Why do you think it's bad?

Why do you think it's bad?
Why does Sup Forums hate it?
What's a better option for the price?

Other urls found in this thread:


it's good and used to be the top recommended headphone on Sup Forums
it's popular now though so they pretend it's bad and they never liked it

Also, what about the M40X?

and here I am with my $50 Philips SHP9500s twiddling my thumbs because I don't know any better.

Same sound get the m40x if you don't care about the absolute comfort

It's uncomfortable and sounds like shit


much better

you've never used them

I did and returned them

My Nigga

Have you owned anything else at that price range? I switched the ATH-M50 out for the HD598SE and I couldn't be happier. Clamping force is much lower and it's more comfy for extended listening sessions. Treble is also not ear piercing like the M50.

This fatty is definitely autistic
And this is coming from someone who doesn't even own a M40/M50.

You could just bend the headband with your hands adjusting the clamping force to make it confortable.

It is as confortable as the HD600 which I also bent the small metal parts to lessen the clamping force.

I've stretched it out over my studio monitor for a week and it barely made a difference

Their price has increased quite a bit over the years, nudging it into the territory of "no longer worth it"

It's a good buy, probably the best purchase I've ever made in my life if we talk price vs. quality vs. usage.
They are uncomfortable if you wear them for more than an hour because they are heavy and if you have big head and ears they'll clamp a bit, but otherwise they are perfect for listening to music and asmr.

Any other opinion you'll read either is a meme or comes from someone with 300+€ cans.
Also nice get

Paid $80 for them, they were worse than other $80 headphones I had like k240.

There's no way anyone should pay like $200 for this retarded meme


/r/headphones don't really think highly of them either

your dumb

get sennheiser hd 558 instead

>tfw got a pair for $120 canabux 5 years ago
>the M50x sells for >$200 on amazon now,

Some say it has better sound even though it's cheaper. They're both ok as far as closed headphones go. They're very neutral, though, no ridiculous bass or anything so keep that in mind in case you're a nigger.

Bought the m40x twice and have the m50x. The m40x is a smaller build and has only one long coiled cable.

The m40x has much weaker clamping power, it's more comfortable but I've noticed that the earcups rotate very loosely compared to the m50x. The reason why I got another m40x is because my flatmate broke the plastic part of the ear clamp attachment.

The m50x has more bass and m40x is more evened out. M50X has a short cable that I almost exclusively use.

Just some of my thoughts.

it's not bad, it used to be a great bang for your buck, the thing is after it got popularized goys started charging a lot more and for the price you end up paying now you have other choices that are better.

>got m50x for Christmas
>sound was pretty good but small earpads and clamping force felt like shit
>was expecting this so also asked for and received HM5 earpads
>more than solved the comfort issues, but the increased distance from the drivers neutered the bass and overall fullness of the sound
>went back and forth between HM5 and original earpads for a week
>ordered a Philips SHP9500 because I wanted to try out open headphones without spending too much
>3 days later most satisfied I've ever been with a purchase relative to cost

If you're looking for out-and-about headphones that you won't wear for too long then I guess the m50x would be good but I already have good IEMs that fill that role.

TL;DR: order the SHP9500s and don't look back

>M50X has a short cable that I almost exclusively use.
Me right now.

M40x > M50x

It's all the wiggers around


my grammer was right


Worst headphones I've ever paid more than $40 for, absolute shit and overwhelming positive hype from people buying their first pair of headphones past Apple earbuds
They're durable, they're flexible, they're not ugly, but the sound is complete inexcusable garbage, they disgusted me and inflated my buyers remorse to the point of buyers depression. I tried the burn-in meme just to see if they could get less shitty but they didn't. I sold them for $40 (I paid full price) about a week after I bought them and never looked back
My pair after that was DT770's, the HD598 (not C), and then DT880's, all light years ahead of a ATH-M50's in terms of sound quality
If you care even remotely about having good sound whatsoever, avoid ath-m50s

The reason you see these being used in tracking booths and live DJ setups is because tracking doesn't require quality sound, just clear sound. So studio get these pieces of shit, realize they're trash and toss them into the recording booth while they mix with real studio headphones. DJs just need durability and flip out headphones with a thump, quality isn't crucial to placing cues
Absolute pieces of shit, I could go on and on
Stick to audiotechnicas turntables, their m50's are a well-reviewed flop

Sony MDR-7506 Master Race

My nigga
anybody know if the Mdr-v6 are any good?

