>implying that Acer makes cheap low-end laptops
>implying that Acer makes cheap low-end laptops
>21 inch
>storage SSDs
why bother
>10 second battery life
>curved screen meme
Enough to start a nice housefire.
Nvidia > AMD for curved screen
The fuck does that have to do with it.
> laptop gaming
> gaming
> being manchild
kys tbhfam
I hope it takes off with the fan power at that price. Thing looks like an UFO.
Lol, what is this monster? Who does this appeal to?
Rich autistic people.
They probably still use that buggy piece of shit Optimus driver.
I never understood the appeal of gaming laptops since they are hardly upgradable, their battery life is shit, and you end up paying 6x the amount of a decent gaming desktop. May as well build one of those mini formfactor desktops and carry a generator+screen around.
This guy aint pulling $600+ a month on youtube by uploading game plays twice a week
Psshh... wait till the 1080ti version to come out
>spend $9k on a laptop
>It's an acer
I remember reading a few years ago a headline about a $30,000 iPhone and was curious to know what were the insides to justify that price. Turns out it was just a regular phone but they put a gold plated back and some decorative diamonds. Doing this it's like cheating: you can turn any pos into something expensive by slapping gold and diamonds on it.
At least for Acer that $9,000 price tag is justified by the tech they put in the laptop, props to them for making this thing, even as a concept for what it can be done (buyable from the next month, though).
Maybe it comes with a combustion engine.
The same was done for a Gameboy once. The old model.
It didn't even look good and was way too heavy to be practical.
>dual 1080
>mechanical keyboard
Is this aimed for Autistic man children with rich parents? I wonder how much they'll manufacture and sell.
I'll rather buy the most expensive Mcbook than this monstrosity.
>Acer branded
About 0 units
seriously who buys these? no way they'll sell more that 1000 globally
>gayming laptop
What a pic to show off that amazing graphical performance.
This is gonna have a sub 2 hour battery life no?
Definitely no more then 3.
Around 40 minutes im guessing when under load (gaming)
Literally why, this was a meme back in 2004, and in the era of SSD's, it's an even bigger meme that might also fuck you if one of them dies
If you can't trust a company's cheap products, how can you trust their most expensive ones?
Acer is shit m8, this thing is probably a bitch to service and nukes itself from the heat.
Show me a teardown where you can get the heatsink off the CPU in less than 10 screws and MAYBE I'll concede that Acer isn't the shittiest company imaginable.
>that action you just described
>in any laptop in less that 10 screws
Go choke on some more dicks. I'm not an Acer fan at all but you're fucking retarded.
>MAYBE I'll concede that Acer isn't the shittiest company imaginable.
Literally why ?
that's not a laptop, it's a portable desktop.
>If you can't trust a company's cheap products, how can you trust their most expensive ones?
You are fucking retarded. Cheap products are cheap for a reason.
What a cuck
but it does look cheap
me gusta
so how cheap has designi become? like 15 arab oil sultan children will buy this. did they just hire a chinese peasant to do it for 100$, how do they expect to make a profit of this?
this a fingerprint reader?
why do gaymen laptops need Dolby(R) audio?
the fan with leds i guess
so you can see it spinnnn
>implaying all acer stuff is complete shit
>what is travelmate series
>what is nitro
>what is predator
As one user above said, cheap stuff is cheap for a reason. Used 4 travelmate and one predator laptops from them over the years and they all perform very good or excellent within their respective classes.
The predator 21x is overkill.
last pic i found
this thing is huge
or the lady is super tiny
21 inch laptop. You aren't going to be carrying it onto your Gulfstream anyway, your butler is.
>being a manlet
Bet the $9000 price doesn't keep its touchpad from being complete shit
To me this looks like shit....... Might as well bring a Desktop if you are going to lug this thing around. I can't believe that there are people who buy this crap.
It's just a 'look what we can do' product like the Bugatti Veyron. No one really needs one and barely anyone can afford it but poorfags complain they can't afford it.
>protip: that means it wasn't made with you in mind
Seems like 64GB is low for a supposed gaming laptop. If its supposed to be high end, should it have higher RAM?
Not a gamer, just asking.
>t. mactoddler
I don't own any Apple devices. I just know what I need and what I don't need instead of whining about how some gimmick product is too expensive and unpractical on a Vietnamese basket weaving website.
16GB is enough for even the most demanding games afaik
>he doesn't quad client MMOs and power levels his alts
git gud scrub
>blue leds
green led master race reporting in
can't hear you over the sound of these red leds lad
What pig herding chink designed this?
Looks genuinely nauseating.
The amount of rivalry and dissonance on this board between cuckvidia/Nvidia users and Poolaris/AMD users is astounding.
Is there a server variant with two xeons or something?
cheap? Maybe not
Low end? Totally
Probably more than that. Even """"laptops"""" with full desktop CPUs last like 30 minutes.
Does the 1080s even run on battery?
I know very little about GPUs beyond the average consumer's knowledge. Any particular reason other than manufacturing cost why they didn't go with dual Titans instead of 1080s? I mean, for $9000 you'd expect the best, not the second best. Is it a question of heat, power consumption?
I'm a bit surprised it doesn't come with two ethernet ports.
I really don't understand you.
you shit on gaming laptops.
You shit on Acer for some reason.
you shit on everything.
Have you ever considered anything other than your close minded sad little existence?
Just try and look at things from other perspectives.
I would rather cart around a desktop and a portable generator everywhere I go.