> be me
> on a long ass bus ride
> realize they have wifi but the router shit the bed
>reset the router - werks
now what, Sup Forumsoys?
be me
Other urls found in this thread:
Make a redirect for every http request to spinmaster.me
>total traffic 3000kb
>2 days uptime
No, omfgdogs.com
maybe the connection was ded for days
> on a long ass bus ride
it's just a fucking long ass bus ride OKAY?!?
Accessing government property is illegal m8. they have your access info. engoy getting reamed
>not changing the SSID
good luck im behind 7 proxies
any ideas?
SSID: notmypresident
Kill the Niggers Bus Wifi Service
Make it something like Child porn express.
new meme?
Make sure one of those isn't you via mac address and ban them.
top smirk
Run troll trace.
>Government owned
but it's the poor bus driver
going to report your IMEI as stolen after my movie goes off
pls change router name to "INTERNET FOR DOGS - DOG INTERNET ONLY"
it's not tho. it's a private corp
too long, user.