Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. I use Google and Microsoft software on Ubuntu. Feels good to be a normie

Nothing to hide, nothing to fear. I use Google and Microsoft software on Ubuntu. Feels good to be a normie.

Even installing ubuntu means you aren't a normie, friend



nice setup but



My local nuthouse had ubuntu on their patient computers.

Look away.
The botnet has him now.

>hey guys I'm normal look at me
I like this meme

Post your name, address, mobile number and date of birth :^)

I just removed rhel's swap form a standard corporate workstation installation on standard corporate lenovo and installed suse on recovered space. It's a fresh install so not much to look at.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

>I don't have anything to fear
>Post your info
>haha, why would I do that, there are crazy people out there who might do me wrong
>So you care what a random individual on the internet will do but not the government who have the police and military behind them

Really makes ya think, don't it

I use it because it triggers people like you.

Thanks for replying. :^)

>giving a shit what a bunch of underageb& autists think

>muh dick, muh girlfriend

Shut up, nigger.

Fuck off




also we dont hate windows, just a bit

>its another thread where a poster flaunts his ignorance

Manjaro indefinitely significantly nicer, slicker, smoother and better than ooboontoo though.

oh lawd

You are all completely stupid. Noobuntu is outdated and insecure. More over, it's just a Debain spin that was made to attract normies. All it's maintainers are SJW and the distro is sponsored by jews and the liberal media.
Canonical shows through it's public statements and manifests that it's clearly no aligned with the moral Christian values that made the US the great nation it came to be.
It's degenerate.

Arch Linux is superior to it in every way. It has bleeding edge packages, what means more stability and security, since you get all the last bug fixes.
It's rolling release, it doesn't randomly breaks during version updates.
It's also more configurable and extensible. On overall you just have more control over your computer.
Anyone that is serious about their OS uses Arch.

I thought we liked Microsoft Windows?

My grandpa was the most Normie mother fucker that ever lived, bless his soul may he rest in peace. His computer auto updated to windows 10. Everytime I saw him he would say, "user, why are Microsoft such a bunch of assholes, why would they do this to my computer". Sometimes I wonder whether it was the pain of dealing with windows 10 that killed him.

>using the smiley with a carat nose

Sure thing, kiddo.

>moral Christian values that made the US the great nation it came to be.
shiggy diggy

I personally really like Ubuntu. I get why everyone complains about unity but I happen to really like it. It works well for me.

Nice NSApost, now neck yourself


I use chrome on Ubuntu, but the main reason is proper hw acceleration. If i wanted to stay anonymous i'd probably not even use Firefox, just something really obscure and without javascript.
I would definitely not post on this google and NSA data mining board, too.

>>giving a shit what a bunch of underageb& autists think
>giving a shit what a bunch of autists think
>giving a shit about what Sup Forums thinks

Can you view the source code of all programs installed? If not, fuck off.

Normies use Ubuntu nowadays

VS Code is nice though

Also I don't use any browser besides Chrome/Chromium

Good god, it's all there.

The autoclicker program, the steam emulator and ROBLOX.

We're reaching levels of normieness that should be impossible.