Where can I find a torrent that'll be windows xp bootable iso? I tried black edition but that didn't work

Where can I find a torrent that'll be windows xp bootable iso? I tried black edition but that didn't work

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have you checked updoc?

i dont know what that is

Well op their is this amazing site called pirate bay which has the torrent you are looking for..


Why are you trying to get some ancient OS? What on earth are you trying to use it for? If you have a old computer then just install linux, that way you can enjoy modern computing on it.

>If you have a old computer then just install linux
If that's the case then he probably have old peripherals as well and those aren't supported by linux.

Use xp gold by computer worm


Yes they are... As long as the peripherals are newer than 1991 it is guaranteed to work. If they are older then he has to look it up

>one off akari

you got the nonfree.pizza girl

Partially agree.
I have HP printer made in 2008, and even hplip can't use it fully.
It "print" but very slow, a paper needs 3-4 minutes, and can't change the type quality, also it can't scan.

You'll just have to try a few. I've been using Black Edition for nearly a decade and no problems ....

If you have a stable system with at least one good anti-virus on it and at least one good rootkit detector, install to an HDD, get the basic configuration up and running, then attach the HDD to your other system and analyze it very thoroughly. If it's clean, keep the copy on a safe place for future use.



Someone else who had bad luck w/ BE claims this one is good:

literally exclusively for my childhood game lego rock raiders and starwars droidworks, maybe midtown madness, lego loco, and possibly lego island

oh... alright then... fair enough


I use it to play RA2.

>mfw I found a computer with Windows XP

As in Red Alert? There are fixes for that on Win10

whats updoc???

I play it from QEMU running MicroXP or Tiny7.

>portable office 2003
>Virustotal 15/52


not much, u?



Search for Windows XP GOLDĀ© edition by Computer Worm



Fuuug I don't even remember where I got mine...

All I know is that the filename is WXPVOL_EN.iso
And it works great.


>chicken invaders

holy fuck nigger I remember that fucking shit!