>triple the size of your laptop or use some dongles
wait, how does it even connect?
using a usb-c cable which they conveniently skipped in the pictures :^)
wait so is this the hunchback of notre dame but this time for your laptop?
>everything you've been missing
unless the ports are at the back, all I see is sd card reader and another usb type-c port. What's the point? Dongles are a lesser evil.
>pay $5k for a computer with 16 GB of memory
>have to pay another $1k for a battery to be able to use it
assassinate tim cook asap
>assassinate tim cook asap
Why? He's doing a great job running aplel into the ground.
For the fame and the newsstory
I can see it already:
>"Homophobe terror attack on Timothy Cook, founder of iTunes Music - was it ISIS?"
Does it add any ports besides USB C? I'd seriously consider this thing.
>He's doing a great job running aplel into the ground
That's the problem.
what the fuck is this lol
It doesn't even add a proper USB port so that you still have to fiddle with adapters?
How fucking dense the current mac user generation is, cannot be described in words.
Everything you have, everything you can buy in stores has fucking USB. USB-USB. Not USB-C, but USB-A. USB. Yes. I know and write C. No, that doesn't change anything in reality when you look out for new devices. They still ship with USB.
Even iPhones and iPads ship with USB-A cables. Printers in Apple stores ship with USB-A cables. Mice do as well. Keyboards do.
Everything does. So little does with USB-C. So where's the USB port?
>Everything you'll ever need
These guys are beyond stupid and have no idea about the real world outside of silicon valley. It's getting hilarious to watch actually.
Mactoddlers will defend everything.
So fucking sick of this outlook on new Macs..
innovation at work
$349 minimum. You bet your asses it will be as overpriced.
It's just an over-glorified dongle that your MacBook Pro can sit on.
The only thing its got going for it is that OWC is selling this to the right crowd of people that willfully waste their money.
Everything should be wireless all the time and never use a cable. Even power. It should also be so thin that if it is looked at wrong it breaks so that people will buy new things every 6 months. This is the future apple wants. They dont care if other people dont want it, they are going to do it anyways.
>Apple will die in your lifetime
>buying a giant brick so you can have one more usb-c port, that'll probably be used to connect that to the mbp, and a sd card slot
literally why
He's gonna take you back to the past...
>This patented solution has a range of features, which include:
>Up to 4TB of additional Flash/SSD storage (for a maximum of 6 TB, including factory capacity)
>SD Card Slot/Multi-Media card slot
>USB 3 Type A Ports for standard USB cabled devices
>Gigabit Ethernet
>And other features to be announced at a later date
I don't know why the pic doesn't show off those features.
Because mactoddlers dont care about them. I bet that they will sell under 500 of these and every reviewbait youtuber will complain that they ruin the aesthetic of the macbook.
This. Based Cook.
Hopefully he kills Apple before he dies of AIDS.
You know what? I know that already, son.
But they lack continuity nowadays. Applications tend to become a mess to work with. You have to click more and more, things get more complicated to use on a Mac with each and every newer Mac OS X/macOS version.
The simplicity is going extinct. You don't buy iLife with one click and have everything office, you NEED TO buy everything as a standalone app from the App Store that still looks, feels and IS the App Store from 10.6. Tons of clicks.
You do not get useful error dialogs anymore. You get errors like "-33" or "LOLNO This is not possible" instead of saying _why_ to prevent further unneded action. Tons of online searches.
And that is just the tip of the iceberg of the deathbringer. There is no reason anymore to stay, except for having the old shit you know and love. But that argument is getting weaker and weaker.
Transfer rates of WiFi are shit, especially when everybody in the neighbourhood starts using it (daytime). Of course these dense Apple devs do not understand that, because they live in a mansion that has one single WiFi with no interferences.
You have to charge wireless devices. Nowadays you even lose connectivity ports when charging. What's the deal with that? What's simple about that? When I have to additionally think about which port I use to charge, instead of being given no choice and just charging with a charging port?
Have you ever tried backing up 2 terabytes on a WiFi at day? Have you?
The fucking G5 brochure from 2005 I have here says it ships with 256GB. That's the same amount we have nowadays, 12 years later at a $999 price tag. You can add up to 3 additional drives without any cables on the desk, giving you more. These times are gone, that company called Apple Computer Inc. or Apple Inc. is deader than dead.
My G3 B&W from 1999 had ~200GB of storage. Fact. Not joking. I had that. A 1999 computer reaching a 2017 $999 device.
Comparing desktop and laptop is allowed with 18y in between.
>macbooks now need docking stations to be functional
a band-aid for a permanent problem.
apple should just come up with a new one with more ports.
Honestly don't think it even adds the USB-C. It's probably used to connect the dock to the MBP. It does add an SD card slot though.
Not even. OWC likes to make overpriced storage. Base model with like 1TB of HDD will be at least $500. Probably will go up to $1500 or so for 4TB.
It doesn't need multiple USB C ports to connect to the computer.
It needs a single one. There's only 1 visible USB-C on the dock.
I hope that thing can redeem itself by being too fat, they should've gone with a dock the same thickness of the computer
>tfw the glorious powerbook g4 makes a comeback
you're fucking kidding, right?
Probably some custom-molded shit that'll go directly from the port above it to the one shown on the dock and not protrude too much.
Apple fags then
>"oh wow apple released such a THIN laptop wow so innovative i'll buy for sure, who wants a thick brick anyway"
Apple fags now
>"oh wow such a thick laptop, apple sure is innovative, i'll buy for sure, who wants a thin laptop anyway?"
Type a is deprecated faggot. Go buy type c devices.
>aircraft grade aluminium
it's still cheap shitty aluminium
3 to 10 hours battery life depending on the ambient room temperature
I don't even really care at this point, but you have to wonder what the culture is like over at Apple.
What is it that makes them helpless without a strong independent black woman like Jobs to run the show? Why do they regress into insanity the moment he's out of the picture?
Have they at least fixed their cables yet? Or do they still fray for no reason at all?
Fuck, that's fucking ugly. So they put this gigantic piece of shit on the bottom and they thought what people wanted was LOTS OF NOTHING + YET ANOTHER FUCKING USB-C PORT AND A SD CARD SLOT WHAT THE FUCK.
I mean seriously, what the fuck, the creators of this need to read up a few angry forum posts and figure out what it is that people miss in their Macbooks.
You know, I'm thinking about an ethernet port, regular USB ports, HDMI, stuff like that, and maybe not an extension that's fucking twice as thick as the whole original fucking thing. Fuck.
I think it looks pretty good. Also, it has a bunch of the stuff you want.
If i had the misfortune of owning one of the 2016 MBP I'd get it.
Everyone here keeps ignoring the genuinely good parts it has.
>good parts
Damn looks like I missed another circlejerk. I'll wait ten minutes for the next one to pop up.
Are they trying to burn their users?
AIDS is no longer a death sentence.
Macs are so powerful they have extreme heat, now throw metal into the equation.
Well given they've been using metal laptops for well over a decade it's clearly not that big of an issue.