Did you know that they sent people to the moon with less computing power than the pc you are currently using? What have you achieved with it?
Did you know that they sent people to the moon with less computing power than the pc you are currently using...
Made some shitty games and artwork that nobody cares about. Downloaded more porn than should be humanly possible.
shitposted on a masquerading french carpet forum
I jacked off to nude pictures of my sister.
Did you know they went to the moon with less manpower than MS used to make windows 10?
i have produced around 15 liters of cum
Did you know that black women helped send people to the moon? What have you done to thank black women?
I was wondering when Sup Forums was going to show up.
i've gone to the moon, hby
What a meme. They were using application specific hardware so of course you can get away with a shit tone of hardware optimization, cuckboi.
Cucked a black man out of his white girlfriend.
Nigga that's an understatement.
Assuming fast enough link speeds, my computer could control tens of thousands of moon missions simultaneously.
All that power, and the best I can do is go to the moon in a simulation.
My computer doesn't have thrusters, your point is invalid.
>less computing power than the pc you are currently using
That just proves the moon landing was impossible.
If the war on drugs wouldn't have existed there would already be a colony on the moon.
this desu senpai
If the war on drugs wouldn't have existed then we'd all be smoking crack right now, retard.
Alcohol is legal. Why aren't you drunk all the time?
dealing with fireofx's shit performance
It would also allow for greater rehabilitation and addiction prevention measures, if they were legal up till now. Education on drugs and things like that.
I don't really like alcohol, i would prefer weed or mushrooms, tobacco is just dumb although I did smoke for 5 years.
Weed is also legal. Why aren't you stoned all the time?
Well maybe I am, you wanna fight about it?
Because I'm not a worthless white trash piece of shit that doesn't deserve to exist.
One thing I don't like is that it makes it harder to learn, it also makes you dehydrated, and makes organs work harder than they would normally.
I could send it to the moon too if you gave me several hundred thousand tonnes of liquid oxygen and kerosene.
I have repeatedly landed on mun.
If all drugs were legal only white trash and niggers who deserve to overdose would be doing so, which is pretty much the same as now
Darwin, some of the scheduled drugs have useful research and medical purposes.
Well why the hell doesn't it?
I go on Sup Forums daily
Where is the up vote button on this forum?
>xe believes the US sent people to the moon in the '60s
i participated in seti and cure for cancer while whacking off
I play old NES and SNES games with upscaling and shaders that make it look like I'm playing them on a CRT television.
Participate in citizen science. Applied for job interview training. And download too much weebcrap.
So it's balancing out.
Weed is expensive.
Judging by your comment I have come to the conclusion that you think smoking crack is a bad thing, just like anyone who doesn't smoke crack. If that's true then there's no reason for you to assume that everyone would be smoking crack if it was legal.
>Participate in citizen science.
>brags about nudes of his sister
>doesnt post nudes
Where am i? On safe for work board? Wtf is wrong with you?
Recently? Ripped some RaMu/Rui Blu-rays for some gentlemen on /jp/. Three of which were not on the internet when I uploaded them.
You can also land on the moon with analogue equipment. Soviets and the US did this prior to apollo.
I'm running a seedbox that automatically downloads porn.
That was the hightest tech they had then.
>not posting them
God! Give this man a medal already!
I shitpost on a Soviet Gulag Reenactment Imageboard
Running moon landing simulations
Ha, I went to Minmus! And even came back in one piece!
>zee thinks it's easier to fake a live moon landing with 1960's tech and not have the soviets calling out foul than tossing a hyuge kerosene can at the moon fueled by taxpayers
Yes you are on a safe for work board actually you fucking idiot