Name a better distro

name a better distro

>inb4 muh gentrash
>inb4 muh solshit

>visit desktop threads
>guys using ubuntu, fedora and stuff all have normal desktops, functional stuff to get the job done
>then the guys posting arch desktops have a lot of nonsense floating around
>100% of the time
>they don't do anything other than ricing
>100% of them have anime lolis in their background
>they try to force their degenerate virtual life onto everyone else
>it dawns on me, arch users are the transexuals of technology
>finally learned that installing arch is a mental illness

God's holy temple. TempleOS





I want a sexy wallpaper like that for Xubuntu.


I am an arch user and a transsexual MtF.



GNOME is comfy ;)

>uses the term "loli"
>isn't just as bad as the animexicans

fuck off, nigger

just werks

Sup Forums BTFO


>describing something with the appropriate term is bad

>small pinus


Bahahaha, holy shit. Archfags utterly BTFO.

void is what arch shouldve been

>installs his OS manually to look like a 1337 hacker
>doesn't want to compile/customize his packages because zero knowledge

Yeah, Gentoo is superior to this weeb poser distro in every single way.




saved that pasta


Oh, honey . . .
Whip me, beat me, call an Arch user.


Arch is just like the whore in your pic: an ugly boring cunt no one but meth addicted faggots would want to fuck.

t. gentoo user

literally any distro is better

God dammit....

Fuck it I'll use it anyway, thanks.

>using a word in reference to something that's being talked down upon

lol found the assblasted arch nigger

>uses gentoo
>thinks he could even fuck a meth addict

how will arch fags ever recover?

>not made for children


did you save that image thinking it would make a good argument or something?

Windows 10 created more cognitive dissonance than Vista and ME combined. I have never seen so many people downgrade or migrate to Linux.

Windows has no future, it will be abandoned by gamers when Vulkan becomes mainstream.

You are right, that's why I fuck a 8/10 qt3.14 girl with a MS in industrial engineering.

I use Arch currently, but I've heard good things about some of the more obscure distros, like GuixSD, NixOS, Alpine. I'm also getting a bit interested in the BSDs and Plan 9/9Front. A year ago I probably would've told you there's nothing better than Arch, but now I realize this is a big world we live in, and there are still a lot of interesting operating systems to try, even after you're realized everything Debian-based sucks.

>delusional nigger thinks anons will believe this
kek, wizards and their tales ..

>>visit desktop threads
>>guys using ubuntu, fedora and stuff all have normal desktops, functional stuff to get the job done
>>then the guys posting arch desktops have a lot of nonsense floating around
% of the time
Not true.

>>they don't do anything other than ricing
needless speculation and defamation

% of them have anime lolis in their background
My existence itself disproves this, but it doesn't really matter what their wallpapers are anyway.

>>they try to force their degenerate virtual life onto everyone else
Not really.

>>it dawns on me, arch users are the transexuals of technology
What? What does that even mean?

>>finally learned that installing arch is a mental illness
That doesn't even make sense.

I don't know if you samefagged or if you just got all these replies because you made people laugh, but there's not any truth or sense to your post.

why would he lie about something so unimportant and off-topic?

i'd say about half of the replies were samefagging

because he's an autistic faggot that has low self esteem and needs to lie about these things to give himself value

>desktop threads
>functional stuff to get the job done

Honestly? Once you learn how to use Pacman properly and get used their implementation of systemd (which is great), you really can't beat it. I migrated from Debian about 6 months ago and am happy enough with Arch to the point that I am not looking for alternatives.

Why the fuck woud anyone waste their time with a distro where you hav to do anything yourself? Do you know the type of people who waste that much time with getting their computer installing shit? Losers that hav no aspirations. They hav nothing going for them and they waste time on their screens when they coud be doing something to better themselves. I use Xbuntu and Manjaro which I get as much use as I woud with Arch becauz I don't like to waste time. People that use Arch are wasting their lives becauz they are not doing anything substantial for the betterment of their own lives. You Archfags look down at ready to use distros but really it shoud be everyone that looks down on shitheads like you. We feel sorry for you

Who says I even go as far as installing some candyass window manager? I use windows 10 on my laptop and have Arch running headless on shitty old box in the basement. Arch runs headless plex, deluge, sonarr, samba, and lamp stack. If you use linux for anything but a headless server that you occasionally ssh to then you are a complete and utter faggot.

>Archfags shitheads.

huh, i was led to belive that GNU/Linux was about choice and by Sup Forums no less. Now you tell me that I shouldn't have one?

What IDE is that?


Not him but looks like InteliJ or whatever JetBrains' Jaba IDE is called.

>emulating IDE with playonlinux . .

Gentoo is an OS for people who cant compile without portage

Especially an IDE which has a linux version.

I think they have actually opened play on linux's source code if you look at the window title more carefully.


< average arch desktop

Reminder that Donald Knuth uses Ubuntu
and Linus Torvalds uses Fedora

If Torvalds called Fedora or GNOME shit all the red hat shills in this board would mutter "Who cares? That's just like his opinion! Muh appeal to authority fallacy!"
I know archfags were obnoxious once but you don't have to start another meme circlejerk.

To be fair I don't use either. Sublime text suits me just fine.

Kat Dennings, thank me later.


>uses Ubuntu as a base

Fuck anything that uses Ubuntu in any way, shape, or form.

"Leading edge" instead of bleeding edge which ends up being broken half the time. Just werks.


Do you know why desktop threads don't have much Arch in them? Because believe it or not /wg/ was a windows board before the great banning of desktop threads, everyone flocked to /wg/ without realizing that /wg/ says NO ANIME in the fucking sticky. Now they're all over the place I've spotted them in three boards (?). The push for desktop threads made everyone switch to GNU/Linux, so in short animexicans brought in the year of the linux desktop


do you parents know you're a pedo/transexual now?


you are mentally ill.

if you use arch you're either a pedo or transexual. good thing Mr. Trump goes to office and will start hunting these lowlifes. they belong to the other side of the wall!!!

I'm afraid I can't.

Every time I use linux, there's some fucking USB backend/driver/printer issue that has already been fixed upstream but is "pending" for the idiotic maintainers. This is especially present on shit like debian that pushes things to "stable" based on existing bug reports. Uncommon hardware, nobody to report the bug, no bug report = stable software. Debian does not always monitor upstream for every little patch either, they usually just check for things relevant to open bugs. Report a bug? It'll be week, they need to backport the patch. Backporting can take a while unless it's a major security issue.

On arch, where upstream is assumed to know what they're fucking doing, the update is already available

And no, it's not unstable. It hasn't been problematic since they grew up and switched to systemd.

shit bait, faggot
go back to

arch-anywhere. Manjaro is bretty good but I don't like shit breaking back to back , somehow my arch-anywhere hasn't broken in a while compared to my manjaro installs.

Truly the distro for devs


rem best girl


dat asanagi though

literally anything else

>tfw you will never impregnate Kat Denning's tits while installing arch and then asking her for backdoor access


Is that windows 10?