Why does silicon valley push so hard for non-Whites to have technology? Is this the greatest disaster of mankind, akin to violating the prime directive? Mohammedans, for instance, have used it to create an existential threat to Europe in conjunction with a certain other semitic-people.
Silicon Valley Jews Pushing Technology for Non-Whites
>this is what Drumpftards actually believe
Don't you believe in the 2nd Amendment?
Because "muh blank slate"
They actually believe that by trying to educate, feed, and clothe shitskins, it will make them become less barbaric.
protip: it doesn't work, see the american negro for example.
Trump will make technology white again.
Sup Forums is Sup Forums you newfag cuck
>calls someone newfag
>can't remember time before stormshits
>Why does silicon valley push so hard for non-Whites to have technology?
uhm.. well, I hate to break it to you but whites are a tiny minority globally.
If you produce and sell technology or just furniture and you'd like to sell this outside of your country then you'll want to target non-whites. There are, for example, these countries called China and India and both of them have a lot of people who are willing to consume and they are, in fact, not white.
>Why does silicon valley push so hard for non-Whites to have technology?
>I can't understand the idea of companies wanting to sell things to as many countries as possible to make money, this includes $50 burner Android phones for the Middle East and India
Kill yourself you fucking idiot. Not everything is a deep conspiracy.
>akin to violating the prime directive
It sounds retarded as fuck but I think that's exactly what has gone wrong with the muslim world.
Sup Forums was always stormfront, it was never liberal.
I thought stormfront hated jews. Why do they like trump who's israel's best goy?
Its funny because im 6'2" and most of the liberals in the area are either manlets or womanlets.
>but muh pool's closed
It was never liberal but it was never stormfront either newfaggot
>it's a Sup Forums bait thread on Sup Forums episode
high test is correlated strongly with conservative beliefs
no matter your height, being a low test beta is worse than anything
Conservatives unironically think the earth is 10,000 years old.
sage shill threads
back to your containment board!
You're not entitled to a job for being white.
>silicon valley push so hard for non-Whites to have technology
How exactly?
back to containment
I thought they believed it was less than that. Somewhere like ~8000. There are some now that argue the earth is actually still flat but they're just being edgy 2bh
Capitalism demands continual growth. If you can't sell any more shit to the same people, you need to find new people to sell it to.
The usual figure is 6000.
>when your only """""achievement""""" is being white