Why hasn't C, C++, C#, java and other shit languages, been abolished in favor of OBJECTIVELY the best language...

Why hasn't C, C++, C#, java and other shit languages, been abolished in favor of OBJECTIVELY the best language, Javascript?

It runs everywhere like java, but doesn't need to be compiled like the shit language that is owned by the fucking NSA

You CAN'T prove me wrong with your shit languages, the only reason that Javascript hasn't pierced is that Intel, AMD and ARM banded together in order to ban "unconventionnal" CPUs that can run the mighty language that is JS natively

Fuck you for thinking otherwise.

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trying too hard



Everyone knows you're a shitty developer when you think theres such a thing as a "best" language, instead of spending the week or so to pick up the language that is best for the given task

Why learn other languages when you can just use NPM to integrate that functionnality in the language of the GODS?

You are stupid. Javascript is fucking gross. Can't wait for web assembly

Stop playing into intel/amd/arm's cartel that try to bring barf-inducing compiled languages in the blessed area that is the cloud.

Oh boy another JS bait thread

Javascript is run directly on the CPU just the same way as C# is run directly on the CPU

Yes,but unfortunately you need an interpreter such as node.js or the cursed V8 when you want to run the texts of the gods

The heathen CPU manufacturers forbids runing holy text directly on metal.

It runs directly on CPU after being compiled to machine code, just like C# and similar to C and C++. You need a compiler for every language to run it on the CPU - this does not make Javascript any different from languages you listed..

The compilation conspiracy is a myth perpetrated by the perverse CPU industry, a true JS cpu will come, and save us all from the cancer that is compiled languages.

This. It's nice to see sensible thinking on/g/

3 years ago I might have agreed with you. But not anymore.

JavaScript and the web frameworks have ended up being the biggest programming clusterfuck that I know of. What's worse is the mentality among JavaScript "developers" that stacking frameworks, single-function-libraries, hip-and-untested "languages" that compile down to JavaScript is somehow sane and normal.

Fuck JavaScript and the web frameworks. I don't think even the worst haters of JavaScript could have predicted how bad things would end up.

In the meantime other languages evolved. Especially C++11 is so good offering zero cost abstractions across the whole stack, allowing to use C++ as low-level or high-level as you want.

Bring on web assembly so the web will either die or live but in anycase JavaScript and the "community" build around it will be no more.

Amen, brother.

Yeah, I hate the proliferation of frameworks too. But that has nothing to do with the quality of the vanilla language.

Nobody, but your employer can force you to use a framework, but well employers can ask you to do the most retarded things.

>hahahha what the fuck is an integer. why would anyone need anything but a number, which is both an integer and a float?
>assigning this to a local variable which is used in an inline function is obviously a good practice which should be enforced
>who the fuck needs the level of performance of C or even Java

What the fuck is web assembly?

>>hahahha what the fuck is an integer. why would anyone need anything but a number, which is both an integer and a float?

Of all of Eich's errors, this one and (typeof null == "object") are the two that are just the most blindly fucking stupid.

Eich added all those automatic promotion rules (like (3 * "2" == 6)), yet he couldn't be arsed to add just one more promotion rule for int to float.

Of course, Eich originally wanted JavaScript to be similar to Lisp, but the Mozilla execs told him no. So I'm not particularly surprised at his poor judgment in designing JavaScript.

in what case would typeof null being object matter? Isn't object basically equivalent to pointer?

I usually try to avoid reflection when coding, so I've never run into this.

>I only barely managed to learn one language and now I pretend it the best for everything because I'm scared I can't learn any other language.

Ok so I read the wikipedia article but too drunk to understand. So basically it's either bytecode shit like java or shotgunned security hole shit that will never gain popularity. But hey at least it's diffrenet!


Why is JS outside of browsers even a thing? It's absolutely fucking disgusting. Have fun with your slow ass dynamic typing, cancerous syntax and meme frameworks.

Really though, try doing anything slightly technical with JS and you'll want to kill yourself. Even if you figure out how to solve large sets of simultaneous equations with JS, it will be so slow you'll probably be dead before it's finished running. Of course, I don't expect you to even know what linear algebra is since you're just a lowly street shitting web dev plebian.

