not the default Apple Music app and make that the default player.

>wants to use a custom browser
>claims to leave the house for appointments
pick one

>wanting to use firefox or chrome instead of safari equates to being a neet

>t. iToddler

i came to my iphone 7 from a nexus 6p and the force touch is a feature i wish android had because i love using it. it feels so much better doing it this way anyway.

>it feels so much better having to force touch to drop the cursor where i want it rather than just being able to tap anywhere in the text input area
Apple users are a brilliant example of Stockholm Syndrome.

>implying Android doesn't do essentially the same thing, but with back-fuck-ward fragmented hardware support and user reliance on neckbeards and Indian teenagers on XDA to release semi-working ROMs that vaguely support newer Android versions via shitty workarounds that don't work half the time.

How much do you get paid per post?

>t. iToddler

i don't know man, i willingly came to a 7 plus instead of upgrading to a pixel xl. this is literally my first ever iphone and i already like it better than any of the many android phones i've used. i have my 6P but i just don't ever use it anymore. i keep it just in case i ever want to go back.

sometimes it misses the point i wanted so it's just easier to 3D touch and use my finger like a mouse instead.

iPhones are great if you have a Jailbreak and a headphone jack.

If you do not have those 2 things just KYS


How often do you plan on upgrading? In a couple years, your apps will stop updating because your phone is no longer in the SDK. Your messaging apps will stop working.

You can drag the cursor on Android as well without having to push and hold or anything.

I'm sorry but there's literally no point in needing to activate special input just to move the cursor around.
Worse, it's non-intuitive, as demonstrated by So how does it work on the iPhone 6 and earlier before force touch was introduced?