it's finally here Sup Forums...
It's finally here Sup Forums
i hope it doesn't blow up ;-;
An applefag resizing his pictures? Unfathomable!
That better be a dragon dildo.
i wish. maybe next time :3
tada ~
ITT: OP hates both money and his eardrums.
it looks like a dental floss catridge
pls. this is the future user.
Perhaps OP should invest in new carpet instead of wireless earbuds.
it's got this cool led that turns different colors. little details like this is why apple is ahead of its competitors
Are you the guy who was bragging about your uncle sending you free Apple products as long as you shill them online and to your friends?
>yfw you spent twice the money for half the quality of jaybirds
>muh pretty lights
>lose 1 earpod
>forced to buy the whole thing again
>lose the charging case
>forced to buy the whole thing again
>5 hour battery time
no u
is brand new
i wish i had such an uncle :(
>scavenge streets for lost earpods
>sell them for half price on ebay
big cash my friend
>is brand new
yeah... like we're going to believe that, because it looks like shit stained carpet from here, I can smell it.
Why are you posting this?
he needs affirmation to why he wasted $150
Fucking apple and their overpriced shit
initial thoughts..
Here's what i didn't like:
- have to upgrade to sierra to get best integration for airpods
- there's no auto-switching; their ads made it sound like you could. you have to manually select airpods from iphone or macbook
What i like:
- no more cables! this is pretty big one for me because i hate untangling them
- if i take one out, it pauses the music
- audio quality is pretty much on par with the regular apple earphones
overall, not bad for a first version. I predict many many people will get these because they're so convenient.
because it's technology-related and it is my duty as an early adopter to inform my fellow technologists
like all things apple, it's a long-term investment. i'm still happily using my 2014 macbook pro with no complaints :)
I love wireless audio since the psp-go release, best shit ever. You can make calls without taking the phone out of your pocket
>overall, not bad for a first version. I predict many many people will get these because they're so convenient.
what is convenient about earbuds that will only work with a couple of devices and nothing else?
change phone/laptop and they no longer work.
>it's a long-term investment.
you consumerist whore. nothing to do with computers, headphones or cell phones is an investment, this shit is literally made to fail after periods of time.
very cool desu :D
they work with any device since they're BT. you just miss out on some nicer integrations like customizing the double-tap functionality, etc
>'m still happily using my 2014 macbook pro with no complaints
I'm still using a Studio 1737 my parents bought for me when I was a teenager with a 2GHz Core2Duo in it, and everything runs just fine. That's not impressive, at all.
>changing their phone or laptop to anything other than iProducts
You're just as retarded as OP
Keep telling yourself that broke boy
>Using a computer for 2 years
>Long term
Fuck you OP.... Mine don't show up tomorrow.
mine were supposed to come tomorrow too, but apple told me they asked UPS to ship faster :D
I got cucked because my bank decided to randomly cancel my old card and send me a new one, so my order got delayed by a week.
No, that was me.
Post your airpods then.
Check back tomorrow night.
I'm here every night.
>Long-term investment
Holy shit Please I need to bleach my eyes for one last second
>not proper hardwood flooring (or linoleum if you need high durability)
If trips you will have to break those earbuds with a hammer.
hardwood gives you cancer
kek nice try user
I'll make the thread special for you.
No it doesn't, you fucking retard. Kill yourself, shit for brains.
So close yet so far
These threads are the fucking cancer of this board.
Look, no one cares that you suck dicks and/or take it in the arse, keep it for yourself.
dell ssd?
thanks for bumping dipshit
>These threads are the fucking cancer of this board.
You're right, we need like 10 more battle station threads, and 4 more mechanical keyboard threads.
>I'm still using a 2 year old computer
>2 years
Wow. You're really holding out on that upgrade. It must be difficult for you. What an incredible length of time you've been such a patient boy.
Core2 laptops are still viable for normal use.