Linux is secure they said

>Linux is secure they said
>You only need CommonSense they said
A Ransomware just targeted my Linux exploiting it's vulnerabilities without me executing a fucking thing. Explain yourselves.

Other urls found in this thread:

>i just figured out how to configure grub: the post
nice try kid, u might get a few people

So what trojan did you run?

Try harder user

>please pay a ransom of 220,000 dollars for access to your anime porn and rice

ok np

It's real, called KillDisk

How the fuck is a program or script that encrypts your entire fucking home dir going to do so without your explicit permission?
Shadow passwords exist you know

>SCREENSHOT of a bootloader

week bate

And op uses the same picture as the news...

>222 btc
That's 14 years worth of work for me. The most important shit in my computer is the meme collection.

>A Ransomware just targeted my Linux
wrong, you are just shitposting. That picture is not yours as well

Furthermore, killdisk ransomware is cross platform. Your bait would be more appealing if Sup Forums is full of gullible 14 y/o such as yourself


Oh fuck they hacked your phone too and made it upside down

The fuck clover

>Nice try configuring GRUB
>A-and OP uses the same picture
Shut your fucking pie hole homie.

.org domains are only for people who aren't using it for profit

what an unsavory guy, not using a .com

Exploiting a remote vuln and gaining root like worms do?

That's still on you if you leave your shit open though


Every single Linuxcuck in this thread is butthurt, nice.
BSD master race.


Aren't each one of those worth like $1000?
Shit bait

>Retarded BSDbabby jumps in
Explain to me why do you have the false sense of security?

KillDisk is cross platform

222btc, no fucking way this is real

>modifying grub entries to get your message across

actually... kind of clever

Is this the new meme?

Also Op you ofc you made some backups with all the tools avaliable from the free repo and the hundrers of methods to do it rsync, git, custom scrips...

well shit, it's real

>restore from backup
This is the common sense we are talking about

What is there to backup when everything's in the cloud already?

This doesn't happen on Windows 10.

Jeez, why do you guys still run that piece of unsecure shit, made by some hobbyists in their free time.

Use a professional OS.

>he took the effort
what a retard

Not even, just enable shadow passwords and secure your ports
Literally the only way someone can encrypt your drive is if they torture the root password out of you.

This happens almost exclusively on Windows 10 and you know it.

He probably wanted 2 btc but was too stupid to write it correctly. The funny thing is that nobody paid fucking dick to this cock smoker.

The site looks shitty enough to not believe anything written there.

But you probably have and you also provided root access. Now go the bathroom and cry for being a retard.


5 star post

>FBI advises paying
Nothing suspicious here :^)
You've also failed to mention that this affects BOTH Windows and Linux and that Linux variant of the malware is less dangerous:
>The good news is that ESET researchers have found a weakness in the encryption employed by the Linux variant which makes recovery of encrypted files possible, though difficult. But the same flaw doesn't exist in the Windows variant of the KillDisk ransomware.


how stupid can a person be to get his computer infected with this shit?

>222 BTC
I'd rather just reinstall lmao

By using sudo or root on everything.

made me chuckle

>not refind

>222 btc
>203915.88 USD
Who is this ransomware targeted at? Massive companies that don't back up their web servers for some reason?

Like Kalifags

So how does this shit work?

Never heard of a VM?

>A Ransomware just targeted my Linux exploiting it's vulnerabilities without me executing a fucking thing.
ok if you know this as a fact you know where you got it from, send me the url

t. malware analyst

>Never heard of a VM?
that's exactly the point

this is a much better piece of ransomware

unencrypts your files if you read computer security articles

Isn't Kali single-user (root) system?

The same way as it does on Windows I suppose. You download infected script, run it with elevated privileges and you're fucked.

>222 btc
As if anyone could even afford that, that's like ~$190,000 USD+

femanon here, how do I into ransomware?

>falling for a scam website

Tits or GTFO.

>A Ransomware just targeted my Linux exploiting it's vulnerabilities without me executing a fucking thing.

A quick google shows that it's a scam, and you can pay them all the bitcoin you want, but they won't help you with the decryption (if, in fact, decryption is even possible).

If I got this screen, I would simply:

1: Wipe the SSD.
2: Reinstall the OS.
3: Restore all my files from the backups. (You do have backups, right?)

I'll lose at most one day's of changes. (You do have your backups triggered automatically by cron, right?)

It's not worth it to me to pay 222 btc just so that I can recover the files that I created or modified within the past 24 hours.

Get praegent

I don't backup my important files regularly because I don't keep my drive plugged in constantly, since I don't want that to get encrypted in the event as well.

Not that I do anything shady, so unless Sup Forums gets a ransomware or something

>linux still don't have any capable ransomware

The year of the lunix desktop delayed. :^)

>using the smiley with a carat nose


Not backing up your important shit daily deserves ransomware.

thats what you get linux fag

Where? Did you got it, winfag?



tfw killdisk is a good piece of software and scumbags shouldn't use its name

Not sure whether the poster forgot to mention Macbooks or did it on purpose

It being upside down only makes it funnier

Please user, are you running Debian 5? SystemD is the new thing.


what is wrong with using cron and dd for backups?

there's one for os x too

just press backspace 28 times

if you're using linux and not backing up your data you are a dumb little 1337 h4x0r kid

I use Debian 8 with SystemD, and also cron, what's wrong with cron?

nothing wrong with cron and has nothing to do with systemd. not sure why you would use dd for backups though

i prefer cron with rsync you should try it


>Not having backups

>femanon here
find a male and make kids

>how do I into ransomware
curve a little, take a deep breath

>look at me look at me!
Typical spic