Hey so how do you guys deal with your front webcams? I use tape on my Surface pro, but I just got a new laptop and I'm thinking about just drilling a hole in it? Has anybody tried this?
Hey so how do you guys deal with your front webcams? I use tape on my Surface pro...
How about you secure your OS instead?
Tape on the camera is a bad idea, it leaves glue on the lens should you use it, drilling a hole it in might damage your screen aside from making your laptop look terrible.
Why not just buy one without a camera?
Disassemble the computer and remove the wires connecting to the webcam and reassemble
Since James Comey is an idiot, it might be the janitor or his driver.
>final solution for absolute retard
>smarter than James Comey
That could be anyone
Disable the drivers
i once saw a plastic piece that sticks over the front camera and acts like a cover for it
it had a small sliding door so you could slide it open and use the camera normally
I don't get why people do this that aren't girls.
>Why not just buy one without a camera
>implying those even exist anymore
You can't disable the NSA
Like another user said, just disconnect the wires. If you want to be cool, wire it to a small slide switch and carefully cut out an area of the case to make it accessible. That way you can quickly enable it should you need to use it.
Normalfag memes.
>worrying about webcam
>not worrying about mic
>not worrying about the million other ways people can spy on you
Why are webcam tapers always retarded?
Make your own OS from scratch.
Sexism is so uncool, man.
Just get an old thinkpad jesus
It's okay I'm running linux
because it doesn't have the drivers for the camera anyway? :^)
>worrying about mic
>not worrying about your speakers/headphones which can be turned into a mic
>not worrying about feds sitting in a van recording em signature keylogs from across the street
>implying I don't do my computing in a faraday cage
Why do people do this? Why would anyone care about some fat autistic neckbeard looks like while jacking off to anime porn?
>implying I didn't design my house to be a Faraday Cage
I use a dab of superglue and some printer ink, pretty permanent solution
Install Gentoo and actually know that there is no malicious software running on your machine
>What is Intel ME