Why exactly is Arch Linux the #1 choice of the most experienced programmers and computer scientists?

Why exactly is Arch Linux the #1 choice of the most experienced programmers and computer scientists?
Why does nobody who knows anything about computers choose Ubuntu?

Arch = Arch Bishops
Ubuntu = Dirty Peasants

Actually Ubuntu is used by NASA. Look it up.

People use Ubuntu if they want something that just works.

People use Debian for servers (stable, testing is good for desktop use)

People use Arch as a hobby. It's so unsecure it doesn't even support package signing.

Arch is trash, and will never see use in the enterprise because it lacks a basic security feature.

but Sup Forums tells me only noobs use Ubuntu
Arch is for teh hardcore hacker

They're being ironic.

It isn't, though.

It's Windows.

>Arch Linux
>#1 choice of the most experienced programmers and computer scientists


Respected tripcode users on Sup Forums insist on Gentoo and Arch all the time. Many of them are gainfully employed in prestigious computing jobs

Arch is only good for ricers who think a terminal is the apex of computer aesthetics. These people will never write anything longer than a script to get their window manager working exactly how they want it.
Ubuntu and Debian are really the only distros that matter in CS, I don't know what you're talking about.

Fedora is more stable than Ubuntu or Debian

>he couldn't install Arch

Arch has had package signing for years though.

>oops, I fell for the (((bait)))

Because as much as Ubuntu is marketed as the user-friendly distro, it just isn't. So many bugs and shit that you have to fix and configure yourself, that otherwise just work out of the box in Arch.

Like HDMI, for example. Just last night tried plugging my Ubuntu laptop into my tv. No fucking audio, spent an hour dicking around with it installing packages and configuring files, ended up just saying fuck it and plugged my Arch laptop in instead, and it just worked without me having to do anything.

Funny thing is. I'm a Linux noob who doesn't really use Linux for anything but simple web browsing and watching movies and shit, and I always keep going back to Arch. Mostly due to the AUR. I just haven't found anything that compares to it in efficiency, easy of use, and loveliness.

With Ununtu it feels like you need to spend a lot of time googling and hunting down PPA's and shit to get most programs that aren't fairly big. But with Arch, it's always there. Sitting on the AUR.

same, plus pacman is a much faster package manager, and its tools are just much easier to use.

So, tell me Sup Forums, where do stand in your official power ranking as Debian user? Never really tried something else, besides Suse a long time ago.

>Gaming and noobs general

>Entry-level coding

>Reale serious coding, top-end server stuff and hacking

>No mention of CS or even any kind of programming at all
Sasuga arch users. All good for nothing NEETs.

Well, I'm not so much a Arch user as an Arch dabbler.

Debian is so comfy, I have no reason to leave

But most of them are on their parents basement.

>Why exactly is Arch Linux the #1 choice of the most experienced programmers and computer scientists?

[citation needed]

Arch-anywhere ISO, literally just press enter ont he options you want. Installing Arch is no longer a badge of recognition. Go fuck yourself.

By the way it sucks hairy balls, I found it under performing compared to a minimal Debian install. AUR is a joke.

>With Ununtu it feels like you need to spend a lot of time googling and hunting down PPA'

literally sudo apt install package-name

default Ubuntu repos have almost all the packages. required dependencies are installed automatically. what is the fuss?

Under-performing how?
>AUR is a joke.
Huh? Why?

Unity-Compiz is the only usable environment for gaming, playing videos and browsing without screen tearing and blackouts.

I tested Arch+xfce and Arch+Cinnamon, both were horrible in font rendering and screen tearing. When I installed compton, huge transparent bezels started showing up under menus and applets.

I'm using Compiz 0.8 from AUR without problems like screen tearing.


You are all completely stupid. Debian is outdated and insecure. More over, it's just a noobuntu spin that was made to attract power users. All it's maintainers are SJW and the distro is sponsored by jews and the liberal media.
The Debian project shows through it's public statements and manifests that it's clearly no aligned with the moral Christian values that made the US the great nation it came to be.
It's degenerate.

Arch Linux is superior to it in every way. It has bleeding edge packages, what means more stability and security, since you get all the last bug fixes.
It's rolling release, it doesn't randomly breaks during version updates.
It's also more configurable and extensible. On overall you just have more control over your computer.
Anyone that is serious about their OS uses Arch.

>just a noobuntu spin
Back to for you.

>Why exactly is Arch Linux the #1 choice of the most experienced programmers and computer scientists?

It's not.

here is the exact reason people hate Arch users. this troll points it out exactly

>bleeding edge packages
>what means more stability and security
having the latest kernel is a meme and rarely necessary unless experiencing issues or security updates
>all the last bug fixes
so does ever other distro
>more control over your computer
a Sup Forums meme. most people dont care about a million background options

Why do people run Arch when Manjaro exists?

>a thinkpad
>linux installed
>a half naked woman on the bed
oh man, you're living the dream

I use sabayon.
Love my gentoo working out of the box.

Despite this, the "get shit done" distro is the bubuntu.

>Why exactly is Arch Linux the #1 choice of the most experienced programmers and computer scientists?
AHHAHHAH... this is what idiots actually believe...


Go to any large US university and look at what CS profs use: 90% if it is some form of a Mac. Even Brian Kernighan uses Macs.

Anyway, pic related... smartest guy in the world is using Macs.

>getting this mad over a loonix distro
Lmaoing @ ur life

The only two distro's I use are Arch and Ubuntu Server. Don't need anything else.

