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How do they even manage to do double shot PBT keycaps on the Anne Pro? It's ridiculously cheap. I could just get another Anne Pro with black key caps and swap everything and be cheaper than getting new pbt backlit keycaps

>numpad not even on the left side

took ages to get all these laid out and I've just realized I forgot to include my new in box model m

>not wireless

>no 60% model F

pok3rs with gaterons where

I'm not very good at soldering to be quite desu

Also these switches don't feel very tight and it always feel like I'm going to rip them out, should I hotglue them to the plate?

You can get Tai hao double shot PBT for like 30 bucks user. If you are some big chink manufacturer then you get them for even cheaper

Mine is still in production.

I'm chink but not a manufacturer.

What's a good place to get it from?

Already have SA caps on my ergodox. It'd just be nice to have a PBT set. Guess I'll have to wait for this to come out:


Solid keyboard overall, I'm a heavy arrows user though so I just need to get used to having them on a FN key.

massdrop sells some nice Vortex sets for under 30 bucks. Otherwise there is always a different set availbe

You might as well since you can still open the alps switches from the top, Cherry switches would be a bitch to glue since they'd be impossible to open after.

well there are dsa pbt caps on falbatech, but yeah, there needs to be more.

should i buy some iDye poly to dye some of my white pbt caps?

Not a fan of DSA caps, already have a set on my other ergodox.

If they actually had proper top row 1.5u keys I would've grabbed that mc rebirth set. GMK terminal has a proper ergodox set, but then


Thanks for the links, though shipping to the Netherlands is hell. Does Banggood sell them?

make sure to put fn onto caps

i kinda dislike the colour combinations pretty much all keycap sets use, this is why i want to start doing my own dyesub. i really want a blank white sa pbt ergodox set to happen.

I'd buy from aliexpress instead, if you don't mind getting chinked

Yea, it's why I'm waiting on matt3o's high profile PBT caps.

Here are my 2 cancer boards


Is there any point if you're not using your keyboard with a tablet?

Build your own Satan GH60 like I am, user. I was considering the Poker too at first, but the idea of building a keyboard with exactly what I wanted was just too enticing for me. You can build one for cheaper than a Poker if you wanted too but I went all out with mine with an aluminium case and it's still just £130. Just hunt for the cheapest component prices on AliExpress.

What do you mean, open them? I was just thinking of gluing them to the plate

You can buy clones of the Tai Hao keysets on AliExpress for even cheaper and some of these keysets are even better than the former. They're doubleshot PBT too.

What do you need for all of that aside from the pcb, the case and the switches and caps?

There isn't a point at all. Your eyes are always tethered to your monitor, wireless anything is as gimmicky as it gets.



the real crime is that he has a shitty keyboard and has never upgraded.
Posting his firearms for no reason is pretty cringy tho.
But hes being doing it for a while so I guess whatever.

I'd suggest you get a plate to mount the switches

a teensy, some electronic parts, cables, stabilizers and a plate.

Ultimate hacking keyboard or Ergodox EZ?

If you want to save some cash and can solder, an ergodox off falbatech.

ergodox, fullhand or with a really good palmrest

I'm saying that it doesn't hurt to glue them. If you ever needed to service the switches the glue wouldn't be in the way.

Filcos are far from shitty.

Oh, okay. Guess I'm going to do that then

What's wrong with them? They're pretty nice. I think the first keycap set would look particularly good on a keyboard with a matching case.

You'll want the plate with stabilisers and maybe some LEDs and a USB cable. I'm assuming you already have the soldering gear out of the way. If not, just get a kit from Amazon.

Speaking of building/customizing keyboards, can you replace switches on the rgb pok3r or does it not work as easily because of the leds?

GMK ABS is pretty damn nice, actually.

I prefer it over some PBT sets I've used.

The Poker actually has two PCBs - one with the switches and one with the SMD RGB LEDs. In other words, it won't be a problem.

>GMK ABS is pretty damn nice, actually.

I'm sure, but it's going to shine up eventually.

Hand-wire keyboard or go something like GH60 for full programmable 60% things?

