Well guys, it's been fun knowing you. I've watched this board steadily decline in quality over time until it's now just a steady stream of "why don't you use x product, are you poor" shit posting. It was nice while it lasted but just isn't funny anymore.
Bye guys
good bye clinton, steelman, ruff, banks, becker, and johnson
See you tomorrow
Wow! Puberty hit you really hard.
Do you have hair "down there" yet?
"Remember, you are here forever."
Why don't you use Sup Forums anymore are you poor?
don't let the door hit you in the ass on your way out, OP
See you on Hacker News and /r/cscareerquestions, /r/programming and /r/compsci
Why did you ever think the Sup Forums was supposed to be funny?
pls take me with you
where else you going to go huh
he'll be back by sunday
He isn't wrong.
The memesters took over, and any interesting discussions or original content was thrown to the wayside for endlessly recycled lulz and cancer.
I really have to wonder why I'm even still here.
This was true 5 years ago. Theres a reason so many people on here argue about which language has the best hello world
Granted, you could make an argument that it applies to this site in general.
I just want to go back to 2007, when life was good and safe.
In order to make Sup Forums great again:
>ban consumer review threads
>ban tech support outside /sqt/
>ban normalfaggotry
>ban ebin meme threads (this includes XDA/Pajeet/Ruski shit)
>ban all crossboarders from Sup Forums
>ban shill threads
>ban GPU/CPU wars threads
>ban windows/linux/osx wars threads
Anything else?
>ban GPU/CPU wars threads
I get where you're coming from but I do like to read about the latest cpu/gpu stuff so I wouldn't want to see this go too far.
cya, grandma.
protip: next time, hire competent IT staff that doesn't need to ask plebbit about how to falsify Exchange server database records.
Start by range banning whoever starts this thread everyday
>The memesters took over Sup Forums
What did he mean by this?
See you tomorrow
ban /r9k/ leakages
so basically delete Sup Forums
i really don't understand why i come here anymore either... how long can people talk about fucking thinkpads?
hacker news is fucking horrible. The bad karma you earn here is at least actual bad karma.
remove terryposters.
started out as a small group of Sup Forumsentoomen laughing at a schizo,
but now it's endless shilling and forced memes.
Basically everyone has different opinions on what is interesting, I have an omega seasmaster but never visit the watch thread because like you say, how much can you say.
I think that deleting obvious bait threads would be a good start.
>ban normalfaggotry
>ban r9k leakages
But youre agreeing with me, retard
lol just came to this board to see niggas so disappointed that they announce that they're leaving forever
Sup Forums has been /consumer general/ for the last several years.
also by cuck, good luck doing whatever.
>ban animu avatar fags
>ban le apple le gay xD epic redittors
>ban Sup Forums
There ya have it
Sup Forums needs more diversity of topics. The generals are falling apart, politics have been infecting this board for quite some time and half of the threads are a product of the failures of big companies such as apple, microsoft or google. If Apple spent their last 3 years not waving their dicks around, or Microsoft decided to make Windows great again instead of the turd 10 is, things would be different. If the year of linux desktop actually happened, or there was a distro that was worth a shit for real, so many loonix distro threads wouldn't be necessary.
Desktop threads went away, which is fine because they were always the same stupid shit, but they were stopped in such a way that there's always some faggot trying to turn anything into a desktop thread now. People complain about talking about GPUs or CPUs, which for sure can be used for videogames but pertain to Sup Forums, yet many generals related to watches (not smartwatches, that is), shaving razors or fucking sinks.
And nothing of value was lost.
You must've really liked gore, huh?
Theres problems in broaching new topics, for example anything relating to robots, AI, and such are shouted down as being part of the botnet since most examples of that technology tend to depend on big data.
Anyone asking for help with programming gets told to fuck off to reddit, or any kind of help at all really.
And the CPU/GPU stuff does get extreme, "winning" or "losing" by a 1% margin is sometimes enough for months of trolling.
OP is right, this place has got shit since 2012
It's literally just "you are pajeet, no you are pajeet", linux-fagging, 8gb ram fagging, phone marketing, little underage cunts asking for homework help, stupid fucks from Sup Forums asking what graphics card to get, then complaining that the drivers don't work, stupid fucks asking the dumbest support questions that they could easily fucking Google, dumb bsd cunts fragmenting the UNIX community because of their autism, dumb Gentoo cunts with their shitty and tired meme, and the worst of all BY FAR, and what really ruined the whole board for me, the Stallman cunts with their Ganooo/Lonux bullshit, they got so fucking autistic that a perfectly good general thread /flt/ got renamed to /fglt/ (which looks and sounds like faglet) and now the cunt mods actually delete threads named /flt/. Fuck this place. I'm going with the other people who said they are leaving for leddit and HN and stack overflow and whatever else. There's nothing of value left here now, except maybe the /pcbg/ thread.
Let's face it, the golden age of Sup Forums is long past.
Not trying to tell you people what to do with your shitposting but if you compare /wt/ /mkg/ /tpg/ generals with other topics like for example Apple stuff and programing they atleast maintain their shit contained.
Apple fan/haters need to start their own daily threads
And the guys that like to shill about which language is more superior (its C) have to do the same
Get some autocotrol guys Apple productos are shit/fine and Clang is the onli languange that should exist (we all know)
wait, are you suggesting that this board actually had quality content?
because that's fucking false
You dumb fucks, Sup Forums was never good.
The true cancer are threads like this where autists discuss what Sup Forums "should be."
Listen you fucktards, if you want a nice little tech safespace, fuck off back to r3ddit.
People who go on about how Sup Forums was never good or Sup Forums was never good just want to shitpost. This place used to be fun and a degree of quality was expected, now it's just a personal consumer recommendation board for Sup Forums.
It's still fun and it's still quality. Sup Forums didn't change, you did.
>degree of quality was expected
Any community that gets its laughs by pretending to be idiots will eventually be flooded by actual idiots who mistakenly believe that they're in good company.
Sup Forums was always "pretending" to be retarded.