Same with me pretty much
Arch on desktops and laptops
Debian on file server
xubuntu on anything really old and that I'm too lazy to install and configure debian on

You try to sell this as an advanced argument, but still fails as every argumentum ad populum.

>Why exactly is Arch Linux the #1 choice of the most experienced programmers and computer scientists?
This isn't exactly correct in terms of it being a choice. What actually happened is that the removal of the beginner's guide and the revised installation guide successfully filtered out a very, very large number of potential users and now only kernel devs and the like are able to see through the obfuscated installation process. Of course this tends to distort the user base, but it's beautiful really.

>Why exactly is Arch Linux the #1 choice of the most experienced programmers and computer scientists?
Projecting much?

Void Linux
Stali Linux
Linux from Scratch
Gentoo Linux
Sourcemage Linux
are the only acceptable computer operating systems

I go to an elite university and nobody uses arch, it's always debian/ubuntu or mac

This is because smart people have shit to do and don't have time to fuck around with config files for their window managers or debating online over init systems.

NEETs have all the time in the world so they don't give a shit if they have to spend 3 hours every time they update to get their sound to work again.

I don't understand why Sup Forums doesn't get this.

>timesink OS is the only acceptable OS

Some of us have to do something on the fucking PC, not just taming a hipster shit. Gentoo can be great though.

>You try to sell this as an advanced argument, but still fails as every argumentum ad populum.
The original post is even worse. It assumed some bullshit to be true without any evidence. At least my argument is based on actual data points.

Anyway, here's Google's Director of Research and one of the greatest CS scientists of all time... with a Mac.

In fact, go to any CS conference or just go to YT and search for some CS conference and see what computer presenters are using.... 9/10 times it will be some form of a Mac.

>This is because smart people have shit to do and don't have time to fuck around with config files for their window managers or debating online over init systems.
>NEETs have all the time in the world so they don't give a shit if they have to spend 3 hours every time they update to get their sound to work again.
>I don't understand why Sup Forums doesn't get this.
100% true. Smart people don't want to be sysadmins. They want shit to work so they can WORK on shit that actually matters.

Spending hours tracking some driver bug is a huge waste of time.

>People use Arch as a hobby. It's so unsecure it doesn't even support package signing.
>going on the internet and telling lies

What? I'm a pleb undergrad running arch in my shittop and my tutor who's pretty decent at physics has windows 8 and ssh into ububtu.

For the same reason anime is so popular with them. Arch is for faggots.

I believe you meant to say windows/osx

>Programming ins windows
LMAO I'm guessing you are working with languages like C# or Java

(Not) saying there is anything wrong with it..

Which episode is the one where she makes that face?

why not use koraora op ubuntu is buggy garbage

she doesnt they are just edits i wish madoka was that smug in the series

Hilarious... i think i'll keep using Debian.

>computer scientists

Every N. American compsci PhD I've heard of or seen giving a lecture on countless university sites or conventions uses a Mac or Windows, with one exception, DJBernstein used to use Ubuntu then switched to QubesOS (though he doesn't use Fedora templates and uses Ubuntu templates).

All the security people like Crowdstrike/NCCgroup ect they're all using Macbooks too.

In Europe it's different, they predominately use Debian or they use SuSe or Windows, not a lot of MacFags in Europe or Asia.

For servers most people these days don't use their own server and just use some cloud bullshit which is usually customized kernel running some container on an Ubuntu server.

People like Provos/Neils Ferguson or the guy who maintains GrSecurity (spender) they're using Windows or Mac. Spender said he contains linux to a VM these days because of systemd "intelligent daemons coming along and rewriting your config files automatically" so he stopped using it due to too much nonfreedom.

I don't anybody who uses Arch or any other maymay distros. There's probably more NetBSD users than there are Arch linux users just Arch is the most evangelical userbase. How do you know somebody runs arch? They tell you

Try freebsd

Not a shit-tier one either.
Nice booty


The meaning of life, the universe, and everything is this user's life.

>More over, it's just a noobuntu spin that was made to attract power users. All it's maintainers are SJW and the distro is sponsored by jews and the liberal media. The Debian project shows through it's public statements and manifests that it's clearly no aligned with the moral Christian values that made the US the great nation it came to be. It's degenerate.

2bh this is unironically why I don't use Debian

>now only kernel devs and the like are able to see through the obfuscated installation process.
You fucking serious nigga?
I'm a fucking bio major and can install Arch from memory just fine.
Jesus christ the average IQ on Sup Forums drops 10 points every year

When people say "insecure", what do they mean? like, referring to what kind of "attack"? I always thought important companies used linux based OS to prevent hackers, but what kind of security does the average user need?

Ubuntu is not made primarily for power users in mind unlike Arch. This is not necessarily bad. Would you seriously recommend Arch as a distro to your senile aunt?

kek is this ebin new copypasta?

>visit desktop threads
>guys using ubuntu, fedora and stuff all have normal desktops, functional stuff to get the job done
>then the guys posting arch desktops have a lot of nonsense floating around
>100% of the time
>they don't do anything other than ricing
>100% of them have anime lolis in their background
>they try to force their degenerate virtual life onto everyone else
>it dawns on me, arch users are the transexuals of technology
>finally learned that installing arch is a mental illness

Somewhat. I have been posting for some weeks now.

The Arch users actually doing shit aren't participating in desktop threads lol.

Also fuck trannies, mentally ill faggots.

Is this anime actually good? I watched the first two episodes and I'm not really sold desu.


Actually I've been thinking of switching from Fedora to this. Any reasons why I should or shouldn't do this?


why not not that guy