If you're going to go through the trouble of hand wiring something, make it a split ortho board or something. Otherwise just get a GH60 kit.

pcbs make things more tidy and nice. grammar makes language easier to understand.

I see, I might get one then and consider replacing the switches at some point then.

Guess GH60 it is then. Thank

I've got a KBD75 on the way from a group buy, enough switches, in silver.


I'm looking for a decent uk iso dsa or sa set for it, ideas? Are there any decent gbs up for good sets right now? Something like 1976 maybe, but not so, uh, brown. Know about 1983 but don't know how i feel about it

GH60 will save you a lot of time and the effort to reward ratio would be better.


Do update us too - I'd be looking forward to seeing how you build yours. I've just bought the parts for mine yesterday, so hopefully, everything will have arrived by this time next month.

sites down and i don't want any of that pleb bullshit, i've got enough temp sets to use it i just want to complete it right

canadian here, ordered from mechanicalkeyboards.com and it started in tennessey now my package is in florida. why

The low profile devlin Q series caps are better than DSA. Should still be some skidata Q sets once the site comes back up.


my space bar keeps getting stuckplshalp

Lube your stabilisers

nah filcos are kinda ass


>pad printed keycaps in 2017
no thanks I'd get a Ducky instead

interesting lookin keys, dont know if i like the colour though

but his board doesnt have pad printed key caps

because they faded off retard.
He bought a Tai-hao set on massdrop

it seems like you have an answer in search of a problem user

yeah the problem is that my $2 rubber dome keyboard has better keycaps then Filco.
Leopold and Ducky don't have the same issue and yet they're cheaper and have better build quality

They are overpriced but you won't have any problems with them. If you care about features then get a ducky which have worse build quality.

Leopold is probably the closest competition to Filco

leopold shit on ducky and filco, it's not even a fair comparison

>have worse build quality
that may have been true two years ago, but not any more. You can get steel plates, dual layer PCBs, thick PBT keycaps, and much nicer rounded cases now on Ducky's for 100 bucks

Does anyone have the picture of the kit with the 50s style PMK keys on it? Taken next to a Krispy Kreme mug?

you mean the Duck lightsaver with Jukebox keycaps

thoughts on this thin mechanical keyboard?

Are you sure that's a Duck Lightsaver and not any other 96 key keyboard?

Looks very comfortable.
I don't like how my HHKB is raised but I like the travel distance.
I want to know how the thinness impacts the sound of typing.

Looks like it's using those new kaihl ML style switches.


there aren't that many 96 key keyboards. The redscarf has a massive acrylic bottom so thats not it

Did anyone else meme out and buy a tada68?

If so, link keysets.

>they faded off
Now hold on a minute, that's my board and this kind of memeish claptrap needs to stop. The caps didn't fade off, they got shiny as ABS from 2010 does. Here is a completely random sampling of the OEM Filco cap set for you.

You're saying a $2 MSRP keyboard has anything other than very low cost printed key caps? Post pictures of the board along with a receipt, because I like giving people the benefit of the doubt on the internet.

What model is that with the white and black keys?

how is this guy any different from sockposting? based mods please answer

IBM breamspring, a 3278 if I'm not mistaken.

What is sockposting?

lurk moar

Sorry I don't keep up with dank shit.

would you rather he post a completely white underlay

i think his guns look nice and that AK has some good looking furniture on it

stop being a boring shitter, user

the guns are literally on top of the keyboard tho

You say that like you have a problem with the sock posters.

I'd rather ebonics be on word filter or a banned.

>he doesn't go on the /bst/ threads

>photos of person with knee high socks get deleted because blue board and irrelevant to thread
>photos of guns don't
My coworkers would equally be concerned at me looking at either photos that's all im saying

Guns are technology. Faggot legs aren't.

Yes, that looks so nice. Thank you.

>what is /k/

>noguns faggot being this triggered

just like how the legs from sockfags are literally on top of their desks just so they can say it isn't offtopic
both are attentionwhoring faggots who only include something relevant to the thread so they don't get called on it and/or banned, because the keyboards/computers are just background so they can get replies for the rest

You do know most of the guns posted in these threads are pretty garbage. They're solely there to make you mad.