How comfortable are you knowing that the government is casually data mining every person in the country?

How comfortable are you knowing that the government is casually data mining every person in the country?

It kinda bugs me

Osama bin Laden won

It's a bummer, but there's no stopping them now.
The one remotely feasible candidate in the last election opposing them was Sanders and he probably couldn't make them stop even if he did get elected.
The man Obama presented himself as during his first run may have had a chance, but that public image was a total sham.
People don't deserve democracy.

I try my best to avoid the botnet, Set up VPN, use proxy, and encrypt system.

There is no way to completely escape the botent, but i'm doing my best.

>The one remotely feasible candidate in the last election opposing them was Sanders

>a literal totalstatist commie
>against surveillance

>laughs in sovjet

It's alright because Obama's doing it.

got used to it

>it's a Sup Forums episode

Don't care. Nothing to hide, nothing to fear.

Time has proven democracy doesn't work, people can't be trusted with the power of voting.

I just have to be less degenerate than other people and I won't stand out.

I'm a face rapist, mind if I swing by?

Literally dont give a shit

As a non-american it's just some pretty good keks, since I don't really fear the US government

The internet is not your friend, it was never you friend... Normal people don't care anymore and even trying to do something about this stuff will mark you out for higher scrutiny. Its all pretty depressing man.

Bern was just another neo-liberal pretending to be a bolshevik. It's really a brilliant piece of social engineering putting people like him out there. Make the poor think they have a candidate that represents them when in reality they are just voting for the establishment.

I think Bernie, with his history of civil rights activism and outspoken democratic socialist views, represents the people's interest better than the business magnate with a golden tower furnished with xboxhueg fucking letters spelling his name

He literally endorsed Hillary; A board member of WalMart.

Soc dem seems to be just Capitalism-light.

>Soc dem seems to be just Capitalism-light.
It is, but it's to be favored over neolib bs

I imagine that method may be tried eventually as we get further into late capitalism. Soc Dem may even buy the establishment another 20 years if it can figure out basic income. If not there won't be many more of these bourgeois elections left.


Except for tax returns, you can hide those and be fearless.

Sorry, but I live in European Union.

Burgers don't have democracy. They have a democratic republic. Literally a different thing since "the people" have no direct vote.

You mean UAE 2.0.

Alla akbar to you as well my brother.

If we had direct democracy we would be in ww3 right now so that's probably a good thing.

Democracy needs to go anyway. It simply can't be trusted to preserve a people or culture or race. All you have to do is basically import enough foreigners and the existing people have essentially no voice.

You're too young to be posting on this board because you obviously weren't yet born when the same thing happened to Ralph Nader. It's called living to fight another day instead of committing political sepuku.