If all you can use is JS, please refrain from writing any code. Ever.

And yet it's still nowhere near half as fast as C# because of dynamic typing amongst other things. What's with all these web devs acting like software engineers? Gtfo and go back to your home town of Bangalore.

What do you think is wrong with JS's syntax?

>slow ass dynamic typing
Yes, dynamic typing sucks but speed isn't a problem in the case of JS

>speed isn't a problem
OP thinks JS should be used for everything. Would you use any dynamically typed language for high performance code? If the answer is yes, you need to go back to school.

Because it's objectively a garbage language.

>both an integer and a float
There are ways to do this right, and then there's Javascript.
I must be careful to not break this desk with my head.

>There are ways to do this right
I can't imagine any way to do this right, apart from separating float and integer. accidentally using in in place of the other is very dangerous.

Speed isn't even the worst part of dynamic typing. Debugging large dynamically typed systems is a nightmare.

And he takes the bait



C# = bytecode
Way easier to reverse engineer than compiled

Can someone explain how something like this even gained popularity? What the hell happened?

Web Developer Killer

Better than WASM

Same reason PHP got popular.
If you're an idiot then these kind of errors pop up and you don't understand why, and then you just bang your head against the wall and eventually find out a "way of doing it" that works.


>"unconventionnal" CPUs that can run the mighty language that is JS natively
Is there even a "bytecode" form of Javascript? Because if not, Javascript is just text, and no processor can execute it natively, unless you somehow implement an entire JS interpreter in hardware, which is just plain ridiculous, and you'd still need some sort of actual low-level underlying instruction set for the hardware interpreter to interpret to.

Daily remember than C# is a form of assembly language since it's trivial to translate to MSIL.

Javascript still pretty much has Lisp semantics, even though it uses C syntax. That's why it supports eval(), partial function application, and the ability for functions to generate other functions at runtime. However, I do find it's lack of built-in bignum support to be a pretty major deficiency compared to actual modern Lisp implementations.

JS seems to be faster than Python at least. It's an interpreted language, speed isn't supposed to be the priority. A bigger problem in my experience is the undersized stack - recursive functions in JS don't scale very well at all.

Assembly, the fastest language there is, is arguably dynamically typed.

>dynamically typed
Dynamic typing and static type inferencing are two entirely different things.

You can actually use web workers if you want some sort of multithreading for more intense computation that will not block your current UI rendering.

For backend, well, it is possible to write add-ons for Node in C++. So, yeah I know this sounds retarded, but if compute-intensive tasks are needed there are ways to make this possible. Admittedly there aren't built-in ways to make JS capable of compute-intensive tasks (except for web workers and typed arrays, but that's still not enough).

C++ has static type inference, asm doesn't.

You should learn type conversion rules.

>'5' ++ '5'
>'foo' ++ 'foo'
>'5' +-+--- ....
What's the practical use case for this? Let's test some odd expressions?

>var x * 3;
Syntax error. You didn't define x.

>5' + x - x
>'5' - x + x
Returns NaN (with x declared but not defined). You can't even properly test in the console.


These frameworks are a killer. They are rapidly developed, poorly planned and their documentation is subpar. Unfortunately, for most teams and developers there is no alternative but to use them. I have projects at work that need to be cranked out and I'm not going to rewrite Bootstrap so that my front end is responsive. I just do not have the time or skillset for that.

Additionally, JavaScript doesn't lend itself well to enterprise application development. Enterprises usually have large teams of mediocre programmers (myself included) and with strong OOP languages like Java and C#, the language helps us make reasonably maintainable and not too dangerous software. That's why I've been pushing my team to TypeScript over the last few months. We're about to start building out some new things with it and hopefully our ineptitude won't hurt us as much as it hurts us when we use standard JavaScript.

Thanks for the keklund just before I head to sleep, but I'm not going to bun pin your thread. You need to learn to be more subtle. Still a tame keklund before sleep is not to be sneezed at.

Yes, this is what's wrong with OP's post.

Lmfao. This is even better bait than OP.