It's the same shit with a different sticker.

So i have the ath m40x and i plugged them into my front case panel, should i buy a sound card to make the sound better? Would i notice a difference

Use the back of your motherboard and no, a sound card nor a dedicated DAC/amp will make them sound better.
They have a relatively flat impedance curve so high impedance output won't affect the sound and they are piss easy to drive.

Thanks for telling me i'll test the mobo sound, if i dont like it i'll send them back i guess

I owned them for about a year. They're not bad by any means, but they're not viable anymore since their price increase, they suck for gaming, and, in my opinion, there are better options for music listening as well.

So yes?

It'll make them louder and possibly reduce interference noise
If they're high impedance and not loud enough, then yes. If they're loud enough already and you hear no interference from PC, then no

What said. Just be careful for counterfeits from Ebay (don't buy from a dealer located in China) and Craigslist. Buy from a reputable dealer.

They're good headphones, but I personally like them more for music production than for listening to music (I was interning for a music studio for 3 years before I decided it wasn't for me). One common complaint about them are the highs, which can be shrill.

I'd recommend the HD558's if you want something for just listening to music.

External DACs make everything sound better

You were in a professional music studio for 3 years, you've been using the MDRs the whole time (because that might as well be the only pair of studio headphones) and are unfairly biased.

Not always true.

I used to a lot of headphones. Most of the time we used the MDR's for musicians while they recorded their tracks and for our vocal booth as well.

No sane studio would ever use headphones for mixing.

Prove me wrong
Tip: you can't

>getting this worked up because no one his validating his overpriced purchase

If you really want the nigga bass, get the DT770s. It beats the M50 by a landslide in every way.

I've never seen a motherboard match even the cheapest external DAC.

There's simply too much electrical noise having the sound chip right on the motherboard with everything else.

Philips Fidelio L1 mustard race

This right here. When did Sup Forums flip and start hating them?

I'm very certain that guy comes on Sup Forums often

My angry rants on headfi about them and their shit sound quality probably inspired some shitposting

When Sup Forums started falling for the meme and buying them. The DT770s are M50s that actually sounds good and don't have an excessive clamping force.

> ~60 bucks almost everywhere
>mfw over 180usd in my country

nah, he plays a huge role in reddit's audio scene which is even worse

Very true. I was actually arguing on the part that DAC's can sometimes add unwanted color to headphones (especially tube amps), but it depends on what headphones you're using.

No, you have to BEND it.

Just stretching won't make a difference.

You have to permanently change the shape of the headband.

What about m30x?


Do not trust / hpg / threads. They are ruled by the same few people all the time, who divulge their personal memes over and over again. At least they are right when they say the HD 600 are damn good headphones for the price.

>Don't trust opinions
>because my opinion says so

and what is stopping you from bending it back?

What kind of external...whatever sound thingy do I need to buy for them to sound good?

they are designed for chinese cartoon music, heightened bass and vocals, it's just a sound tuning autists like to sperg over


I don't think it's bad. I've had a pair for years and really enjoy them.

That being said they raised the price on them and now there are probably better options in that price range.

But I got mine for $20 out of pocked brand new so I couldn't be happier.

The sound is good, low end is eh, but that's good. But they really get really uncomfortable after several hours of usage.

I bought these about 5 months ago and I'm afraid that it was a mistake. If I have to be honest with myself I find them uncomfortable to wear for extended periods of time and I've worn some pretty heavy closed headphones in the past without issue before. The clamping meme is real.

Another issue I had with them is the incredibly harsh treble sounds. I'm not joking when I say that I think the only reason that these don't bother me as much as they used to when I first got the M50x's is because my hearing may be damaged to the point where I just don't hear those frequencies anymore, and I don't even listen to music/games at what most would consider is an uncomfortably high volume. The highs are just that punchy/harsh.

tl;dr I kind of believe what that Z Reviews autist has to say. These headphones are not for casual enjoyment and if you aren't monitoring then I have to believe there are better options out there. I may go back to buying another cheap pair of JVC HA-RX 700s that I'll try not to break again.

I don't hate them in the slightest
But I have to admit that compromising the isolation by replacing the pads with some Senn velour pads was a comfort upgrade


They hurt my head like fuck though. That isn't a meme.

These cheaper than m50x and do they isolate as well?

From the clamp force?
I have a massive head and they don't seem to squeeze me

Hurts my head at the top a lot after a while of use

I don't really use them for long periods though so it's not too much of a big deal

Posting memephones

I wan't these bad but they need to modernise the cable system, they'd be perfect

Why? Mine have been fine for 6 years, and have taken a lot and the cord has been stretched around.

Removable cable jack is another point of static when moving around and failure

>and here I am with my $50 Philips SHP9500s twiddling my thumbs because I don't know any better.
Have both. 9500s are my preference.

They got popular

Yup, they are really uncomfortable. That's a complete deal breaker for headphones.

M40X user here. I love them, coming from a headset. However, they clamp onto my head really tightly, I might just have a weird size head, but I would recommend some different ear cups.

headphones for redditors too poor to get Sennshit

Reddit started recommending them. That's it.

I love my pair. Long term gaming kinda sucks with them though. Not sure I'd say they're too tight but they just hurt after a while. In my defense I don't think k I've ever had headphones that didn't eventually become uncomfortable. Whether its sweaty cups, hurting ears, sagging, headband, pinching, or heavy pushing down on your head, there's always something.

Anyways. Love the headphones. Bought me the blue and tan ones. Love them. overpayed like hell but so sexy. Excellent sound.

>for the price?
Sup Forums hates them because they're not good. They're good for the price. If you break into the $250 price range you can get a lot better and you can start slowly improving your equipment with amps/dacs/receivers.

>improving your equipment with amps/dacs/receivers.
falling for placebo memes is "improvement" now?

I'm sure if you bought all of the above it would be a placebo. But I have gotten a significant improvement from using a dedicated amp and dac.

>dedicated amp
useless unless your headphones are still too quiet at max volume
useless in 95% of cases, unless your motherboard is absolute garbage then you don't need this

They are too quiet, I have a nice pair of high impedance headphones. It also improved the sound quality in that the headphones perform better at a moderate to high volume.
The dac was by no means useless. You can achieve a significantly better sound quality than what a modern motherboard can supply. Perhaps you just need a nicer dac.
That said, things seem to be going the way of a receiver with a headphone jack combined with powered speakers or a surround setup, which is disappointing since the devices aren't judged on sound quality but ports and ease of use, and they can skimp on aspects of the device without you knowing.

Sup Forums recommended me those and that's what I've been using since. I definitely don't regret buying them

My first decent headphones were the MDR-V6's. about 3 months ago one side stopped working. I bought the M50's due to reviews and my first impressions were that I hated the sound and that they were literally crushing my head. I was so upset with the sound that I went out and bought a soldering kit and took apart my V6's & successfully replaced the cord. So now I had both to compare.

This is where it gets difficult. I think the M50's sound may have changed after breaking in. I don't actively dislike them now. I bought brainwavz ear pads and they are much more comfortable now, even if the larger pads somewhat diminish the bass.

M50 has super accurate bass, I do prefer the top end of the MDR-V6's though. I think I prefer the flatter sound of the Sony's overall for my music choices.

The NVX XPT100/Brainwavz HM-5 are better options for the price.

There's also an open version of those headphones called the Spadger CD-990 being sold on amazon.

Richfags are asleep

post superlux

get less fat heads

Yes, let's just ignore the price increase.

>being poor

Nice meme